What is interesting to see Klaipeda?


Klaipeda - the third largest city of Lithuania.

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It is located in the western part of the country. Scientists are confident that this area was settled in the first centuries of our era. Until the first quarter of the 16th century, Klaipeda belonged to the Knights of the Teutonic Order, until the 25th year of the last century. And every new owners left their own after something. Unfortunately, in the middle of the 19th century there was a powerful fire, which destroyed more than half of the old buildings and all the temples, then in the second world still "cleaned". So today you can see only the ruins of those once powerful buildings.

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Well, Klaipeda since the middle of the last century is known as a pleasant sea resort with a mild climate. In the north of Klaipeda there are three beaches with a blue flag - that you mean, very clean and fitted for swimming.

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In general, who goes to Clait for what, but in any case, it is necessary to allocate time and see local attractions. Here, by the way, what, for example:

All Esweight Church (Baznycia Visu Sventuju SpindIntis Rusijos Zeme)

What is interesting to see Klaipeda? 10131_4

The temple "of all saints, in the land of Russian applicants" is more like a luteran church with a pointed roof. The church was built in 1910 at the Lutheran cemetery. During the liberation of Klaipeda in the 44-45 years of the last century, the city was specifically destroyed, but this church resist. After the war, the city began to actively restore, built fishing bases, shipbuilding enterprises, hospitals, cultural centers. Orthodox residents became more and more. After numerous requests to the city administration, the temple was given to the Orthodox community, which were equipped with the temple and lit it, as well as brought from one closed church of Liepaja iconostasis. Today, the Orthodox community at the temple is one of the largest. Parishioners rebuilt another building next to the temple for clergy. In the temple, they also feed in need, and the products for this are grown in the garden at the temple. There is also a Sunday School Temple.

Memel castle

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What is interesting to see Klaipeda? 10131_6

For the first time, the castle is mentioned in 1252. Then the castle was wooden, stood on the swamp. Therefore, it was decided to build a castle from a stone. The castle turned out to be notable, with moats, embankments, buildings from stone and tree inside. So he fell under the domination of the Teutonic Order, in exchange for land belonging to Estonia. In the third quarter of the 14th century, the castle was burned, though, then restored.

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In the 15th century, the castle was strengthened and adapted to use weapons. He looked like all such castles in the area, of red brick, with massive walls. When the church was destroyed in the city, stones and bricks sent to strengthen this castle, moreover, he was surrounded by a wide moat, through which the wooden bridge was thrown. In the 17th century, the Castle was endlessly subjected to fires and attacks, so he had to be rejected again. In 1757, the castle was mastered by the Russian troops, however, after the war, the castle lost his military destination and had decline at all. In 1770, the outer walls were demolished, ditch fell asleep, and the building began to use for the needs of the city. In the third quarter of the 19th century, the remaining structures were demolished.

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During the Soviet power, the castle, more precisely, his remnants were not allowed to visit, as it was located on the territory of one of the plants where it was difficult to go without permission. However, in the 94th year, this plant was transferred, and some constructions of the castle were decided to restore. To do this, even a special contest was held in the city. One of the towers of the castle was restored, however, already using other materials (glass, for example), and since 2002 there is a museum.

Theater Square (Teatro Aikste)

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The most famous area of ​​the city and, perhaps, one of the most beautiful places in the city. She is in the old town. Square with a beautiful fountain, pavement, and, of course, the theater built at the end of the 18th century, as well as the monument to Solomon Dahu.

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Once this area was called Market, as there is a market street next to it. On the square there are constantly cultural events, holidays and fairs. Also on the square there are casinos, and during the day you can meet newlyweds, who are photographed against the background of all this beauty. Next to this area there is an exchange bridge or "Karl Bridge", decorated with heads of lions and bulls. Now, this bridge has already become a business card of clauseda. Once this bridge, by the way, was wooden. He separated a new city from the Old Town, and those ships that had to swim under the bridge should have paid the tax. Then the trams began to walk along the metal bridge, then the truth, they seem to be canceled.

Klaipedas Lighthouse (Klaipedos Svyturys)

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This lighthouse was built at the end of the 18th century. And this is one of the oldest lighthouses of the Baltic Sea. The lighthouse stands on a sandy spider in the Gulf of Lighthouse. The height of the lighthouse is 16 meters, although, according to the plans of the architect, the lighthouse had to be all 25 meters, but, as always, did not have enough money.

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The lighthouse shone only at 4 kilometers, and even that, only if it was clear - it was quite not enough for urban needs. So, after some time, the lighthouse was decided to remake and abstain. And it was very useless. Changed all the equipment in such a way that the lighthouse dispelled the light of 30 km. As well as the lighthouse provided with other signal signs, for example, a red flag, which would indicate a danger, and a yellow flag that signaled complete safety. Since 1937, the lighthouse was already able to send radio signals. Before the Second World War, this lighthouse and the area around it were extremely popular among local and tourists.

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He was even the symbol of the city and called "red", because the lighthouse flashed from afar because of his motley red-white color. Now the lighthouse, by the way, black and white. On the lighthouse there is a sightseeing platform with an excellent view of the city and sea expanses. By the way, during hostilities not the territory, the lighthouse was undermined, however, it was restored, and then they were rebuilt at all, so that it was not collapsed. So, almost nothing left of the old lighthouse. Is that the inside of the building around which was built a new lighthouse. Today, the lighthouse stands on a special design, so it will have a 44 meter for 44 meters. Yes, and light designs have become much more advanced. On the lighthouse can not be climbed, unfortunately. You can only take a picture next to him, but it is also nothing.

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