What is interesting to see Tunisia?


Most tourists who come to the capital of Tunisia stop here for a while, for sightseeing, and travel further to resort cities, such as Hammamet, Sousse, Monastir, etc. Many tourists are brought to day-acting tour operators.

Acquaintance with the capital usually begins with the city center. Central Street Tunisa - ul. Habiba Burgibiba (Avenue Habib Bourguiba) - named after the first president of this country. Alley, walking along the whole street, is a favorite place for meetings and walks of local residents. On both sides st. Habiba Burbibiba is located offices of banks, administrative buildings, shops, restaurants, National Theater and St. Vincent De Paul Cathedral. Cathedral Catholic, he is obliged to the French by its appearance, under whose protectory for a long time was Tunisia.

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You can visit it on any day, except Sunday, from 8-00 to 18-00 (break from 12-00 to 14-00). Free admission. You can get to it on the subway, stop Habib Tameur.

The most noticeable landmark of the street is the tower, erected 23 years ago in honor of the arrival of President Ben Ali. The tower is like the famous London Big Ben and is located on the area of ​​January 31, 2011 (to the so-called jasmine revolution, the area was called Place DU 7 Novembre 1987).

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The Bardo Museum is included in the tourist program of many operators. The museum contains exhibits found during the excavations in Carthage, Dougg, El Jime, and others. But the Museum was the greatest fame thanks to his collection of the mosaic of the period of ancient Rome. Work schedule: from 9-00 to 17-00, any day (except Monday). You can get on a taxi or subway, stop Le Bardo. The cost of tickets is 11 dinars.

Carthage is an ancient city built by the Phoenicians, later destroyed and again restored by the Romans. His ruins attract many tourists. Excavations of buildings and structures of the city are scattered in a large area. The most beautiful, in my opinion, is the place where the remains of the famous Term Anthony Fii are located.

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Until our days, only the lower technical floors were preserved, where slaves worked.

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The terms are on the very seashore, they offer a wonderful appearance, which has practically not changed since the city dawn. You can get to Carthagen by the local train (by train) from the Tunis Marina station, the Carthage Hannibal stop.

Just a couple of kilometers from Carthagene there is a town of Sidi-bu-Said, which is considered a suburb of the capital. Tourists visit him to familiarize themselves with the traditional architecture of Tunisia. The appearance of the buildings of the town, remains as it was a hundred years ago. White walls of neat houses, seized with vegetation, painted in the blue color of the window and doors, paved by a wide tile of the street - all this, against the background of fascinating marine plains.

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