What are the interesting places worth visiting in Katowice?


Katowice is located in the south of Poland. The city founded the 19th century, and the city is large enough - more than 320 thousand people live in Katowice itself, and if you count with the villages in the district - then more than more.

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By the way, for some time the city was called Stalinogrud, however, under the same name, the city existed only three years. It can be noted that Katowice is specifically industrial city and developed, this is the center of the coal and metallurgical industry. And, by the way, is the city-twist with Donetsk.

Attractions in Katowice abound.

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Goldstein Palace (Palac Goldsteinow)

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The construction in the style of non-hereniss can be found in the western part of the city center, next to the Freedom Square and the street Jan Mateyo. By the way, the palace is also called the Palace of Industrialists and Villa Goldstein.

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Built this palace in the second half of the 70s of the 19th century. Two-storey palace, with a luxurious facade, stucco and three sculptures of women - they symbolize industry, science and art. Impressive stairs from marble and sandstone, well, the halls, bedrooms, bathrooms. These Goldsteins were people very rich, they belonged to several plants throughout Poland. When one of their fabrak burned down in Katowice, they moved to Wroclaw, and the palace was sold. Before the Second World War, the Palace was the Chamber of Commerce, from the 52nd year - a cinema and society of Polish-Soviet friendship. In the 60-70s, the avant-garde Theater "12a" was worked in the palace - the name of this happened simply from the room at home. Until recently, a restaurant was located in the building, now there are offices of some service.

Address: Plac Wolności 12A

Mariacki (Kosciol Mariacki)

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Beautiful church of the immaculate conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Negotic style. Due to the lack of funds, construction plans constantly changed. At first, the church was to be three-way, then she decided to do one-heel,. Near the octagonal neootic tower of 71 meters altitudes. The church was made of gray stone, and not a brick, like many buildings of that time. Despite the rather impressive height, the temple looks far more squat, or something. Inside the temple is very beautiful, with stained glass and sculptures.

Address: PLAC KS. DR. Emila Szramka 1.

Museum of History Katowice (Muzeum Historii Katowic)

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The museum you can learn more about the history of the city's development. That is, it is a collection of photographs, documents, objects, traditional clothes, devils, interior items and paintings by local artists are only about 100,000 exhibits. Most exhibits are gifts from local residents. The museum was solemnly discovered in 1976. The gallery is located in a four-story modern building of 1908. Once this building was an ordinary residential house of a rich family. More precisely, two, since in the house there are two apartments with an area of ​​150 sq. M and 300 sq.m. By the way, with central heating, which is rather unusual for those times. The exhibitions of the museum occupy three floors. The history of the city has been posted since the end of the 13th century to the present day.

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Exposure will tell you about the life of the middle class and rich bourgeoisie. It is very cool to walk along the luxurious living room, bedrooms, orphanages. Impressive rich collection of porcelain dishes. In addition to permanent exhibitions, in this museum you can get to interesting temporary.

Address: Józefa Szafranka 9

Silesian Museum (Muzeum Slaskie W Katowicach)

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The fact that the city needs such a museum, thought back in 1924, when representatives of the Silesian Earth Society began to collect the objects of culture and art that were created on this earth or had to do with it. A, Silesia is, by the way, the historical region is, for the most part, is part of Poland, and a little bit of Czech and Germany. Just Katowice (and Wroclaw) are the largest cities of the region.

As a result, the museum was opened in the 29th year, and he existed before the start of the war.

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The museum was exhibited traditional costumes, objects of crafts, paintings and religious items. For the museum, it was decided to build a new building (as before it was only the floor in one of the city buildings). It was planned that this should be some incredible and most amazing building of the whole of Europe. The building was built by the 39th year, but the Nazis was dismantled, part of the exhibits were stolen. Some collections managed to send to another museum and hide. Restored the collections only in 84, and another 8 years have continued converter work. Today in the museum is still kept by 109,000 items of art, archeology, ethnography, history. There are pictures of Polish masters, rare documentary photos, Polish posters and much more.

Address: Aleja Wojciecha Korfantego 3

Church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul (Kosciol Swietyty Apostolow Piotra I Pawla)

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The beautiful Catholic Church of the Red Brick was built on the land bought at one farmer at the very beginning of the last century. When a question was resolved by a project, a competition was even declared for the best sentence, and one German architect won in it. The church was built in neo-style and sanctified in 1902. Most of all impressive in this temple stained glass, which depict the figures of the saints, as well as statues inside. Cathedral is considered since 1925.

Address: Mikołowska 32

Museum "Silesian Izba" (IZBA SLASKA)

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This museum is devoted to the culture and art of the Upper Silesia and the work of the Polish artist of the last century Evalda Gavlik. The building in which the museum is located, was built at the beginning of the last century. First, there were stables, household premises and houses for Kucher. In the 86th, the houses were repaired and gave them a traditional Silesian character. Then the walls of the house were decorated with the work of the Gavlik, and immediately in three rooms. Then the furniture from the house of the artist and some personal belongings were transported to the museum. In addition to his furniture, other traditional interiors of this area suffered in the museum, as well as there appeared antique dishes and household items.

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All this was welcome to house local residents. Thus, the house turned into a real museum and a branch of the municipal house of culture. When you go to the house, you immediately understand how residents of Silesia lived at the end of the 19th century. As well as in this house, excursions are held, where, in addition to the selection, they arrange the actual, taking tourists to pick up cabbage, bake bread and even make fat.

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