The most interesting places in Cesis.


Cesis is 90 km from Riga. The town is small, no more than 20 thousand people live here. But the city is very old, and that is interesting. For the first time, this city is mentioned in the annals of the early 13th century, more precisely, the Castle of Venden is mentioned, around which the city has grown. Well, a couple of other vintage castles, the town also boasts. In general, Cesis today is more famous, however, by its ski resort, Zagarkalns and Ozkalkalnes, which are close to each other.

So, if you came to go skiing, or decided to visit Riga, you can at the same time to come to Cēsis and admire historical sights. Here are these:

Venden Castle (Cesu Viduslaiku Pils)

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The visit of Cēsis will not be covered without a trip to this castle. This is the largest and most well-preserved ordinary medieval castle in Latvia. Actually, it is not necessary to go to him - it is in the heart of Cesis. Venden - This is OP Name of the people who lived in those distant times in this territory, and scientists are not fully sure that something was for the people - something between Lives, Curches or Western Slavs. By the way, the city also was also called Veden, and not Cesis.

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So, first, this people, Venda, built a wooden fortress, and then on its foundation this massive castle was founded. Moreover, the place was chosen not in vain - at this point the trading paths were crossed on Pskov, Derpt and Lithuania. The castle began to build in 1206, built his Knights of the Order of the Middle Mares. They built a fortress for three years - and this year of construction is denoted as the year of the founding of Cēsis. In 1236, a part after one crushing battle of the Order of the Middle Easterns entered the Teutonic Order and formed the Livonian Order as a branch of the Teutonic Order.

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So, from the 37th year of the 13th century, this castle was the residence of the Master of the Livonian Order, and his other residence was in Riga. Sometime, approximately 30 knights lived, with families and mercenaries.The castle is supposed to be very good at that time. For example, from its initial view to us, part of one-heel chapels and parts made of white stone of the Ladyoman type reached. At the end of the 14th century, the castle was rebuilt. Two buildings and two tiers of one of the towers left, but the walls were updated - now they were from the tumor and boulders. Windows, assumed, then decorated with decorative elements made of white stone. At the end of the 15th century, two rounds of round shape were attached to the castle. Moreover, the walls of the new turrets were 4 meters in thickness. All for security. And no wonder, because the castle was often attacked and tried to settle. For example, in the third quarter of the 16th century, the fortress was almost destroyed by the troops of Ivan the Terrible. Then the castle was a little restored, but at the end of the 18th century the fortress was sick. And so, in 1777, the castle bought one rich family and took up its construction and reconstruction, in the Gothic style.

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Restoration work is carried out and so far. After all, it is an important building for the city! Today you can admire the well-surviving Western Tower with the master's hall inside, as well as the Lademaera Tower, the Eastern Tower and some buildings. Very interesting hall - Reterter, caveton, you mean, where the trapping knights. In general, the place is very colorful! Tourists for purposeful impressions give out a medieval helmet, well, to completely feel "in the subject". Well, and not to hit the shoals in dark corridors and on narrow screw stairs. You will also give a flashlight so that you can descend into the basement, where the prison room is located. The castle is so popular, there is even a whole novel about him (writer A.Bestuzheva Marlinsky).

Church of St. John (Cēsu sv. Jāņa Baznīca)

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Another essential attraction of the city and the most ancient monument of Latvia. The church was built in 1281-1284 as the Main Cathedral of the Livonian Order. That was a three-end church with a length of 65 meters and a 32 meter width, with a 65-meter bell tower with a 15-meter spire. The temple is designed for 1000 seating.

The walls of the church are made of limestone pieces, Arki is bricks. Some elements of the temple are echoing with the Riga Cathedral of St. Mary. A very interesting arch console in one of the neopa is made in the form of a male head.

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Some changes happened at the beginning of the 15th century, for example, a rectangular beach was attached, the Western Tower with the Spire (which collapsed at the beginning of the 17th century and was on the restoration of the whole century!). In the 21st century, the church became Lutheran. In the middle of the 19th century, the church again "edited", and after that she began to look like a neo-nutritional structure.

Inside the church is very beautiful. Really impressive. Here are the tombstones of the Master of the Livonian Order and the Bishops of the XV-XVI centuries - this is in itself, then the art! Permanently impressive submissions of one bishop (stage of the late 16th century), which is decorated with a sculpture of the semi-cullest bishop.

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There is still a beautiful neotic retabilo (altar, then you mean, to the ceiling), and the windows are decorated with stained glass windows of the late XIX century. Since the beginning of the last century, the authority has a body. Today, the church is valid, there are concerts of choirs and organ music. Moreover, the International Festival of Young Organists is held here. Art exhibitions are also often held in the church. In general, this is a cultural and religious center of Cesis. Be sure to visit the church. In addition, the tower of the church opens a luxurious view of 40 kilometers ahead.

Arajysh Lake Castle

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This castle is located in the village of Isaei, 7 km south of Cēsis. This is a castle on water, more precisely, the reconstruction of the buildings of the 9th century. At the heart of - parts of vintage wooden structures and items that found during archaeological excavations. To get some items, it was necessary to dive on the bottom of the lake-jugs, parts of the buildings were buried in the fat table.

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In view of the castle, it's not all at all. First, because wooden. But according to the reasons for the structure on a rectangular layout of the flooring really are exactly the castle, because the enemy it was difficult to reach the castle in the middle of the lake. And in the winter in those times it was warm and the water around simply did not freeze. Locals were hiding there.

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In general, a complex of 5 rows of huts and several business buildings consists. Between the houses are the streets, 1.5-3 meters. The place is amazing!

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