Where to go to Poznan and what to see?


Poznan is in the west of Poland, on the banks of the Varta River.

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And this is one of the oldest Polish cities. Poznan keeps wonderful historical traditions, and what architecture here, what monuments! More details about the sights of the city:

Archaeological Museum (Muzeum Archeologicalzne)

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The museum has been working since 1857. Today you can see exhibits separated by temporary segments. Here and the items of the Stone Age - all sorts of implements, dishes and small items; And the exhibits of the Bronze Age, different collection of coins, objects of medieval and modern collections.

Dzialynskich Palac Dzialynskich

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The Baroque Palace was built in the third quarter of the 18th century, in the center of Poznan. Today in the building is the library. The same palace itself is very good, decorated with stucco and classic sculptures on the facade. Political meetings and concerts were held in this building. There were theatrical performances and lectured teachers of local universities. From the thirties of the last century, literary Thursdays were conducted in the palace. In the 45th year, the building burned down as a result of hostilities. It was reconstructed only 13 years later. Fortunately, all sculptures returned to the building, and did not forget about the pelican figurine - a symbol of dedication. If you go to this palace, visit the Red Hall on the first floor. This is perhaps the most beautiful place in the whole palace. Although there is still an interesting garden in the back of the building. He was broken here at the end of the 18th century. Here you can see exotic trees and ponds. But so far this garden is closed to the public.

Cathedral of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul (Bazylika Archikatedralna Swietych Apostolow Piotra I Pawla)

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One of the oldest catches of the country was built in the 10th century. The church stands on the island of Tumsky. Since ancient times, the Polish rulers were buried here (now, of course, do not bury). Once at all, everything is spent around this cathedral, political issues were solved here and all that. In the 14th and 15th centuries, the cathedral was rebuilt in the Gothic style. In the middle of the 17th century, the Cathedral was burned with a terrible fire, and it was reconstructed, now in the style of Baroque. Still a century later, the trouble was again collapsed, more precisely, a hurricane, which ripped the roofs. As soon as the holes were chosen, the fire happened again. Now he destroyed the roof, and everything inside. The cathedral again began to repair, now in the classic style. In 1945, when the city was freed from the Germans, the cathedral was again gruel, and, quite seriously. But to leave in the ruins such an old temple would be perfect sin, so it was decided to build a newly in the Gothic style. From the fire, medieval relics were rescued, which can also be seen today in the temple. This is such a difficult fate of such an old and beautiful building.

Museum of Musical Instruments (Muzeum Instrumentow Muzycznych)

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Where to go to Poznan and what to see? 10189_6

This is the only museum in Poland. By the way, the third largest in Europe. He is in the heart of Poznan, and is part of the National Museum. The museum you can admire the luxurious collection of musical instruments, some of which date back to the 16th century. Tools here from various countries of the world. The museum is the foundation in the 45th year of the last century, on the initiative of the local collector, who presented its reserves to the museum. The museum collections are divided thematically. Impressive collection of violins and piano. You can also look at the tools of Africa and South America. Various Celtic military instruments of the 2nd and century to our era, the beginning of the 18th century, Clavsine, the beginning of the 18th century, Volyns Frederick Chopin, as well as Australian Aboriginal Tools and musical archaeological finds from all over the world. In total, in this museum 19 halls and about 2000 exhibits. Rich!

Archbishop Museum (Muzeum Archidiecezjalne)

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Where to go to Poznan and what to see? 10189_8

This is a museum of works of religious art and at the same time, one of the first museums in the city of the museum was built at the end of the 19th century. Here are collected collection of religious literature and painting, which were brought from museums and cathedrals, which were subject to demolition or simply came into decay. Unfortunately, during the Second World War, many exhibits simply stolen. But the part that remains is carefully stored and replenished today - 780 exhibits. The most valuable sword of St. Peter, who, according to the Gospel, the Apostle Peter cut off the ear of Slava Malhu. The museum is divided into the themed halls: the hall of paintings and sculptures of the 14th and 6th centuries, a collection of modern art, portraits of church dignitaries, etc. Also here you can admire the rich collections of liturgical clothes - rises, covers, mitra.

Botanic Garden (Ogrod Botaniczny)

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Where to go to Poznan and what to see? 10189_10

Public park and the scientific center in the west of the city belongs to the University of Adam Mitskevich. The park covers a territory of 22 hectares and suggests more than 7,000 species of plants of all climatic zones. The park was opened in 1925, and at its opening even Poland was attended. Also in the park you can see a pool with aquatic plants and reeds, a greenhouse with tropical plants.

From 75th year, this garden is included in the list of monuments of Poznan. Also in this botanical garden, disappearing and rare plants of North America and the Far East, and the collection of ferns, which are more than 1150 species here. And, more cacti from Madagascar and Orchid -Srasota indescribable! There is also a territory where the plants from the mountain ranges of the Carpathians grow.

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Flares are held at the exhibition complex at the Park.

Church of the Virgin Mary of Tireless Help and St. Mary Magdalene (Kolegiata Matki Boskiej Nieustajacej Pomocy I SW. Marii Magdaleny)

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Where to go to Poznan and what to see? 10189_13

One of the main Roman Catholic churches of the city began to build in the middle of the 17th century. True, Swedes attacked to Poznan, so, construction had to postpone more than 50 years. The temple was consecrated at the beginning of the 18th century, and then they continued to build. The building is impressive with his luxurious facade with stucco and statues of saints. From the end of the 19th century, the organ is located in the temple. Unfortunately, in the years, the second world temple plundered and generally began to use as a warehouse. In the early 50s, the temple began to work again for its intended purpose. Today is the current church where organ music concerts are held.

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