Goa - where summer in January


From the snow-covered and sweating of Russia, the plane flies to India. Behind the New Year holidays, and their proximity is felt by weight throughout the body and raised tourists who have been forgotten after the end of the New Year holidays. Southern Goa is more expensive, respectable (in Indian standards, of course) and ... more boring. North Goa is a more party place where words, sex, drugs and rock and roll, it's not an empty sound.

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Although compared to Thailand, for example, prostitution is missing here at all, but a huge number of Thai "massage" salons suggests that there will be all that you ask. Another thing is a real Indian culture of recovery - Aüverd. This is a complex of knowledge of the body, herbs and of course massage. I advise you to choose a salon more expensive, because even in it, the imperiousness of the interior and the simplicity of service can plunge into the shock of an unprepared Russian tourist. You can clean the skin of the legs with the help of hungry fish, you just need to forget for five minutes about the fact that the same aquarium could poison our psoriaz feet not very clean Indians. With hygiene of course trouble, in some cafes, where food was cooked with you on fire or in the oven, I would sometimes be happy to give up this spectacle because of the dirt in the kitchen and the uncleanness of the chef itself. If we have seen that the cafe do not wash the dishes, but wipe off with a damp cloth from the basin, they tried not to tempt fate, intestinal infection, she and in India, intestinal infection.

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They tried to kill microbes by the daily acceptance of the local Roma - the old monk. This disinfection method was still used sailors and pirates many centuries ago. At a cost of about 70-80 rubles per bottle of Roma, it was not overlayed and constantly raised the mood. The driving of taxi drivers and drivers of tourist minivans caused me a desire to get and check insurance. Everting absolutely forehead in the forehead, they somehow miraculously manat back without collisions. This, first of all, contributes to the soft and non-reluctal nature of the Hindus who are touched to the last passing who did not have time to complete the driver's maneuver. Nobody wipes and does not "learn anyone." Here we would be so in Russia.

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