Sharm el-Sheikh - and in November excellent weather


We flew to this resort in mid-November, because they were detained with the registration of a passport. We were scared with no warm sea and winds from the desert, but the weather exceeded our best expectations. There was no crewing heat that the light breeze was distilled off, the swimming was only in joy - the sea is awesome, warm gentle, azure.

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Sharm el-Sheikh - and in November excellent weather 10215_2

Sharm el-Sheikh - and in November excellent weather 10215_3

Fish sawing on! In our hotel, the yield to the sea was from the pontoon meters of thirty in length and immediately from Ponteon a cool break into the sea, so at first they floated near the bays and stretched ropes, then they were mastered and already dived "without reference." Turtles have not seen, but Muren treated.

Next to the hotel turned out to be another abandoned, and in front of him - a wild beach, about which we read, still preparing for the trip. It is generally something! Find an absolutely desert place in Sharma, which tends to tourists, like the Red Sea fish! In addition, on the wild beach there was a great triggering at sea.

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Food is excellent, just enough, did not pull in the cafe, not in the restaurant. But in the "city" traveled. He did not make a special impression. It was possible to think that you got to Medina in the same Tunisia or Turkey.

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I remember the sea cruise on Tiran Island. It is perfectly visible from the coast, and the move on the yacht to his hour and a half. The island organized a diving immersion of everyone.

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But there is nothing to watch there, the fish turned out to be several times less than the hotel reef. The only exotic travel is a dinner of tuna caught on the move.

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Sharm el-Sheikh - and in November excellent weather 10215_8

In general, Charm really liked, and if you choose between him and Hurghada, then the choice would be in favor of the Sinai resort.

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