Negative sides of Paris


Much has already been written about Paris, and mostly positive feedback, delicious reviews, bright photos. I also liked Paris very much and I did not tend to look for a negative in everything, but I suppose that the mines described will help the following tourists. I will try to describe "my" Paris, immenerous, impartially, but objectively and indicating the real shortcomings of this great city, because it is known to the sun.

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So, coming out of Charles de Gol from the airport, we sat down on the bus and the first thing we saw in Paris is, as two police officers pack the body of a dead motorcyclist in a neat plastic bag. A broken motorcycle was lying nearby. Later, we also saw dedicated road fences and the car was fused so that even I am an amateur and expert car could not understand what a brand. Good motorways and powerful cars make their dirty business - people are very often dying in these terrible accidents. Settlement in a cozy hotel with small rooms in the very center of Paris, the first trip in the cafe and we understand that even just to eat without alcohol is very expensive and if we do not start saving, then most of the funds taken with them will not go to souvenirs and purchases, And on food. Funds, like McDonalds, slightly cheaper and although it is possible to argue about the benefits of such food, but to hold out on the hamburgers a week in the event of an acute lack of finance. Next about the transport, starting the first few days with hiking, we realized that at the end of the day hiking legs get tired so that they could be detached and throwing away. Paris is not a small city, but we did not immediately use public transport. In the subway, we first could not figure out the short but confusing scheme of stations, and then experienced problems with paying for travel largely due to the fact that all schemes and instructions are given in French and rarely have duplication in international English.

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In general, with a language just trouble, France, perhaps the only country of Europe, where so few people speak English. Taxi services can be used only on specially designated parking lots, catch the car almost impossible. Plus, we traveled fourwise, and the taxi driver offers passengers only three places on the rear seats, the front passenger seat always remains free.

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This rule forced us to take two cars instead of one. In December, in Paris, the temperature is about +3 +5 degrees, however, the nasty spiny and damp cold frost is somehow worse than -20 in Russia. We were forced to buy something from warm things. I struck the dominance of Chinese things in stores and shopping centers of the capital of France, things issued in Europe are extremely few. Finding into the Negro District, you feel like a white raven.

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Hundreds of views from all sides are addressed to you, tourists come here rarely, but evaluating the eyes of the black population say that they are more interested in the contents of your pockets rather than your cultural component. In some cafes and stores you just do not serve you. The seller or bartender simply "does not hear" you, and the sewing views of the rest are pushing to get caught. Everything else in Paris is good. Corporate shops on the Champs Elysees, skating on a boat restaurant on Seine, a magnificent show in Moulin Rouge and a beautiful view from the overview platform of the third level of the Eiffel Tower. I wish you pleasant moments spent in the romantic city of the world and do not fall in history!

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