What interesting can be viewed in Troms?


Tromso is located in the northern part of the country.

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The city is noisy, lively, surrounded by mountains, fjords and islands. Despite the harsh climatic conditions, the people lived here during the last glaciation and in the Iron Age, however, the city of Tromso began to be called only at the end of the 18th century. Since the days of the Middle Ages, the city was an important trading point.

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And from 19 there was already a residence of the bishop, ship repair shipyard and college. The town lies with 400 km north of the polar circle, so such scientists have started their research travel from here as Norwegian Amundsen and Nansen and Italian Traveler Nobil.

During the Second World War Ied in the city there was a residence of the Norwegian government, and therefore Tromsow managed to avoid bombing.

More than 60 thousand people live in the city (and this is the eighth in the number of residents of the city of the country). Moreover, it can be noted that the town is extremely multinational. Judge themselves: here are representatives of the already 100 nationalities! Including Russian and Finns.

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And the town is known to fans of electronics refers Röyksopp - members of this group were born in this town.

As for the sights of this city, then, above all, it Arctic Cathedral (Tromsdalen Kyrkje or ISHAVSKATEDRALEN) , the symbol of the city.

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The Lutheran Church, in fact, is officially no cathedral, but only the parish church. But what is the difference, the building is also beautiful and unusual.

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This church was built in 1965. Externally, the building does not look like the usual church. In general, this church consists of two merging aluminum triangles with a height of 35 meters. According to architects, the church was to be like Iceberg. Looks like you know! And also, the church is similar to the island of Håja, which is also in the area. Inside this building, 720 parishioners can fit simultaneously. As you go to the church, the luxurious stained glass window in the altar part is immediately striking.

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He was created 7 years after the construction of the church. The picture at the stained glass window depicts depicts the hand of God, from which three beams of light come from - on the figure of Christ and two people next to him. Three shapes on the glass repeat the symbolism of the number 3, which is in the entire architecture of the building. And in this church there is an organ, it costs about 10 years. Therefore, organic music concerts are often held in the Church building, and this is still a spectacle! This cathedral is located at Hans Nilsens VEG 41, in the Thromsdalen area.

Next, go B. Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary on Storgata 94.

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This is a Catholic Church, and at the same time the most northern Catholic cathedral in the world. The church in non-neutic style was built in 1861. Outside, the church was not very much changed over time, while the inner interior of the church was changed several times. By the way, in recent years, the Second World War in this cathedral was placed refugees from Finnmark (the area in Norway).

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In the late 60s there was a strong fire in the whole city, many buildings were injured, and this church, including. But it was renovated and returned to life. A few years later the Cathedral was visited by the Roman Pope John Paul II. The cathedral is attended by local residents of different nationalities, in most - Norwegians, Poles and Philipins.

Tromsøbrua (Tromsøbrua) - Road bridge over the Trimsøysundet strait.

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Actually, it connects the mainland (Tromsdalen, where there is a Cathedral-Iceberg) and the island (Tromsøya) part. The bridge in its kind is also the same attraction, not because there is nothing else to watch, but because this is the first console bridge. And if this word does not say anything, just admire the bridge. Yes, and so admire when you move to the island, which is.

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Before the bridge was erected through the strait, people moved from the mainland to the island on the ferry. The fact that, in fact, with the bridge would be simpler, thought in the late 40s of the last century. Then another 7 were considered and prevented, until, finally, the government did not approve the project. Then yes, Xy, until the money collected and signed the paper - as a result, the bridge was built in the 60th year. Even Prime Minister of Norway arrived at the opening of the bridge. By the way, by the time the construction of this bridge was considered the longest in all over Northern Europe (the full length of the bridge is 1036 m, and the width is 8 meters above the water - 38 meters).

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And on him, drove cars, yes, so that I had to build a tunnel in three kilometers to the north in three kilometers in a thirty, so that at least some of the cars pass there. An interesting fact is that the bridge was not only traveled and went. People began to be actively discharged from him. At some point, this bridge was at all one of the most popular suicide places in all Norway. Imagine? So, I had to install a high fence so that people would not fall out from the bridge. This fence was even called the "Suicide Fence". That's right, nothing! After that, the suicides chose other places for such an important thing, and the bridge, now "clean", in a couple of years, declared a monument to the cultural heritage of Norway. So it goes!

You can also visit Polar Museum (The Polar Museum) , at Søndre Tollbodgate 11.

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There you can admire artifacts associated with the Arctic hunting and fishing. Also, you will learn about Henry Rudy's hunter, who killed 713 polar bears, about the first woman researcher in the Arctic, about the seal hunt in the Arctic Ocean, about the whaling and research expeditions.

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This museum has been operating since 1978, opened in honor of the 50th anniversary since the researcher Roal Amundsen left Troms and went to his expedition.

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The exhibition hall is located in a building called Sjøhuset. This is the oldest house of the complex, it was built in 1800. It has both temporary, and permanent exhibitions.

Get to Cathedral at Sjøgata 2 (Tromsø Domkirke).

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This cathedral is notable for the fact that this is the only Norwegian cathedral built of wood.

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The church is built in the Gothic style. This is probably the most northern Protestant Cathedral in the world. With more than 600 places, at the same time, it is one of the largest wooden churches in Norway. Initially, there were 984 places in the church, but almost half of the benches simply removed to free the place for the tables in the back of the church. The cathedral was built in the second half of the 19th century in the center of Tromsow, on the ruins, where, in all likelihood, the church had stood from the 13th century. A little later attached a bell tower and hung the bell.

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The internally decoration of the church somehow was finished only by 1880. In general, the expensive cathedral cost local administration, but what to do! Well, the look of the church is quite modest, gray-yellow, with a green turret, there are stained glass windows in the front of the church

What else. Visit the city bars and try the local dark and bright beer, very popular in the city and beyond.

And you can on the funicular Climb a height of 420 m above sea level and dinner in a cozy restaurant, at the same time enjoying a beautiful view of the islands and mountains.

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