What interesting can be viewed in Bydgoszche?


Bydgoszcz is a fairly large Polish city.

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Once by Rodgoszcz was a small fishing village, which was then prevailing into a developing shopping knot. In the middle of the 14th century, the town inhabited the Knights of the Teutonic Order, and then the influx of Jews began to the town. In the 15th and 16th century, it was actively traded by grain, then another salt, so the city of Ros and became more popular. It should be noted that most of their existence of Bydgoszc was still under the rule of the German state.

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Bydgoszcos can be considered a rather large city, more than 350 thousand people live here. In addition, this is the developing economic center of the country. And cultural too. There are different opera, musical and cinematic festivals. Also, the famous concert hall is located (Filharmonia Pomorska) and the Opera House.

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Visit in Bydgoszche Cathedral of Saints Martin and Nicholas (Katedra Pw. SW. Marcina I Mikolaja).

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This is the Catholic Church in the Gothic style, which was erected at this place in the 15th century. The most valuable monument of architecture. The church was built on the site of another 14th century church. That temple burned down during a terrible fire, so that the construction of a new church has begun immediately. The church was decided to make more, the altar also expanded at two meters. True, the money designed for the construction was not enough, and, as the locals did not tweak the money, they still suspended the construction at some point. However, with the coming to power of the new mayor, the country's richest man, by the way, the situation in the root changed, so the church was calmly completed, and they also did more than they wanted. In general, the church was built in 1466. Then he was reconstructed in the 16th century, add a chapel and raised the roof.

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True, then the fire "attacked" again to the church, her lazily reconstructed, but she fell into decline. And then she looked at it at all. In the period of the Warsaw Duchy at the beginning of the 19th-greek, the French and Russians used the Church for military purposes. A little later, Prussia reconciled the repair of the church, and it was consecrated, new, though, without a chapel, but with three old beautiful altars. Later, the walls were decorated with paintings, stained glass windows in the windows. In early 1945, however, the church again fell "under the distribution" - she was fired, the roof was damaged, the windows with stained glass knocked out. Water penetrated through the holey roof, inside the furniture and items of the decor began to dance and deteriorate. But still, the church is somehow passing through all these inconceivable obstacles, survived and today meets parishioners. Congratulated with the 500th anniversary of the Church and Pope John Paul II, sending a special letter to Bydgoszcz.

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The church, by the way, is most impressive near the windows that are similar to the honeycomb, forgive the comparison. The church is made of red brick, the roof is covered with red tiles, the arches are painted in white. Very harmonious fits into the environment. Inside, the church is piss with paints and luxury: dark blue vaulted ceilings, purple columns, green and red walls, everywhere gold-plated bas-reliefs and decorations, neat benches. Beauty and only!

Address: Farna 2

District Museum. Leona Okregowe (Muzeum Okregowe Im. Leona Wyczolkowskiego)

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This regional museum has been operating since 1923. The museum leads its history from the moment the city historical community began collecting artifacts and archaeological finds. It was in the 1980s of the 19th century. When the Polish authorities came to Bydgoszcz in 1920, the museum decided to open. There was a building from the western side of the old market. The director chose a local priest. Initially the largest collection of the museum was archaeological. She was really big - about 1000 exhibits! A few years later, Polish art was added to the museum with 195 paintings and 28 sculptures. In the 37th year, the museum got pictures of the local artist Leon Evilkovsky, who died. There were many paintings, about 400 pieces, and his engravings and drawings were handed over to the museum, as well as some memorable things. That's why the museum was decided to call him the name. To save the collection in brutal years of the Second World War, the exhibits transported to neighboring trees, while the part was still lost or retained. As many as 58 drawers with artifacts and several boxes with coins simply disappeared. Things returned to your native place in the 46th year, the museum began to work again and at the same time the exhibition and renamed. Today, 8 exhibitions can be visited in the museum today, but there are temporary. The collection of the museum is about 125 thousand exhibits.

Address: GDAńSKA 4

Vintage granaries (spichrze nad brda)

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This is the most important monument. Vintage warehouses are located in the old town of Bydgoscha, on the embankment of the River Brad. Sometime, these buildings were used to store agricultural products and food, which were transported by the river. I have already mentioned above that the city was an important point in trade, so that in the 16th century almost every local (well, not everyone, but every 10th) resident was somehow connected with trade. Moreover, by the end of the 16th century, each sixth ship on the way to Gdansk stayed in Bydgoszch.

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Therefore, more and more new granaries began to open in the city, which belonged to ordinary townspeople (as well as high-ranking residents, bishop, for example). Gradually, not only grain began to keep in these huge buildings, but also everything, for example, dishes, ceramics, etc. This is the concrete granari, of course, more like a big house. It consists of three wooden-brick structures that built here in 1800 and plus another Dutch grain of the end of the 18th century. In the last, by the way, now there is a museum of Bydgoscha, and the rest are the exhibition halls. It can be said that these interesting buildings are symbols of the city.

Address: Grodzka 11

Also do not pass by Church Clairsok - an old temple with a rich history. It is impressive with its overlaps of the 17th century, made of wood and decorated with 112 floral mosaic patterns. Address: GDAńSKA 2.

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Be sure to walk out Town Hall Square - You are accurately impressed with different heights of the houses, painted in different pleasant nonsense colors.

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In general, interesting eats in this glorious city abound!

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