What is interesting to see in New Athos?


New Athos is one of the most visited places in the Republic of Abkhazia. Every year it is visited by a large number of tourists and they are mostly all from Russia. You can get to New Athos from Sochi on the excursion bus or yourself. But for this you need to cross the border. You can also buy excursions in any Abkhaz resort. For example, in Gagra, each travel agency offers excursions to New Athos and go there for only about an hour. Another options are to settle in one of the hotels in New Athon and slowly explore all the attractions, walk around the city and relax at the sea. The beaches in the new Athos are very clean and there are no so many people as, for example, in Pitsunda. If the tourist rests in Abkhazia for the first time, it will be better to go with an organized excursion. And then you can return and inspect everything that was not included in the excursion program. In the small territory of the new Athos are very interesting sights that you should see.

Novo Ahphon Monastery

Usually the first with which many Athos is associated with a monastery. It's beautiful. The majestic building, built on the mountain, can be seen from afar.

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This monastery was built at the end of the 19th century with the permission of Prince Mikhail Romanovich. It was to him that the monks from the monastery on Greek Mount Athos were applied to him. The construction was carried out by monks themselves and with great difficulties due to local conditions. However, they completed their work quite quickly, in just 12 years. Before this monastery, tourists need to walk up the mountain on a very uncomfortable road. It is necessary to take a stock of water, it will very need. When entering the temple, it is necessary to wear a handkerchief and a long skirt, they can be taken in the monastery. The host of the monastery is free and enters the program of every excursion to New Athos. The monastery is the first object for visiting, which is brought by tourists. Nearby is another very famous temple.

Temple Simon Canonita

This temple is much older than the New Athophone Monastery. Its building dates back to the IX - X centuries and it is made of white stone. According to the legend, it was at this place, one of the Apostles of Jesus Christ was killed - Simon Cannel. At that time he preached in the Caucasus.

Before the construction of this temple, there was not his place in the wooden church, built in the IV century. In the 19th century, the temple came to the launch and was partially destroyed. But after the transfer of his monks from Athos, was completely restored. Currently, this temple is valid. And the divine service every day they attract many pilgrims. Including from other countries. Usually a visit to this temple is not included in the excursion. It must be visited separately.

Grotto Holy Apostle Simon Channel

Excursion to this grotto is not mandatory and tourists will lead to a fee at will. According to legend, it was in this cave who also prayed and prayed the apostle Simon Cannel. The grotto is located in the gorge of the Psyrtzha River and in it specially cut the entrance for tourists. And the path to the cave begins from the temple built in honor of this saint. Simon canonitis especially read among the Abkhaz Christians.

The monks of the monastery carved on the walls of this cave four-pin cross. In addition, there, with the help of a mosaic, the faces of Simon Channelita, Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary are posted. The cost of excursion to this grotto is 300 rubles and it takes about 20 minutes.

New Aphon Cave

This is one of the most famous and popular attractions of the new Athon used to be called the Anacopian abyss. It was opened only in 1961 by the local artist named Givi Smyr, who is currently and is the director of this real cave complex.

This complex includes 9 caves of different size and each room has its name. The biggest cave is called the Mahajirov Hall. Each cave room has features that distinguish it from the rest. For example, in the Hall of Nart is the so-called "living lakes". It received its name due to the fact that there are crayfish. And in the cracks of the cave dwells a heavy beetle three-leave. In the cave halls, a huge number of stalactites and stalagmites of the most different shapes and sizes.

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Breaking them is forbidden, and it is unlikely to succeed. But they are sold right in the cave quite officially. Apparently, the caves workers are not allowed to break them. When visiting this cave you need to take a light jacket with you, as the constant temperature in it is about 10 degrees. And especially after leaving it, the temperature difference is felt. The cost of the excursion is 400 rubles. Despite the fact that at the box office there are big queues. Wait for a long time you do not have to wait. After all, about 200 people are launched on a tour. The cave is a very interesting object for visiting and no one leaves indifferent.

Museum of the Abkhaz kingdom

This is a completely new landmark of the new Athos. It was opened only four years ago, but already attracts many tourists. The museum collection is very diverse and includes the exhibits of such different eras as a stone and bronze century, the Middle Ages and antiquity. In addition, in the museum you can see the objects of life and weapons of ancient Abkhaz. As well as many cards and photos. They say that the collection will continue to be replenished. It will be interesting to visit the museum in a couple of years. And the entrance is completely inexpensive, only 100 rubles. And for the photographing there is not taking money there.

Anacopian fortress

Visiting this sight is also not included in the mandatory program due to its inaccessibility for everyone. She is on top of the apsear mountain and climb it there for quite a long time and not all tourists are ready for it. But those who withstand this path remain very satisfied. From the fortress there is little left, but the tower itself has been preserved very well causes delight among lovers of history. Next to the fortress is a well-water well, as it is called it. The water and the truth is very tasty and many take a bottle with them to score it. In addition, this fortress offers stunning views of the sea and mountains. At least for the sake of this it is worth overcome such a difficult path.

Waterfall and Lake Psyrsha

These sights tourists visits in their free time.

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Next to this beautiful waterfall are many souvenir benches and cafes, in which you can try the national Abkhaz food and just sit and admire the beauties of the new Athos.

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