What are the interesting places worth visiting in Šiauliai?


Siauliai is located in the north of Lithuania.

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And this is the fourth country in the country. Located this city is 140 km from Kaunas. The territory on which the city stands was the famous people in the first millennium of our era, well, about the city mentioned in the annals of the mid-13th century. So, the town is old, and today is beautiful, noisy. But, the population of the city slowly falls, by the way. But the population almost completely consists of Lithuanians. It is considered one of the cultural centers of the country. And now, what sights can be viewed here.

Cathedral of St. Peter and Paul (Siauliu SV. Apatalu Petro Ir Pauliaus Katedra)

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What are the interesting places worth visiting in Šiauliai? 10149_3

The cathedral is located in the very center of the city, and all the roads as they say lead to this place. Once at this place stood a small wooden church, which was built in the middle of the 15th century. Only later, the tree was replaced by a stone, and it turned out such a beautiful white cathedral in the Renaissance style. The tower of the cathedral rises by 70 meters, and the red tile of the building is visible from afar. Despite the fact that Schäulya constantly happened to some misfortunes, the fires, then the wars, the natural disasters, the cathedral survived and reached the present day almost in pristine. On the wall of the temple hanging the oldest sundial in the country. And time they show, by the way, accurate!

Bicycle Museum (Dviraciu Muziejus)

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What are the interesting places worth visiting in Šiauliai? 10149_5

The museum is located on Villanius Street in the very center of the city, 100 meters from the ore fountain. Here you can learn about the history of the creation and development of the bike. Exhibits here are very valuable. For example, a bicycle-grandfather, made by hand, the bike "Imperial Trumpf" 1812, German and Irish bikes, a children's iron three-wheeled bike, which has been more than 100 years old. The museum is open for about 35 years ago and has been attracted by crowds of tourists.

Museum of Photography (Fotografijos Muziejus)

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Located on the same street as the bicycle museum. This museum was opened in 1973. In it you can get acquainted with the history of Lithuanian photography and photo art from the moment of the invention and to this day. The museum hangs the works of famous artists, Lithuanian and not only. Very interesting collection of photographic equipment. It is also great to visit the museum during a variety of events held here regularly.

Resurrection Square (PrisikeLimo Aikste)

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Central city square. From her unfolded and smashed Siauliai. Square Conditionally Square is divided into several parts of Aushros and st. Tilges. For many centuries, the fair was held on this square and active trading between citizens and merchants from other cities were carried out. Then the Square of Turgus became the trading area. Today, cultural events, ideas and festivals are held on the resurrection area. And, of course, the locals are like to get together and hang out. The square surrounds important historical buildings, for example, the Cathedral of St. Peter and Paul, which I wrote above. And the same area decorates the sculpture "Grandfather with grandchildren", so cute and comfortable.

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There is a fountain, open on the city day about 10 years ago. That year, Siauluyu turned 770 years old.

Pochech clock area and Pelican Fountain (Gaidzio Laikrodzio Aikste, Fontanas Pelikanai)

The area is located at the intersection of Villanius streets and Tilges. The rooster is because on the square on the clock tower there is a metal cockerel, which welcomes guests of the square, and in different languages.

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And he says "Welcome to Siauliai" in English, Russian, Spanish, Hebrew, French, and others. Very nice. The fountain was built in the 78th year of the last century. It also did not cost without legend. It seems like, a pack of Pelikanov flew to the south, but two of them broke away from the group and drank, well, flying over Shäulyam, they landed to relax. Moreover, they sat down on the street Vilniaus and immediately began to drink from the puddles. Once the evil wizard passed by, why not, actually) and decided to "make" birds, turning them into a stone. So there are poor birds so far, and none of them will decorate. But it looks, despite this romantic history, a fountain with bird figures is very cute.

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Maternity Fountain

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The fountain sculpture was delivered here in 1979. As you can guess even from the name, the sculpture depicts a mother with a child on his knees. The fountain stands at the crossroads of Villanius and Kashton's streets, 400 meters from the resurrection area and 500 meters from the Museum of Photography.

Mount Crosses

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This place is located somewhere in 12 kilometers from the city, near the village of Yurgiaičiai. The first thing about this place is mentioned in the 16th century. It seems like, in 11-14 centuries, there was a castle in this place, burned in the middle of the 14th centuries. About how the first cross appeared on this hill, no one can tell exactly. Only legends exist on this. For example, one states that a daughter died at one local resident. He built a cross from a tree and brought him to this mountain, and when he returned home, he found his daughter alive. The miracle consisted of other villagers and began to make and bring crosses on the mountain. Another legend is as follows: in 1831, an uprising occurred, a lot of people died, and their relatives brought and put these crosses in one place. Another legend says that in the 1970s in the 70s, the Most Holy Virgin Mary with a baby Jesus appeared in this village and told that it was necessary to put the crosses.

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In general, anyway, but at the end of the 19th century, this tradition was rooted, and the crosses on the mountain was already a lot, one hundred and eighty. At the beginning of the 20th century, they were already equipped with 400 pieces, and after another 50 years, there were already more than 3,000 them here. By the time the place became famous for the whole country, and people began to come from all over the country with their crosses. Thus, by the 61th year of the last century, crosses have become more than 5 thousand. And suddenly, the mountain decide to demolish. The crosses handed over in scrap metal, the wooden parts were burned, the stone crosses were thrown into the river. In that area, the plague broke out, and there was not forbidden to travel there. And still, somehow crosses began to appear on the mountain.

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From the 88th, the place began to come to life and filling with crosses again. Today they are already more than 100 thousand, different sizes and forms. What are the meter here, the parishings hang on the chains on them. There are crosses from clay, glass, there are crosses from flaps. Everywhere you can see notes with requests, photos. In 93, the Pope Roman himself came here, who spent the solemn Mass here. After that, in 2000, the Franciscan monastery was erected next to the mountain, where the day of the Mountain of the Crosses is celebrated annually.

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