Where to go to Lillehammer and what to see?


Lillehammer is one of the oldest ski resorts of Norway.

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He is on the shore of Lake Miesa. Oslo is distant, 176 kilometers. I think, everyone who is at least a little interested in sports, remember that in 1994 the Winter Olympic Games were held here. A small town in winter is overwhelmed with tourists starting athletes and professionals. In this area there are integer four winter resorts: Hafiel, Kwitfiel, Shekamepen, which are located very close to each other and 15 km from Lillehammer. Well, Nurster-Shyushin, who is famous for its tracks, sort of, the best in Northern Europe - trace for cross-country skiing stretch at 350 km! In general, we come here to ski, skating, snowboard, come here to climb the mountains, breathe fresh air, ride horses on the snowy forest, ride in snowmobiles and even dog sledding and buns and have fun.

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Winter season in Lillehammer lasts from November to May. The winter in the town can be called soft, because even in January, the thermometer column is hardly dropped below - 5 S. In Lillehammer, a variety of concerts and festivals are held, for example, the Winter Festival of Arts (in February). In short, the place is notable. But what can be found here when skis and snowboard are already annoying.

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Museum "Mailaugen" (Mailhaugen)

A unique museum is a collection of wooden buildings. It is located in the GudbrannSdalen Valley, on the territory under 2000 sq.m. Under the roof and 30 hectares in the open sky.

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The place is really colorful - there are Norwegian peasant houses, the estate of the priest, fishing huts and other buildings are only about 180 buildings.

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There is also a wooden church "Gero". The church was built in the year 1150 on the site of the old church, which stood here from time immemorial. At first, this church stood in the town of Lamb, and then it was transported to Lillehammer. The uniqueness of this church is that the wooden structures of the building were installed vertically.

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Over time, the church stopped performing their direct functions. In the middle of the 19th century, she bought one local rich inhabitant, who was transported to another place. True, it was re-collected and restored much later, in the twenties of the 20th century. Today, this church is very popular and visited. Every Wednesday at 19.00 in the church is held evening, where you can get free. The Guest Museum entertains the actors dressed in traditional costumes of local residents.

Norwegian car museum (Norsk KJORETOYHSTORISK MUSEUM)

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Where to go to Lillehammer and what to see? 10162_8

The museum will take its guests the history of vehicles in the country. Special emphasis is placed on cars of local production, during the period from the beginning of the 1900s. Until the 1950s (then the last model "Troll" was released). Also in the museum you can admire with different types of gentle transport: all sorts of sleigh, carts, carts and other kolymagi. In another hall you will learn about the history of the Railway of Norway, and do not forget to look into the hall with motorcycles and mopeds. Such a museum will appeal to both adults and children, definitely. Well, who does not want to see the steam car 1901? Or a real electric car in 1917? And, of course, most of all impresses the oldest car Museum - Vartburg 1889. These are the pies! There is this museum in a kilometer from the Museum "Mayhugagen".

Norwegian Olympic Museum (Norwegian Olympic Museum)

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As I noted, the Olympic Games were held in Lillehammer, I think everyone remembers it. After the games in the city opened the museum (in the 97th year). It seems like, this is the only similar museum already in all over Northern Europe. In the museum you can trace the full history of the Olympic Games from 776 to AD. to the present day. That is, you can imagine the volume of information! The museum has a permanent exhibition, which is divided into three sections and which contains about 7,000 exhibits.

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A hall that dedicated to the Olympic Games in Greece is very interesting. There are old written sources here. By the way, in 393 BC, when Greece adopted Christianity, these games were banned, and Olympia stopped being such an important place for local residents, and then collapsed at all during earthquakes and floods. And so far, by the way, the Olympia is digging, now for an hour and a half. Just note, the first modern summer games were held in 1896 in Athens, and the winter - in Chamonix (France) in 1924, in the Olympic Hall, admire the collection of coins, medals and photos of Norway athletes. There is also a whole hall allotted under the 17th Olympic Games in Lillehammer. Quite an interesting place, you can go.

Norwegian Museum of Mail (Norwegian Post Museum)

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Where to go to Lillehammer and what to see? 10162_13

The museum founded 1947, first in Oslo. In Lillehammer, the Museum "moved" in 2003. The museum can be found in the area of ​​the city of Maikaughen. It should be noted that the place is quite interesting, because here you can learn about the 360-year history of the Norwegian postal service! Here both the brands and photos, and all sorts of papers, and the means of communication. It is worth noting that in 1854 in Norway earned the first line of the railway - they were intended for sending mail. Moreover, sorting letters was carried out right during the train movement in a special car. Delivery and experienced difficulties, because Norway is a mountainous country, besides, with a harsh climate. A collection of postal stamps is very interesting. This place is also near the Miseaugen Museum.

Hunderfossen Park Amusement Park

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Where to go to Lillehammer and what to see? 10162_15

Where to go to Lillehammer and what to see? 10162_16

This park is actually 13 km from Lillehammer. But these pair of kilometers should surely overcome to get into the fabulous world, created by the famous director Ivo Caprino. That is, this is such an open-air fairy tale, a farm, rafting and pools, attractions (which is there under 50 pieces), 4D cinemas and other joys. That is where exactly you should go with children. Like small and big.

Such interesting things will wait for you in this beautiful town and the surrounding area! Good and in winter, and in summer. Is that, in summer, smaller classes, but still fine.

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