Why is it worth going to Annapurna?


Annapurna - Nepal National Park, which is famous for the abundance of Tibetan temples, monasteries, as well as its healing mineral sources with hot water. Through the territory of the National Park, the road of pilgrims, which hold the way to such sacred cities such as Mustinath and Mustanga-Kagbeni.

Why is it worth going to Annapurna? 10213_1

On the territory of the National Park, there are two vertices - Dhaulagiri and Annapurna. The peculiarity of these vertices is that among themselves, they are divided into the deepest valley on the entire planet - Kaligandaki. The highest point, the National Park, is Annapurna, and its height is eight thousand ninety-one meters above sea level.

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Annapurna, takes the tenth place in height, as well as the first vertex, which mankind conquered. Around the mountain, you can make a tekning route, which actually attracts all tourists. There are three here three - Sanctuary Trek, Jomsom Trek, Circuit Trek. Describe each of these routes, I will not become, let it remain for you a small surprise.

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There is also a mandatory advice on my part. Once in Annapurn, be sure to take two things:

1. In the spring, during flowering, be sure to visit the rhododendron valleys (the sight of indescribable beauty, and you will not see anything else anywhere).

2. Take a look at one minute to the village of Ghandruk Gurungov, since it is not only considered the largest, but also the life of local residents, you will probably surprise with your primitiveness.

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Is it possible to take with you children? Of course, you can. Especially in the event that your fidget is distinguished by curiosity and irrepressive thirst for movement. But, too little travelers, it is still better to leave at home and give them the opportunity to be a little increasing for such hiking. Basically, such travels will be interesting for children after the six-year-old age. I advise you to entrust the children, the camera, since children have a more developed perception of the beautiful and their pictures, differ significantly from those pictures that adults do. Yes, and the sense of pride will cut a little traveler if he trusts such a responsible business.

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