What are the interesting places worth visiting in Cairo?


Cairo is the current capital of Egypt, after visiting it, cause different feelings, but no one else remains indifferent. There are many museums, mosques and palaces in this city. Already flying over Cairo felt the power of the city. And if this flight passes at night, you can see the green lights of thousands of mosques. I believe that who was not in Cairo, he did not see this Egypt. After all, rest at the Egyptian resorts cannot be compared with the time spent in Cairo. Cairo is a very large and densely populated city. And besides, there are contrasts in every step. So, many amazes that rich houses and areas are adjacent to the blatant poverty.Rarely in which capital of the world on the street you can meet such a number of beggars that seek alms. And this is not only a disabled. Almighty on the streets in Cairo ask all since small children and ending with the old men. Men middle-aged men are like pretending deaf-and-smile and simply show tourists paper in English, where it is proposed to assist deaf-and-and-the-membranes. If you can put it so, then you should look at these people to make an impression of Cairo. Another of the similar attractions of Cairo are families consisting of a husband, wives and three or four children driving on one motorcycle.

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Moreover, one of the children is still in breast. This is their lifestyle and one can say that this is one of the metropolitan attractions.

In addition, in Cairo there are a few more places to see.

Pyramids Giza

It is difficult to call a better attraction in the world than the pyramid of Heops, which is the only miracle of light preserved to this day. In addition, the age of the pyramid is several thousand years, there are many legends and speculation about its creation. It annually manits a lot of tourists. And they are not confused by a distance of a trip, nor even political events that sometimes occur in Egypt. Everyone wants to see the construction, who survived many eras and looking at all this with unmatched calm. Now the height of the pyramid of Cheops is 139 meters, and in antiquity it was 147.It was originally lined with limestone plates. But him, as well as other parts of the pyramid, local residents were actively used in the construction of their homes. And we can say that some houses in Giza are made of pieces of the pyramid. Many still think that the pyramid served as a tomb for Pharaoh. But it is not. Not only did his mummy be found in the pyramid, but there is also no mention of it in it, except for one name written on the inner wall of the pyramid. This name was huof and wrote it, most likely one of the builders of the pyramid. The passage to the pyramid is paid, and if there is a desire to go inside the pyramid, you will need to pay more about 500 rubles. The entrance to the pyramid is guarded by Egyptian in national clothing. But guarded, it is strongly said. He sits there and cute talking to friends. As far as I understood, it was not worth officially buying a ticket, you could give this guard a couple of pounds and calmly climb into the pyramid. When you get inside, the feeling arises that time stopped and you are not in this world. There reigns twilight and breathe at all. But after all, the pyramid was created for any tourists lazy on it. While I worked up the stairs I had a feeling that I invaded someone else's territory and I am not very happy. But I still got into the upper room and drank about 10 minutes and I remembered the legend I heard. As if Napoleon Bonaparte entered this room and asked him to leave him in her alone with a dilapidated sarcophagus. No one knows what he did there and what he saw, but after a few minutes he came out from there very pale. I do not know what I saw a great conqueror there, and here I saw a tourist from Australia, lying in the sarcophagus. She was very interesting in it. And when I remember how it was in this dark room and went to the ancient sarcopagu, and there is a bright body and smiles, I still do not understand how I did not fall there from the emotions that had fallen on me. I didn't want to watch anything else on this day and visiting the museum I was postponed for later.

Cairo Museum

Visiting this attraction is included in every tour of Cairo and there are always a lot of people there. The Cairo Museum of Me - Ancient History Museum met a large queue for tickets. Buying a ticket I was insanely happy until the guards made me pass the camera into the storage chamber. In the museum ban on video and photography. The very first thing I saw in the museum is a rosetic stone.

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Who loves the history of ancient Egypt, the name of the Egyptologist Francois Schampolon is known, thanks to which it was possible to decipher. Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs. So it is located in the Cairo Museum, and not stolen and exported by Europeans as much of the ancient Egyptian artifacts.I, of course, was insanely happy to see such a number of interesting exhibits. There is a chariot of Pharaoh, things from the tomb of Tunanhamon, many mummies of animals, jewelry and so on. But despite this, I got the impression that all this exposition is only the remnants of the fact that the Egyptians managed to preserve after the robbed intervention in their antiquity. After all, the largest collection of ancient Egyptian antiquities is stored in London. It became very insulting for Egypt. The greatest impression on me was made by the mummies of the pharaohs, which are presented with a separate exposure, for the inspection of which it is necessary to pay additionally. I do not know if there are people who come to the Cairo Museum and want to save without seeing these mummies. I, in any case, not from their number. So, mummy there 17.

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They belong to the pharaohs of different dynasties and all of them are noteworthy. They lie under the glass and a special temperature is maintained in the hall. The Mummy of the Great Pharaoh Ramses II was performed on me. He died by an old man, but even in mummy it can be seen what a majestic was this man. He has perfectly preserved the skin, teeth and a red hair visible. It must be seen.

I was in Cairo several times and I wish everyone. But everyone even for several trips is unrealistic. I want to come there again and take the new impressions of this amazing city.

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