The most interesting places in Rusheva.


In the south-east of Poland, 2 hours from Krakow.

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The city can be called big, there is a little more than 170 people. The town is mentioned in the chronicles of the 14th century. The city can be called industrially developed, as there are several factories and factories.

Since the town is old, with history, then a lot of historical attractions. That's what, for example, you can see.

Zamek W Rzeszowie or Zamek Rzeszowskich)

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Perhaps one of the main attractions of the city. The castle was built at the very beginning of the last century on the foundation of an old castle. That ancient castle existed somewhere from the 16th century and it was something like a fortress with a deep moat around, which was then the estate of one local rich. And then the castle turned into a courthouse and prison, and he dilapidated the 20th century that he just had to demolish. There were only the gates of the tower and turrets of bastions. During World War II, Polyakov execution was carried out in this building. - From 43 for 44 years, almost 3 thousand people were killed here! The prison stopped working in 1981 and the court worked for some time until he was transferred to a new, recently rebuilt building elsewhere. Today, the castle is planning to open the museum. It looks like this castle is pretty pretty, with the walls of yellow and a tiled red roof, as well as a high tower with a black dome.

Address: Plac śreniawitów 3

Rzeszowski Museum of Local Lore (Muzeum Okręgowe W Rzeszowie)

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The museum was opened in 1935, and today 24 thousand exhibits are stored there. The main part of the museum is located in the old Baroque building of the middle of the 17th century, in which the monastery of the monastery of the Piars once was located. In the 30s, the Museum was called the "Public Institute", in the 45th he was renamed "Museum of the city of Razheva", five years later, he began to wear the name of the Local History of Resheva. The museum can admire the subjects of archeology, art, history. The most interesting part is the Gallery of the Dombskie Gallery. And it is also interesting to proceed to the underground route passing under the market area, you can look at various exhibits from the XIV century to the Second World War. Also, the museum includes branches - the Ethnographic Museum (at Rynek 6), the Museum of the City History and the Biographical Museum of Juliana Prshai in the village of Nail Dolna.

Address: 3 Maja 19

Market Square (Rynek Starego Miasta)

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This area is the heart of Razheva. Very beautiful and popular place. The entire area is stamped by shops, cafes and restaurants, there are concerts and festivals. The square is starting its history in the 14th century, when the city is at a crossroads of several trading routes, and the merchants stayed in Resheva and kept their goods in large quantities. By the 17th century urgently needed a limited space for product storage. It was necessary to build underground storage facilities 10 meters deep, with corridors and rooms - it turned out to be a labyrinth, according to which contented tourists are saved today.

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From above on a market square put wooden houses, caustic shops. Despite the fact that in the mid-19th century, these facilities embraced a terrible fire, the square was quite quickly restored, and built new stores, already jewelry, furniture. Then the construction of a new district of the city began, and about the area a little forgotten, and after the Second World War she had decline at all. However, it, like a part of underground structures, was restored, and today this area is the most favorite place of all tourists and a great place for meetings and walks.

Church of the Holy Swing and Stanislav (Parafia Rzymskokatolicka SW. Wojciech I Stanislawa)

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The beautiful Roman Catholic parish church in the city center was built in 1363, on the ruins of the ancient wooden church, which existed at this place as much as the 5th century. Several times the church was terrible fires, after which it was rejected again. Large changes occurred in the middle of the 18th century, when the church was converted in the style of Baroque and touched the bell tower with a dome and the spire, on which angels were sitting.

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From the 18th century, the inner decoration has not changed much, the same altar with the columns of the early 18th century, the department in the style of Rococo, different baroque decorations. Apparently, the entire church was originally gothic, because during the restoration found that the main facade was made in the Gothic style, and the panels found traces from narrow windows, which are characteristic of the Gothic architecture.

Address: Plac Farny 5

Old Cemetery (Stary Cmentarz)

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This is the oldest city cemetery, which spread in the territory of 3.65 hectares. Today, 622 graves are located in the cemetery. The cemetery is leading his history with the third quarter of the 18th century. Then the town, like the whole southeastern part of Poland, fell under the power of the Habsburgs, and was issued a decree, which forbade the creation of a new cemetery in an urban trait. The city administration would only have a month to find a place for a new cemetery. It was decided to bury residents on the site of an ancient abandoned cemetery, however, it was expanded by the territory three times. In those years, the number of local people unexpectedly increased, respectively, and the number of dead too, so the cemetery was increased yet, until the end of the 19th century it was "mocked" to the banks of the river.

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In 1910, the cemetery was closed. However, during the second world, the cemetery began to bury again. For example, there are peaceful victims of the German bombardment of 39 years and fighters for the liberation that went to the world in 1944.

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German warriors more than once laughed in the cemetery, disappeared metal tombstones and lattices, which were then remembered or used for military needs. Yes, and after the war, the cemetery was defecated more than once, so, the city municipality was even thinking, did not break the park at this place. But this plan was not destined to come true. In the 57th year, the cemetery was closed again, and some time later they were brought to the lists of historical objects.

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The cemetery is a landmark, sad and very beautiful. And what are the luxurious statues and beautiful embossed gravestones here.

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