What is worth viewing in Druskininka?


This town is located on the border with Belorussia and Poland, 130 km from Vilnius.

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This is one of the oldest resorts of the country. By the way, it is known for certain that there were a few more centuries ago on the site of this resort a few centuries ago. Also in this area there are many mineral springs, so people come here not only to relax, but also to heal in local sanatoriums. With these sources, it became known at the end of the 18th century, well, and at the same time, 1794 is considered the year of the foundation of the health resort. Today in the city there are several sanatoriums and boarding houses. They come here with the most different illnesses to raise in these super-useful waters and breathe extraordinarily delicious air, because the resort is surrounded by a pine forest and juniper shrubs.

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But what can I see and where you can look.

Park Gottas

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What is worth viewing in Druskininka? 10144_4

He is located next to Druskininka. In the West, this place was called "Leninland" or "StalinWorld". The park is about 100 monuments collected from all over Lithuania, busts, sculptures, bas-reliefs of the revolution period, repression regimes and occupation times. Also a lot of premium signs, posters and other attributes. All this is in a surprisingly picturesque place. Moreover, on the territory of the Park also collects berries and mushrooms, and they are recycled right in the park.

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It's amazing that some 20 years ago there was a swamp on the park, and to organize a museum here, I had to dare - to dry the swamp, bring and pour land (in some way and two or three meters).

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There is a small souvenir shop here. With predictable pleasure they buy here glasses with inscriptions like "for their homeland, for the party, for Stalin."

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Song speakers are coming from loudspeakers, and the park is fenced with wire. Immediately rushes a bronze sculpture dedicated to the Lithuanian XVI Krasnoarmeysk Division - the 8-meter female figure, the author sculpted from his wife. Next, you can see a monument to the Soviet wars, which was brought from Siaulia - his collected Germans from the fragments of messerschimates (military aircraft). In the 800-kilogram statue made invested a bottle with their last names, however, it was found later, and even found these people and organized a meeting with them.

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It is worth noting that there were a lot of opponents of creating a similar park, which advocated the destruction of all monuments of Soviet times. Anyway, the park exists so far.

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There are monuments of Stalin, Lenin, Dzerzhinsky, Marx, Lithuanian Communists (Mitzkhavyusu-Capsuchas and others), Marita Militis, Military Personalities (Baltushis-Zhemaitis, Kaliva). There are wooden sculptures, samples of military equipment and more. There is even a monument to vodka - very exotic! Visit the restaurant in the park, of course, in the Soviet style. It serves traditional dishes - borsch in metal bowls, cutlets with buckwheat, kissel and all that. And also not far from the restaurant there is an automatic machine with a gas. Nostalgia!

Park Sculptures and Rest Antanas Harziejus Girios Aidas)

What is worth viewing in Druskininka? 10144_10

This park is 3 kilometers from Druskininsky, in the village of Nuiaasodes. This park is called because it is located on the territory of the Histanas Harzelis. In the park you can admire the unique exposition of the sculptures of the tree, which created, in fact, the owner of the manor. The house built his chronielis himself, and the furniture also did everything himself. Moreover, it can be said that the dwelling was quite original and very beautiful. Who would have thought that the real talent lives in the forester Antanas!

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Although they guessed, because, while still working in the forestry, the master made artized artistic cases of telephones and all sorts of wooden barriers. When the works of the master put up for the first time in one of the museums, everyone was consistent with him, and the master began to work "on all parties" and at the same time to take part in cultural congresses and seminars and brag up their skill.

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As a result, he received even the title of Folk Master of Lithuania. As for his cottage, it is standing on the babe of the Ramatil River. At the entrance to the estate you can see a 4-storey windmill, and at each level of the mill there are sculptures.

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Other sculptures can be seen among the trees, bushes, on the hills. All sculptures successfully fit into the landscape, looks shorter, harmoniously. Here and the sculpture of the grief of Christ, and the characters of the works of Lithuanian authors, and the other. In general, the place is wonderful and fabulous!

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Museum of resistance and deportation

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This museum opened in the winter of 1996 on the initiative of the Druskininkai branch of the Union of Political Prisoners and Related Lithuania. He headed the work on the creation of a museum former reference gintautas Kazlauskas.

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What is worth viewing in Druskininka? 10144_17

This museum is located in two rooms of the center of the culture of self-government, there are three permanent exposures: "link", "armed resistance" and "unarmed resistance". "Link" will tell about the history of arrests from 40-50 years. Here you can read the statistics on sending in Lithuania, and on the map on the site of links.

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The Hall "Armed Resistance" talks about the events that took place on the site of the partisan district "Dainawa" in 1944-1953. "Narotic resistance" is underground amateur performances, illegal mugs, illegal literature and so on. The museum actively replenishes its collections, holds meetings and events. By the way, two partisan bunkers were transported to the museum, which were found in urban surroundings.

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In general, the entire museum is the documents, photos and things delivered from the camps and places of references. Of course, such a museum is unlikely to be interested in children. And perhaps, it will be interesting only to those interested in this theme.

Dzuche National Park

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What is worth viewing in Druskininka? 10144_21

This park spread out next to Druskininka, and was registered in 1991. Its area is about 550 sq. Km. The park lies along the coast of the Neman River and this is the largest protected area in the country. Pines grow in the park, pure rivers flow, the dunes come out, lakes shine. But still, 90% of the territory is all forests. You can explore the park on foot, and you can go on rivers on the kayak, or you can ride along the trails on bicycles. By the way, in the autumn in the park you can meet the mushrooms - a favorite place.

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One of the most beautiful rivers in the park is the ul, which flows among cliffs and dunes. There are also ancient buildings on the territory of the park, now the ruins are already. For example, only columns of the gate remained from the castle of Meckanes, from the landstorm of the Lishkowok, part of the stone tower and the temple of the Holy Trinity. In total, there are 10 architectural monuments in the park and somewhere 40 monuments of art. Beautiful and interesting place.

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