What do you need to know going to rest in Amman?



The state language in Jordan is Arabic, but along with this, many Jordanians speak English well. This is especially true of hotel staff and restaurant.

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In Russian, there are few, mostly those who studied in Russia or work in hotels where many Russian tourists are resting. So, knowledge of English at least the household level in Amman will be very useful. But there the people are very friendly and if that, it will definitely tell you what is where and how to get.


Tips can be left as desired, they are only welcome. In some restaurants, 10 percent for the service is already included in the account. But you can add 1-2 dinar to remuneration. Although from tips in dollars there is also no one will refuse. The hotel for the service is quite normal there will be the same amount.

Telephone communication and Internet

Cheaper to call Skype to Russia. Because cellular communication in Amman is neither the cheapest and comfortable. There are only two or three telecom operators. I had a ZAIN SIM cards and I am very unhappy. If you call on Jordan to the numbers of your operator, then the price is normal. And if on the numbers of another operator, the prices are very high. SIM card can be bought almost in any store, but put money simply to the account without a commission will not work. We must buy a payment card. And if you buy a map on which one dinar, then you need to pay one and a half. If the card is five dinars, it costs about seven. Not very pleasant every time so overpay. And for calls to Russia, this option will not work, too expensive. To do this, you need to buy a telephone card and each time it enters the code to call to Russia. There is answered by the operator in Arabic and you need to enter the code very quickly. The connection is bad, often interrupted and poorly audible.

With the Internet in Amman is also not very simple. He, of course, is in good hotels. But the Wi-Fi cafe is rare. But there is a special Internet cafe with hourly payment.

Problems during rest

Amman is a fairly safe city. Robbery and hijacking machines there is a big rarity.

What do you need to know going to rest in Amman? 10078_2

Theft of tourists is also not common. The only unpleasant circumstance is the presence of beggars in the city. Especially suspiciously they look in the evening.

Relationships to tourists

Jordanians are very friendly and welcoming people.

What do you need to know going to rest in Amman? 10078_3

They will always help if they need help and to women they are very respectful and towards tourists. There is no such increased attention to foreigners as in Egypt, for example. Especially if the woman is modestly dressed, then they will not look at it.

That in Amman can not

Jordanians love smoking very much and do it literally everywhere where they want. So there are no problems. And here is an alcohol there is a negative attitude. It is better not to appear drunk in a public place. It is extremely not desirable to tourists try to get acquainted with the Arab women. They can perceive it as an insult.

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