Shopping in Paralia Katerini: Where and what to buy?


In Parliament, Katerini come only for the sake of the most significant purchase. This is a real Greek fur coat. In addition, there are two more "fur coiled". Castoria is located north of thessalonik, and Neo Callicracy on Chalkidiki at the very beginning of the peninsula. In each city there is a fairly large range of fur coats, as well as shops that implement this type of product. Where to go behind the fur coat, this is your solution.

I made my first purchase in Castoria, and the second acquisition in Parallia-Katerini. When planning the purchase of fur coats, I wanted to immediately settle in one of the hotels in this city. It is located on the sea, so rest here could be pleasant. However, when searching for the hotel, there was very high prices, even on the 2-star hotel hotels and most of them have a power type - only breakfast. Very big expenses would be on vacation, so I preferred to stay again on Chalkidiki, and to come to the city exclusively for purchase.

I absolutely did not know the city, where and how best to buy. Having entered the parallery-Katerini you will see a small church, and then immediately shops start.

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Therefore, you can safely leave the car and then hiking to go to each store and look for what you like more.

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As for the trip. From Chalkidikov to the city about 5 hours by car. You can go with the guide, but there are its significant but. In this case, you will be treated solely on the stores that there is a preliminary agreement and a good, impressive discount you will not get. The seller your discount for a fur coat gives a guide. This is the fee for us - tourists. Such a business. Therefore, it is better to go. You can rent a car for a day. Buy a map and move towards Athens. You will be free in choosing, buying and you can bargain.

Prices in stores are completely different. There are cheap products, but poor quality. They are sold with big discounts, but not worth buying. Such fur coats are usually tough, fur like liniful. Do not seduce the price, look for, go. If you like something, remember where you saw, take a business card of the store. You can ask to postpone the goods for a couple of hours. Payment for this service will not require. In most of the fur coat stores, there are many Russian-speaking staff. There will be no problems with the language.

As for the models themselves and the variety of fur, the choice is big. There are very creative models with ruffles, cut on the type of phrak or a male business card. There are exhibition samples from the latest collections. Of course, the price is high. You can buy a fur coat from the collection of last season. It will necessarily discount. What is strange, I with my 44-46 size, found a suitable volume, size and silhouette model only in one store. Ladies bigger to choose much easier.

Hire shops are different. There are very small. They most often traded fur coats, sewn in small factories, such as PE. In large stores in several floors, fur coats are sold to famous brands. Prices are high here. That is why I wrote that you are not hurry to buy, first see everything. During the day, get around all the shops will not succeed. I had it so that I enroll in the first boutique of the company Marco Varni, which is right at the entrance to the city, I looked at the "Avtoledi" jacket. Within three or four hours, he went around not yet one dozen centers and boutiques and returned back. The cost of such a fur coat amounted to 1100 euros. Made a discount of 400 euros. By the way, I buy the fur coat of this brand a second time. Their quality is good.

When buying, pay attention to the quality of the fur. If you spend your hand on it, it should not stay in the hand of hairs. The subsidence should be dense, so that there are no events visible. Look at the fur coat with an inside. The lining must be flying, the exception is short jackets. According to the technology - the lining is donated at the bottom. With inside, you can also evaluate the quality of the skins. Fur must be soft. Mant, see, ask to show off. Sellers are required to show everything at your request.

Deciding to make the acquisition need to be barbed. Discount makes. Pay and get two checks - white and pink. White will be taken at your customs, and the pink remains with you and will need to be present at the customs control of the host. He will be returned. If the amount of VAT in the check is prescribed, then in Greek customs you must return this money. But usually sellers do not indicate this amount, they write a dirty there.

Personally, I am very pleased with the purchases. Good quality, beautiful appearance and excellent heat shielding properties. The fur coat greatly warms in our ease, and not such harsh Russian frosts.

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