What do you need to know going to rest in Jakarta?


As once in one famous film, they said: - Istanbul city of contrasts ... just as you can say about Jakarta. Contrasts are strong and amazingly amazing. Country quarters are adjacent to elite stores and chic skyscrapers, noisy streets lead in quiet parks. The city is very strange and in many ways controversial, but certainly interesting. And as in any city of the world, here there are traditions, customs and orders who should be observed to not overshadow the impressions of the capital of Indonesia.

What do you need to know going to rest in Jakarta? 10091_1

1. Despite the fact that Jakarta is one of the largest economic centers of the region, the penetration of English leaves much to be desired. Over only employees of large hotels and good, expensive restaurants know more or less. However, this is not an obstacle. A couple of dozens of the most commonly known words know almost all employees of the service sector. And if something does not work with words, it can be perfectly fixed with gestures.

2. Tips and bonuses in Jakarta are the norm. As a rule, it is 5-10 percent of the account amount, or simply an invoice is rounded to any convenient amount in the direction of magnification. At the same time, it is worth being careful, because some restaurants automatically include the sum of the tip countdown in a separate line. In this case, it is not worth noting. By the way, it is important one local feature. Paying in a restaurant, a store or anywhere else, money (and things too) need to be transmitted solely with his right hand. By virtue of local traditions, the left hand is considered "unclean" and transmitting her money or things there is a big risk of offending the seller or waiter.

What do you need to know going to rest in Jakarta? 10091_2

3. Special attention should be paid to compliance with other local traditions. Too open or bright and extravagant clothing will cause at least perplexity from local residents. And all this despite the constant heat and high humidity. Uncomfortable? Yes! But these are local traditions. Similarly, with sportswear. It is better to leave it for fitness centers or eco-tourism, which is developed in Indonesia. When visiting the mosques, it is mandatory to remove shoes.

4. No smokers feel very comfortable in Jakarta, since it acts a very strict ban on smoking in common areas, and under them is meant almost everything. Over the observance of the ban, the local police monitors very strictly, so it's better not to experience fate. Smoking is allowed only on specially marked venues near government agencies, shopping centers and restaurants.

What do you need to know going to rest in Jakarta? 10091_3

5. The Current Council before the trip to Jakarta is attentively treating the choice of the hotel. Optimal to choose hotels as close as possible to the city center, otherwise there is a possibility that you will be taken to the hotel located next to the poor quarter. Neighborhood is unpleasant. Yes, the stench is not excluded. Pits, ditches, trenches filled with water, which instantly blooms with such a climate and, as a result, badly smells, on the outskirts of Jakarta, a normal phenomenon.

6. During your stay in Jakarta, you should pay close attention to hygiene. Vegetables and fruits purchased on the market must be very thoroughly washed. Do not drink tap water, even despite the fact that it will not harm health. This is exactly the case when it is better to be restrained. Drinking water in bottles is sold almost everywhere. When buying ready-made dishes in stores, it is recommended to carefully inspect the packaging for its integrity, as well as check the expiration date.

What do you need to know going to rest in Jakarta? 10091_4

7. To communicate with a homeland in Jakarta, it is best to use telephones, which are quite a lot in the city. It will be much cheaper than using roaming services from Russian cellular operators. You can pay for telephone calls with cards that are sold in almost all stores and print kiosks. It should be remembered that the payment of the conversation in the local rules begins from the first point, regardless of whether the tube was removed on the other end of the wire or not. For local calls, it is better to acquire a SIM card of one of the local operators, which is a lot of here. The most optimal tariffs offer: Telkomsel, Indosat and XL. You can buy sim cards almost everywhere.

It's good enough in Jakarta and with the Internet. Points with free Wi-Fi. They are both in hotels and restaurants and in large shopping centers. If the Internet is needed on an ongoing basis, it is best to get a set of a SIM card and modem, from all the same telecom operators.

8. Jakarta is a very big city. On the territory it is comparable to Moscow, but at the same time there is no metro in the city, which constantly leads to the fact that the city simply gets in traffic jams. So, to move along the capital, you should not take a taxi, for there is a risk to spend several hours in it. It is better to use buses for which highlighted bands have been created in the city. Or as an option, hire more maneuverable than car motor vehicle.

What do you need to know going to rest in Jakarta? 10091_5

9. When viewing attractions and walks in the city, especially in crowded places, it is recommended to be very attentive towards personal and money. Large amounts without a particular need is generally better not to take. Pockets and small thieves - Beach of the Indonesian capital.

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