Delicious Massandra


The story of how we got into Massandra, begins with a trip to Yalta, where, in the end, we did not get, limiting the view from the windows of the bus, on the way to Alupka.

Living in Bakhchisaraye, and ending early in the morning, we went on a trip on the very first Yalta bus. Knowing that prices in the city are quite considerable, they decided to do with stores and small snacks, so seeing at the entrance to the city of Yalta's sign, we swept around the bus, scoring the stop. Driving is not one kilometer yet, we landed us. There was a shop immediately, where we decided to take a raised vermichel quickly grooved. And then we could not find boiling water anywhere. It turned out that in numerous booths no one makes coffee, and boiling water is a big deficit. After long searches, desperately, they changed their breakfast on a ripper with fresh borders, and went on foot on the way, from where the bus brought us from.

The short-lived road along the route led us to a lifting with a pointer. Everywhere there were inscriptions: "Massandrovsky Palace", and we decided that this is a sign, it is worth going and see what. And did not regret. Having risen through the serpentine, and after passing a little, before our gaze was this miracle of the nature of amazing beauty: a cozy park and in it, in the shadow of the green trees and incredibly beautiful vegetation, the palace was treated. It is very similar to a tiny miniature sculpture of a puppet palace. Well-groomed flower beds, greenery, plants, trees, ponds, - all this together creates an incredibly holistic picture.

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To get to the palace, it is worth paying 50 UAH. I would like to note that the guides are very cute people and are not told boring. The Palace of the Three-storey, but the excursion to our group was performed only on two floors, since it was above the repair, or guests were expected, the fact that we did not get there. And now about the most mastered palace. Although I especially do not like luxury and rich decoration, this castle fell in love with myself at first sight. It is all thought out to the smallest details. A tree that is lined with each of the rooms is impregnated with a special composition that later the century still does not need repair and restoration. The palace provided a water heating system, ventilation, as well as water supply. Ventilation is successfully disguised in the ceiling and walls, made under the ornament and decoration. The reliability of the construction guarantees a deliberate drainage system, iron beams included in the floors between the floors. In the future, the castle was provided with steam heating, electricity.

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Each room is thought out in the details, based on the destination, and it is worth paying tribute to the masters who have conducted so well. Fabrics for upholstery, upholstery matters, samples, sketches of decorating paintings of walls, plafoons, carved and stucco jewels, including items in exterior. Any of the rooms, a dining room, the office of the ruler or the empress, the office, all of them in a highly artistic style suitable for the era of the building. During the design, various wood breeds were applied, relief thread and gleaming.

The history of the palace originates from the storm who destroyed the Economic House of the Family Count Semyon Mikhailovich Vorontsov. In his place, it was decided to build a palace, the architect which was performed by the Frenchman M.E. Bushar. After the death of the architect, and then Vorontsov, the estate passed to the spouse of the graph, which under the contract of life rent passed his nephew of the graph. And then on the merchandise was purchased by the Department of Foots. So he moved to Alexander III. Continued the construction of the estate of the architect M.E. Mesmarms. The palace in his final version found an amazing architectural style - French Baroque, Ludwick XIII style.

And despite all the luxury, the palace throughout the time was not particularly used by his owners. The royal family stayed only on day walks, and indeed at all rarely attended him. In the post-revolutionary years, the palace has not served a sanatorium for a long time, and after World War II, there became a giving rulers. There were Stalin, Khrushchev, Brezhnev. And since 1992 and today it functions as a museum. It is very sad that so much magnificent building was not mastered, and full of life bringing joy to its inhabitants.

Special attention deserves a parking zone located around the palace. In a plot of 42 hectares, among the many species of the Crimean flora, which came to our time, the old and highest sequoises are tested before the reservoir. It is interesting that the reservoir also performed his role and had practical significance: he served as a drive assembled in the water building and the further irrigation of the soil and gardens in the lower park.

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At the exit from the palace, we managed to get acquainted with a pretty woman-guide, which was glad to Odessa tourists, remembered youth, hiking, a pleasant trip to our city, and that was not already in Odessa for 30 years. Everything was cute and wonderful. Ah, yes, at the entrance, everyone was given slippers, and at the exit, they needed to be folded into the basket, which was guarded by a palace cat. By the way, to say, the cat was not the first, these are all good caretakers and guides - very attentive people, feeding animals. After such a well-thought-out in the functioning, a cozy and beautiful castle, a desire to live in the same way and moved to the egue of the heyday.

Further, we walked around the park, chose souvenirs and, enjoying all the greatness and beauty, went into a small cafe, located nearby. On a summer hot day, taking on a glass of cool dry white wine, and finally finding the use of the previously purchased vermicelli (the waitress without any questions and surprise issued us to prepare boiling water and forks), sat in the fresh air. Inhaling the aromas of the garden, greens, looking at the beauty of nature, holding a glass glass with a Crimean cool drink and a plastic glass with "Myvina", we felt like real aristocrats who came to see the cottage. We were happy!

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