Excursion to Peterhof


Being in St. Petersburg, it is necessary to allocate time on a trip to Peterhof. Without a visit to this suburbs of Peter with famous parks and fountains it is impossible to be considered a trip to this city. St. Petersburg is inseparable from Peterhof. There were a lot of fountains in different countries of the world, but Peterhof fountains produce a very strong impression. Here are truly masterpieces that are unique in their architectural idea for the time of their creation.

A trip to Peterhof takes a whole day. Depending on the content and saturation of the tour, its value will depend on. I chose a trip to the Nizhny Park. Excursion from Peter. The cost amounted to about 1,100 rubles. It included a reception and guide services. You can buy a tour in any city agency.

What interesting can be seen in the lower park? The first thing they will be shown is the Fountain of a big cascade, which is located opposite the Grand Palace. This fountain is made in the Baroque style, which is inherent in a very rich decor and here it is also present in the form of gilded bas-reliefs and ornamentation. The cascade is quite extended. For the embodiment of the architect's plan, a large amount of water is required. A large cascade was built under the direct leadership of Peter 1. The start of construction was attributed to 1716. The cascade begins a large grotto and immediately the next fountain famous fountain as Samson, bursting a mouth of a lion. The height on which the water column is rising from the fountain, 20 meters.

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Next, passing through the alley of fountains, you will go to the Finnish bay. It is worth staying here. It opens a magnificent view that is worth being captured in a photo or camcorder.

Next, walking through the territory of the Lower Park will see the famous Palace of Monplasir in his eastern part. This is a favorite "brainchild" of the Great Peter 1. Here, "smashes" the garden, the center of the composition of which is the "Sheaf" fountain. The fountain is organized in such a way that the rods of water flowing into the pool create the effect of the bell.

At the end of the Montplzar Alley there is another no less popular fountain - "Chess Mountain". It is easily recognizable by ornament, but it was not always.

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Peter conceived this fountain as an analogue of a cascade fountain in the residence of the French king in Marlley. Later, three statues of the dragon were installed on it, and later the fountain decorated under the chessboard and called the chess mountain. We - contemporaries see it just like that.

Children really like the fountains of "fungi" ("crackers"), which can be rushing, or sit on the bench and immediately revive the fountain, having received not a small amount of water. Such entertainment to taste and many adult visitors of the Lower Park. In many world parks, Boules are crackers, but there are few in such quantities as in Peterhof they have been preserved and are still valid.

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You get a special impression from Roman fountains that are made of different breeds of color marble, have a beautiful finish and several levels. They are nearby to "Chess Mount". Many park fountains, including Romans, were strongly damaged during the Second World War and were subsequently reconstructed.

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The original architectural and engineering find is implemented in the design of the Sun Fountain. Due to the rotating pillar and disks with the water jet holes create the effect of the Sun with diverging rays.

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Each fountain of the lower park is truly unique. Each has its own idea, architectural thought. It is impossible to pass by a single fountain. They are surprised, amazing with their beauty.

There is an adam and Eve in the lower park, but this is not just a statue, as well as fountains. It should be noted that this is perhaps the only structures that have not changed in 250 years. Those they were conceived and we see them today.

A trip to Peterhof is a unique opportunity to see the masterpieces of town planning of Peter's era 1. There are magnificent views of parks, palaces, fountains. Very pleasant atmosphere. For children, it will be cognitive to see all the beauty of this museum of history in the open-air, which for several centuries attracts a large number of people from all over the world. This "history" has undergone considerable destruction, but we managed to keep it for future generations. It is very important.

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