What is worth viewing in Rzeshva?


Rzeszow - Polish city, which is located in the south-east of the country. It is located on the banks of the River Vockel, which, in turn, is the influx of the Sana River. Rzeszzz, allegedly, was founded in the fourteenth century, it was from this time that he began to appear in official historical documents. Attractive for tourists, he first of all, abundance of attractions, interesting places and affordable prices. Here are the attractions, I want to write to you, but not about all, but only about the most interesting, and in my opinion, deserving that they would visit them in the first. Let's start?

Cathedral of Our Lady - Queen of Poland Steel-Will . They built this cathedral, for seventeen years since 1956, and in 1973. The cathedral is interesting for its architecture, because it harmoniously combines gothic motives with modern trends. From the very moment of discovery, the Cathedral received the status of one of the most important attractions of the city. They were erected on a unique project, over which the architect Konstantin Yankovsky and Professor Jan Boguslavsky worked. In the process of construction, unusual for buildings of this type, the technology of assembly from concrete blocks was used. Internal design and interior of the cathedral, quite modern. Floors, classically marble, stained glass windows painted, bright and very beautiful, especially children like children. Modern trends can be noted in the presence of an electrical organ. Near the cathedral, there is a tower, she is a bell tower, which is made in one with the cathedral style. The cathedral attracts both believers Catholics and tourists.

Plant on Market Square . Agree, not in every city, you can see in the middle of the main square, an ancient well. Presumably, the well was built at the end of the sixteenth century or at the very beginning of the seventeenth century. It is located in the heart of the city. The market square, is the most favorite place among the citizens, and the shower is so joined that he is like the heart of this area. Well, rather deep, since its depth is about thirty meters. In ancient times, from this well, special water porters took water, which in the future, spread it at home by local citizens.

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Jeszowsky Castle . It is easy enough to find it, as it is next door to the Olshinka Park, at the area of ​​SReniavitov, 3. They built a castle in 1906, on the place where there was an ancient castle who belonged to the well-known and knowledgeable genus of Lubomirski. An ancient castle was destroyed at the beginning of the last century, because of its dilapidation and unsuitability. But, the old castle, left behind the inheritance, in the form of a bastion towers with a gate. During the Second World War, it was decided to make from this magnificent building in the style of classicism, prison. He was prison, as well as 1981. Then the prison was closed and instead of prisoners, judges entered here. Yes, you are not mistaken and understood me correctly. Starting from those times to this day in the walls of this castle, there is a district court.

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Street on May 3 . This is the main shopping center of the city. This street is the oldest street in the city and it was founded in the 14th and 15th centuries. Initially, she joined each other, the two most important urban facilities - a church and a castle. On the street, the movement of transport is prohibited, since since the beginning of the twentieth century, it has become exceptionally pedestrian. On the street it is very interesting to wander, because there are many shops, cafes, shops with souvenirs, and a lot of other things in addition to sights. Tired? Sit on the bench, you are tasty ice cream and again on the road!

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Church of the Holy Cross . The church is a complex of buildings. This complex includes such buildings as schools, museums and of course the church himself. The church was erected in 1644-1649. Above the project, the architect Tylman worked. It is, thanks to this brilliant architect, we have a unique opportunity, admire the structure made in the style of the late Renaissance. In order to optically increase the temple, in 1705, the facade of the originally simple church was decorated with two towers, which was very harmoniously affected by its appearance. The Second World War, became a consequence of damage to many historical monuments and this church is no longer an exception. During the bombing, the shell fell into the building of the cathedral itself. It was possible to restore it, and immediately, but partially. Complete reconstruction, the cathedral, held in the fifties of the last century.

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The basements in Rusheva. Mysterious and very interesting place. Judge yourself. These basements look like an extensive network of corridors that connect an incredible multiple multi-level basement. It is about this reason that these cellars are also called the underground city. Rzeszow's city, was founded in 1354 and its location was very beneficial for making a brisk trading, therefore, they built these basements right under the market square and they performed the function of warehouses for a wide variety of goods. The depth of the dungeons does not have a clarity, so for example, one recess may be at a depth of half a meter, and another, to deepen ten meters under the ground. All corridors had their name, which was given to them exclusively on goods stored in them. For example, there is a room called "Blavatn". In this room, they walked and she belonged to the store that traded silk fabrics. Why is such a name? Everything is simple, because silk, previously called "Blavat".

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In addition to official repositories, there were also caches, about which only chosen units knew. So, for example, in the 17th - 18th centuries, in the basements that belonged to beer, hid weapons whose layouts can be seen now as exhibits. In general, these cellars were very reinforced by local residents, because in peacetime, it was kept here, and in turbulent times, such as the invasion of Tataro - Mongolian Iga and the Great Patriotic War, in these dungeons, could be hidden from militant, unfriendlies. Be sure to visit here, since the place is really very interesting and it deserves attention, like no other.

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