The most interesting places in Zakopane.


Zakopane is a ski resort in the southern Poland, 110 km from Krakow, near the border with Slovakia.

The most interesting places in Zakopane. 10182_1

The center of Zakopane is standing at an altitude of 840 m above sea level. The town is beautiful, nature there is a omnimacy, the air is fresh and clean, smells of the trees and herbs - well, what else do you need for tired of offices and computers of people? That's it, Zakopane. The air here is also considered super-useful for those who suffer from diseases of the respiratory tract and allergies.

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The resort has three areas for pokatushek: Kasprov Top, Glutal and Nasal. The highest of them - Kasprov, the top (height - 1988 m). It stands on the slopes of the main Tatran race. The area of ​​riding Glutaluvka is located on the mountains with a height of 1120 meters, and the sloth competitions pass on the steep slope of the nasal (930-1135 meters). This resort can be called pregnantly popular, and the tracks are complex. By the way, here in the distant 1907 passed the first ski competitions for the Championship of Poland.

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Skating season begins in November and ends at the beginning of May.

In addition to skis and skeins, Zakopane is attractive with its pedestrian routes, as well as picturesque wooden architecture. And the Zakopane can be called quite a cultural city. Writers and artists, for inspiration, has long been held here.

So, that's what you can see in Zakopane.


The most interesting places in Zakopane. 10182_4

It is located at the foot of the mountain GevonT (at an altitude of 1894 meters) over the springboard "Velka Krokev",. From this observation site, a stunning view of the Zakopane and the ridge of the Glitules. The lift will deliver you to the site.

Museum of Karol Shimanovsky at the Atma Villa (Muzeum Karola Szymanowskiego W Willi "ATMA")

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To begin with, Karol Shimanovsky is the Polish composer and a pianist who lived and worked at the beginning of the last century. A villa "Atma" is the very place where he spent six years of his life. In the museum you can see the personal belongings of the musician, as well as things related to his work. The villa building was built at the end of the 19th century, in the style of "chalets". Villa rented this composer, and it was here that he wrote several of his works. He rented it when he was diagnosed with tuberculosis, and he had to leave the position of director in the Warsaw Conservatory. Villa was often visited by his friends, no less famous musicians and artists. In 74th, the villa was transferred to the National Museum of Krakow, who accepted him for reconstruction. The interior that can be seen on the villa remained the same as when the musician left the villa. Today, concerts and seminars are held in this place.

Pedestrian Krupowki Street (Krupowki)

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The most interesting places in Zakopane. 10182_7

The most interesting places in Zakopane. 10182_8

This street is included in the top five of the most famous streets of Poland. And how did you think! In principle, the street is not very long, just a kilometer, stretches towards the Glituzo. The street is extremely lively and interesting, it can see street musicians, clowns, artists, merchants. There are a couple of the best hotels in the city, as well as restaurants and cafes. It must be assumed, the people who came to the town on vacation, the evenings will shoot everything on this street, so that the people here are darkness. Immediately not far, by the way, there is a lift to Mount Gubaluvka.

On the street you can buy and try a variety of national products, the delicious cheeses of the Bunz and the oscillation, for example. Do not pass by shops with woolen sweaters, blankets, leather tapkoches, wooden kitchen utensils and other souvenirs and useful dooms. For a variety in the street, you can ride in a cart, hardened by horses. By the way, once a year, sheep drives over this street, which are driving into the mountains to pastures.

Tatr Museum (Muzeum Tatrzanskie)

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An interesting local history museum The Tatra offers its guests to admire the exhibits talking about the culture, the life and traditions of the local population, and a little about the local nature. This museum has been working since the end of the 19th century.

Address: Krupówki 10

Work schedule: Wednesday - Saturday from 9.00 to 17.00, Sunday from 9.00 to 15.00 (from May 1 to September 30, also on Tuesdays from 9.00 to 17.00)

Tickets: 7.00 zł (1.7 Euro), Children 5.50 zł (1.3 Euro)

Interestingly, there are small branches throughout the city, everything is devoted to the art and architecture of Zapanskaya area. For example, now for five years a permanent exhibition has been working in the new branch of the museum "Zakopany style - inspiration" where you can see how construction, art, folk craft developed in this area, and the ethnographic collections of the late XIX century are stored here. This exhibition hall is located at Droga Do Rojów 6, in the House of Sobchakov Gonsenitsa.

The most interesting places in Zakopane. 10182_10

Work schedule: Wednesday - Saturday from 9.00 to 17.00, Sunday from 9.00 to 15.00

Tickets: 6.00 zł (1.4 euros), Children 4.50 zł. (1 euro) if you buy a joint ticket with a visit to the main museum building -10 zł and 8 zł, respectively.

You can also visit Museum of Zapansky style. Stanislav Vitkevich in "Colib", Where you can admire the architecture of the Zagopan style and the internal situation of residential buildings. Look for this department of the museum at UL. Kościeliska 18.

The most interesting places in Zakopane. 10182_11

Work schedule: Wednesday - Saturday from 9.00 to 17.00, Sunday from 9.00 to 15.00

Tickets: 7.00 zł, Children 5.50 zł.

Another department - Art gallery. Kulchitsky where there are some exhibitions from the Tatras Museum.

Address: Droga Na Koziniec 8

Work schedule: Wednesday - Saturday from 9.00 to 16.00, Sunday from 9.00 to 15.00

Tickets: 7.00 zł, Children 5.50 zł.

Visit the same Museum of the Khokholovsky Uprising Where you can learn more about the history of the Khokholovsky uprising (which occurred in 1846), and the museum is located in the house with the situation of the mid-19th century.

The most interesting places in Zakopane. 10182_12

Address: Khokholow 75

Work schedule: Wednesday - Sunday from 10.00 to 14.00

Tickets: 6.00 zł, Children and Pensioners 4.50 zł.

Do not forget that the cash regulations are usually closed in half an hour before the closure of the main building and the branch of the museum Tatras.

Gallery Vladislav Hasira

This is the author's gallery of a fairly famous local artist Vladislav Hasior, who lived and worked in the middle of the last century, up to zero.

Address: UL. Jagiellońska 18b.

Work schedule: Wednesday - Saturday from 11.00 to 18.00, Sunday from 9.00 to 15.00

Tickets: 7.00 zł, Children 5.50 zł.

In general, the city is cultural, as you can see, the locals are very proud of their history and traditions, and all this is all kind of joy!

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