What are the interesting places worth a visit to Vistula?


Vistula is located in the south of Poland.

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Most of all Vistula is known as the ski resort (on Mount Silesian Beskids), and another hanging is the Polish Center of Lutherancy. The town, in fact, small. There is a little more than 11 thousand people. The city of Vistula was nicknamed only in the 60s, and before that was only a village. The nature of the Vistula is impressive. And here are the sources of two rivers who merge and form the Vistula (I guess, they have already heard about this river).

Such a pretty small town. But, by the way, in addition to skiing, here you can see something. For example, Palace of Habsburg (Palacyk Mysliwski Habsburgow).

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The Hunting Palace of Habsburgs (Mighty Middle Affairs Dynasty of the Middle Ages and New Time) built at the very end of the 19th century. At this place there was a very small wooden domico, which was clearly enough for the royal persons, so the Ertzgercog Austria ordered the Palace here. And he chose the place because TETEREV - Sin did not hurt in these forest lands. The house was built in Tyrolean style, and the end of construction marked a grand hunt, where 30 troops were shot. In 1915, Emperor Wilhelm II and Field Marshal Paul Ludwig Hindenburg met in this palace. In general, the house was beautiful, Habsburg came here often, while in the 18th year of the last century, the locals did not attacked and did not plunder the palace. When Poland gained independence, the palace passed into the power of the State Treasury.

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And a little more later, a tourist organization was accommodated there, and the palace turned into a hotel where about 65 guests could accommodate. In the early 70s, tourists in Vistula began to look more and more, so, next to this palace, built a new hotel. The palace, however, had to close, since the old building began to wind and collapse, and it was not possible to reconstruct it yet. The tourist organization "Polish Tatras" came to the rescue, which placed their offices in the old palace. So, the palace functions to this day. He looks, of course, not so luxurious, in my opinion: the usual such cottage. But oh well. Look for the palace at Lipowa 4a.

Presidential Palace (Zamek Prezydenta Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej)

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Another important attraction of a small town. The palace was built specifically for Polish President Ignation Moscitsky. The house was built in Modern style in 1929-1930. At first, the building was with a flat roof, then after ten years, she caught the pitched roofs with copper plates of greenish-bluish color. The palace looks, however, quite simple, but beautiful. In the 39th year, the officials of Nazi Germany were placed in this palace, and after the Second World Palace renovated and re-transferred to the president. During the next decades, ministers and politicians were still in this palace. In the 90s, this palace bought a tourist organization, and the hotel was placed in the palace. But it existed relatively long. Already in 2002, the hotel was removed, and the palace restored, as was originally as a presidential residence. That is, public persons are still there, resting there.And the rest of the time the castle can be visited by everyone. Until today, most of authentic interiors have been preserved here. Look for the palace at Zameczek 1. It is located next to the Jezioro Czernianskie lake. True, to get into the castle, it is better to submit a preliminary application, but it is not necessary, maybe there any prime minister rests :) But, in principle, agree is not so problematic as it may seem.

Church of the Holy Cross (Kosciol Znalezienia Krzyza Swietego)

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This is the arrival of the Roman Catholic Church in the south of the town. The church elevated in the 80s of the last century, but the tower of the church was brought from a small village. The 30-meter tower dates back to the 16th. It looks like a wooden church of dark brown color is very modest and even as if gloomy. Yes, and his architecture, in my opinion, rather unusual. Looks at the background of green forest and lawn very impressive. Services are held regularly, as well as in the church, educational groups are organized for children and adolescents. At the church, the Bethel Center works, where youth can chat with pastors, learn more about religion and discuss different questions.

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This church is located at Kopydło 103a.

As for the ski resort, he offers an already 15 thousand hotel places. Skating season here lasts since the beginning of December until the end of March. It is worth noting that the tracks in Vista are even better prepared than in Shchyrka (the largest ski resort in Poland with the largest number of lifts), and the cost of lifting at the same time is at all below. The resort offers four areas for skiing, for a different level of preparation: Cenkuva, stojoja, savory and journal.

Soshow - for those who love complex and interesting tracks, that is, it is for professionals. For example, there is a track near the big lift, which sharply turns in front of Na Soszowie and then leads to the top along the Polish-Czech border.

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The fact that there is such a beautiful nature, we have been recruited for a long time, and writers yes artists (though, mostly local) loved to relax in this green edge from the mid-19th century. If you even arrived in Vistula not in winter, remember that it's just great to walk. In the area of ​​the surrounding mountains, trails are equipped for pedestrian walks - I am a pleasure to breathe clean mountain air! Yes, and in the city itself, it is also cool to walk, sit in local cafes, wander up shopping and buy goods from local artisans.

What are the interesting places worth a visit to Vistula? 10179_8

What are the interesting places worth a visit to Vistula? 10179_9

In general, here. Beautiful and pleasant in all senses a small Polish town. Why not?

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