Useful information about the holiday in Grüprip.


Pretty much, I have been reading negative reviews about the holiday in Hachrip. I would like to dispel at least a little given negative. The thing is that Huckripsh is located in Abkhazia and here there are their traditions that appeared not in one day.

Useful information about the holiday in Grüprip. 10151_1

The girls, especially our Slavic, are accustomed to walking in clothes, which practically does not cover the body, so it is not possible to do this here, because the eastern men can regard as a direct appeal to action. And then you should not complain about what they are uncompatible and behave like savages, because their women behave and dress up more chasandly.

Useful information about the holiday in Grüprip. 10151_2

In the ground, adopted a respectful attitude towards the elders and it is necessary to remember this. It is not worth it, too, if suddenly you do not suit the level of service or something else, since the negative and aggression give rise to the same relation. In any situations, even if they are not clear to you, try to keep calm, because it is you guests. By the way, guests love and honor guests here, the main thing is not to climb into their life and way.

Useful information about the holiday in Grüprip. 10151_3

The main advice is, just resting and enjoy the rest. Huckripsh is a good place for family holidays with kids. It is clean air, reasonable prices, excellent nature and almost complete absence of a harmful effect of civilization. Local residents live at the expense of farming, animal husbandry and of course at the expense of tourists. To the advantages of rest in the ground, I want to add the lack of a language barrier, since almost all local aborigines are quite balanced, owns the Russian language. About tips. Tips left, but reasonably, not shining with a bunch of money and not attracting fans of light profit.

Useful information about the holiday in Grüprip. 10151_4

Summing up, you can all of the above, you can narrow to one single phrase - be more modest, and then Huckripsh, will become your favorite place to relax.

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