What should I see in Liepaja?


Liepaja will charm you with its provincial charm as soon as you step on his land. But, do not think that it is so simple as it may seem to you at first sight, because this city ranks third in magnitude in Latvia. From Liepay to the capital of Riga, just two hundred kilometers, and for this reason he simply does not have the right to look very simple. Liepaja, also called "the city where the wind is born." By the way, it is he who is considered the birthplace of Latvian rock. Tourists come here with different goals, who admire architectural monuments and attractions, and who is just for the sake of shopping. Telling shopping, I will not describe, I will only note that prices are not too different here from ours. Yes, certainly there are things are somewhat more expensive, but there is also cheaper, the fact remains that the quality of things is always higher than which we are accustomed. More pleasant and memorable moments can be brought with them, imprinted them in advance in the photo, and for this, it is simply necessary to visit the sights of Liepaja. Here is the sights, I will try to tell you.

Prison Kosta . This rather gloomy institution was built in 1900 and for a whole century, there was a place of detention for those who dared to cross through the letter of the law. The wines of the prison, saw many criminals and unfair convicted people. The officers of the Russian Empire were also here, and political prisoners, and deserters. In the walls of this building, many people died and a lot of destinies broke. There is a legend, but it is the legend that in the chamber at number eighteen, and to this day the spirit of the White Lady lives. This lady, loves all kinds of pranks, for example, to clap the doors, unscrew the light bulbs, or just run along the corridors with a breeze. She doesn't do anything global, but it really does not like when visitors are delayed in her cell. The last pion, which was put to the camera eighteen, stayed in it only one night, and went crazy for morning. After this incident, it was decided, the lady to leave alone and no longer plant anyone to the chamber. It is funny, but such a story has a place to be and you yourself can check it, because in 1997 the building of the prison came to complete unsuitability and decided to make a museum. In the museum, you can get acquainted with the submitted exhibits that are narrated about the difficult life of prisoners. If you have a desire, you can not only view the exhibits, but also try yourself in the role of the criminal, you will be handcuffed and damn in the chamber (not really, of course). For the most bold, it is proposed for extreme entertainment - spend the night in the White Lady apartments, namely in the chamber number eighteen. Are you ready to tickle your nerves? Then, forward to Kosta prison.

What should I see in Liepaja? 10137_1

Museum "History of Jews Liepaja" . Jews are a long-suffering people and it is very good that they found their refuge in Israel, where they live safely. Thinking about the Jews, I always have a parallel association with Gypsies, but the latter was less lucky, since they have so much to this day and there is no place. Distracted, sorry. The museum building, like the Museum itself, was opened in the winter two thousand and seventh years. In the walls of the museum, carefully, the rich historical material is assembled, which is divided into separate segments of history. Each of the stands that is exposed to the museum is devoted to a specific topic, for example, the Kurneda province, "surviving in hell", "Kurneda Duchy", "First Republic" and others. If we divide the exposure, more largely, they are divided into three periods

- a temporary segment before the beginning of World War II;

- wartime and holocaust;

- The end of war and our days.

The museum is located on Kungu Street, in the house number twenty-one. He works, only two days a week, namely, on Wednesdays and Fridays, from eleven o'clock in the morning and up to three hours of the day.

What should I see in Liepaja? 10137_2

Kalwensky Castle . This sample, late classicism, was built by the Corfu family in 1852. Somewhat later, Calwensky Castle, transferred to the possession of the counts of kaerling. The castle, served as a noneged family as a summer residence and a hunting castle. The castle, very well preserved and that is why it attracts tourists. Describing the structure, I note that the lock windows, have a semicircular shape, above the central entrance, there is an arc of a spherical shape, which is comfortable based on the columns, the door of the castle, made from natural solid oak. A beautiful garden with unusual trees spread around the castle. Inside the buildings, you can admire a beautiful and cozy stone courtyard, and be sure to look at the interesting structure with the arches, which is from the garden.

What should I see in Liepaja? 10137_3

Gramadian castle . Castle, these ruins are difficult to call, but still possible. The exact date of the construction of this defensive structure is not known. It is believed that he was built in the thirteenth century and belonged to the Riga Bishop. Running in historical references, a certain trail of this area can be caught, so for example the first hint of gramzdas volost, where the fort was erected, dates back to the historic chronicles of 1185. It was after this that, in this place, the construction of the Episcopal Fortress was planned. The idea managed to implement, but only half a century. This period is known as the time of dividing the throne of Archbishop, for which almost a real war went. 1340, 1355 and 1359 - these years, new archbishops were solemnly dedicated to San. History, tactfully, and maybe quite intentionally, silent about what happened with the previous clergy, although I think that their fate is so quite understandable and predictable. Before this day, the silent witness had the silent witness of those times - the gram castle, which was destined to take new owners into its walls, but unfortunately will not be able to tell us a lot about all the events that occurred. We are not left anything else, how to get lost in guess, looking at almost completely destroyed walls of the fortress. An approximate time is known when the fortress was destroyed - the fourteenth century, so that according to the logic of things, it existed quite short.

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