What is worth viewing in El Jdidid?


The city of El Jadida was built at the beginning of the 17th century on the shore of the Atlantic Ocean. From Casablanca to the town of an hour and a half ride. At first, the town was called Mazagan and consisted of several buildings inside the fortress. But there was this fortress in one of the richest regions of the country. And in general, the town was one of the first settlements of Portuguese researchers in West Africa on their way to India. Buildings in this town are considered an excellent example of mixing European and Moroccan cultures. By the way, in the town more than once different films were shot, for example, "Harem" (1985) director Artur Joffe (something tells me that you did not watch him, like me, actually).

It is impossible to say that there are so many attractions in the city. But this is a fairly popular holiday destination among the locals. Tourists here are also not very much, surprisingly. The beach is luxurious, long, with a small pleasant sand.

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If you find yourself here, then go to the beach of Sidi Bouzid (2 km south-west from El Jeadida) - there are fewer people, and the water is cleaner there, and he is somehow more often. You can look at another less popular beach at Lighthouse Sidi-Quafa. The climate in this part of the country is very soft, hot, although there are strong winds, because the town stands close to the ocean (so do not be surprised if you see the locals who are bought in fabrics and blankets).

By the way, if you go to El Jadid, try to choose August for the tour, then you can see with your own eyes how it takes place in the town of Moussa, the religious festival, to which pilgrims come from all over the country and even other countries.

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As for the fact that you can still see, you can recommend Fortress Mazagan..

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There is this fort next to the port. And this is perhaps the main historical attraction of El Jeadida. The fortress began to build Portuguese in 1514, and settled on this territory a little earlier. Thirty years later, additional fortification structures were attached to the fortress, and the master of Portugal, Italy and Spain was engaged in the development of these projects. Inside the fortress, churches and chapels were gradually erected. At first, the fortress was with three gates. In the years of the French rule, the land on the south fell asleep and made a new entrance.

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More than two and a half centuries, the Portuguese ruled this part of the territory and this fortress, but they had to sign a peace treaty and leave the fortress. At the same time, it was easy to go like that - she blew up the main gates, so part of the fortress was simply collapsed. In the town behind the walls of the fortress after their departure, no one lived somewhere 50 years. In the middle of the 19th century, Sultan Morocco ordered the restoration of the part of the fortress and build an inside the mosque, in short, return life to the mini-town. And then, it was then the fortress and the town called El Jadida, which, by the way, means "new" (cities in Arabic - female). To date, four preserved four bastions can be seen in the fortress. Today, in the fortress there are residential neighborhoods, small shopping shops. Stroll along the main square of the town in the fortress and admire the 19th century mosque and the Saint Sebastian chapel, which is located in the same Bastion. As far as I know, the whole complex is taken under UNESCO custody, as an example of the fortifications of the Renaissance Age.

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Tanks - Another interesting place in El Jdidid. The entrance flows there somewhere costs 10 DH (somewhere and a half dollar).

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This place is located near the mosque at the entrance to Medina, that is, the old part of the city. The tank history leads to the middle of the 18th century. At first, at this place, in general, there was a military arsenal, converted later to the Hall of Military Assembly. Then the reservoir, or tanks, will be connected to the hall, then beam, freshwater storage. Square shape repository, with three halls and four tower. The large hall is designed in the Gothic style. The whole design looks like, it should be noted, rather gloomy and somehow solemnly. Lights the halls in a natural way, through small holes-holes in the roof make a place slightly lighter and slightly more fun. The roof, by the way, support thick 25 columns.

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These tanks were open to free visits to tourists in 1916. And then because one of the local merchants who decided to expand his shop, struck the wall and got straight into this gloomy building. By the way, these tanks filled with water a couple of times, but still there is somehow damp and not very nice. But how beautiful! At the bottom of the halls there is always a small layer of water, which reflects the rays of light on the walls. You can only go through the wall itself, but the reflection of the most wonderful and loaves will jump out! The place is so impressive of many that in the middle of the last century, the director Orson Wells even used these halls as a scenery to his film "Othello". Well, not only these tanks, in Mazagan, he also managed to sit.

In general, beautiful city, fact. Medina (that is, the city, his old part, and, is located behind the wall and you can go through the gate) here, however, a few Europeanizer and quite clean, which is also amazing.

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The names of the streets are written here in French and are duplicated in Arabic. And the medina is all - as if some huge scenery for the film. Everything is very mysterious, bright and picturesque.

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MEDINA ETQUARY 300 300 meters, small, then mean, space, but be sure to look there!

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What else is interesting, so this is what in El Jdidid is quite a lot of sculptures, and very interesting and meaningful, with the meaning of such here. In Medina there are several hotels, by the way, expensive. So, you can settle somewhere else, but you should visit Medina for sure.

In general, the town is very beautiful and pleasant, be sure to highlight the day and visit all those small sights and beauty.

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