What time is it better to go to Vienna?


Vienna is great in his own way at any time of the year. Ideally, visit this comfortable city would be worth twice: in winter, when a ski rest can be combined with a visit to Christmas fairs, and in the fall, when the gothic architecture of the city is particularly highlighted against the background of multicolored foliage of autumn trees. However, not always the desires of travelers coincide with the possibilities. Therefore, choosing time to travel to Vienna, you should be repeated from your goals and financial potential.

Winter in Vienna

The most unpredictable time years in Vienna is winter. Despite the fact that the air temperature ranges within zero, suddenly snow drifts can begin or suddenly looks bright sunshine.

What time is it better to go to Vienna? 10156_1

Contrary to weather conditions, a decorated Vienna and working around the city, Christmas fairs with intricate goods attract travelers from all over the world. Spend the impressions of tourists from the visit of Christmas fairs may be unpleasant winter wind. But, despite the drooping, sometimes windy weather, the winter city will warm the tourists with a cup of hot mulled wine on the street and a warm number in a cozy hotel. By the way, Vienna will not allow frozen and small travelers. Specially for children on holiday fairs served non-alcoholic hot punch. It is popular not only in small tourists, quite often the sweet punch ordered adults.

Winter visits to Vienna will give tourists the opportunity to ride a rink at the Town Hall. In the evenings, beautiful music and neon backlights on trees and nearby buildings make this place cheerful and enchanting. Around the roller are the tents selling warming drinks and Viennese sausages.

What time is it better to go to Vienna? 10156_2

Immediately at the end of the Christmas-New Year period, a low season begins in a music city, which will last until the end of April. The cost of accommodation in hotels is significantly reduced (by about 15-20%), and the city museum becomes low.

So, if you have the opportunity to visit Vienna in the winter yourself or with children, please travel. For children in the winter period, all children's museums are open. A winter day spent in the Schenbrunsky zoo especially to remember small tourists.

Spring in Vienna

Early coming in Vienna Spring will delight guests of the city with warm days. The average daytime temperature is + 14-17⁰c. Already in March, the city begins to green the first shoots. Closer to the celebration of Easter shop windows and cafes are decorated with chickens, bunnies and bright compositions from eggs, colors and baskets. Tourists of all ages will be able to assess the amazing atmosphere, reigning in Vienna during the celebration of Catholic Easter. Especially interesting will be small travelers who can not only see, but also to participate in merry and unusual festive events.

What time is it better to go to Vienna? 10156_3

Shops and many entertainment institutions Vienna for Easter, on the day of the Holy Trinity and the Day of Labor closed, but it should not be upsetting tourists. But it is possible to see a lot of other interesting things that is happening on the streets and in the parks of the city.

Summer in Vienna

Summer is considered the most adapted season. At this warm season is filled with tourists and Vienna. Prolonged light days promote long walks on the old town, to meet architectural and historical sights of Vienna. The weather is often wonderful. The rains are periodically wetted by Vienna, but at the same time they do not spoil holidays to tourists. Short-term bad weather can always be waited in a cafe or museum of the city. The air temperature on average holds at + 24-26⁰c. Sometimes heat rises to + 31⁰c, but it happens infrequently.

What time is it better to go to Vienna? 10156_4

Throughout the summer, various musical and theater festivals are held in Vienna in the open-air, which tourists can usually visit free. You should not leave the summer Alps without attention. Especially attractive green slopes at this time of year are becoming for small travelers. Children in person can admire the "purple" cows giving the best milk in the world. The aroma of alpine herbs will even cause adult tourists a desire to try delicious chocolate and drink a cup of paired milk.

Autumn in Vienna

A special charm of Vienna acquires autumn. Warm days and colorful foliage in parks create an ideal background for urban tourism lovers. In September and October, the air temperature still holds within + 15-17⁰c. Only from the onset of November, the cooling and recession of tourists begins to be felt.

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September can slightly scare tourists with autumn rains, but October will restore the balance. Dry weather and attractive cultural program of the second autumn month will return to the city of guests. If your vacation falls on this month, then, without thinking, go to Vienna. The ideal for walking the weather, picturesque parks, passing in the museum quarter of the fashion week and style, as well as the noisy celebration of Austria Day will make an autumn trip to Vienna unforgettable.

What time is it better to go to Vienna? 10156_6

In general, regardless of the time of year, Vienna conquers his charm and raises a desire to return.

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