Where is best to stay in Hammamet?


Hammamemet is an interesting place to relax and when choosing a particular hotel, you should know that the city is conditionally divided into two districts: Tourist - Yasmin, and a residential area with a center in a medieval medina.

Yasmin built specifically for tourists. It is in the southern part of the city and stretches six kilometers along the coast. There is everything you need for a full holiday: hotels of varying star, souvenir shops, shopping centers (including fixed price), shops, cafes and restaurants, bars and discos, spa centers, reception park "Carting Land".

Where is best to stay in Hammamet? 10077_1

From the yacht port of Marina, which is considered to be the beginning of Yinda, along the sea, a wide promenade runs, where tourists like strolling. Its length is about 1.5 kilometers, beautiful palm trees grow on its both parties. You can go through the Yamin and in the open crew with horses. I would deliver his remoteness from the historic center, walking along the sea, to which, it takes 1.5-2 hours.

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The old Arab city is concentrated around the medina where residential neighborings are located. Hotels are also found, but much less often than in Yasmin. Tourist infrastructure is low enough. There are inexpensive restaurants, but there are no special entertainment (for this you need to go to Yasmin). There are no pedestrian zones for walking too, narrow sidewalks, engaged in transport or cafes. In addition, guides do not recommend walking in the area in the evenings. Of the advantages, you can select the proximity of the medina, where it is interesting to walk in the afternoon, and the lower cost of living in hotels, compared with Yasminic.

Where is best to stay in Hammamet? 10077_3

Old city

The choice of hotel and the type of power depends on your preferences. For example, if you arrived in Hammamet for entertainment, then you definitely need to choose some hotel in Yasmin with the "All Inclusive" system. If you have a big excursion program in your plans, which involves staying outside the city, the expensive hotels should not take. For these purposes, modest "Trookhka" with NV nutrition is well.

As for recreation with children, in my opinion, it does not matter in which area you decide. The beach bar of Hammamet stretches along the entire coast. Sandy beaches, with gentle entrance, which is very convenient for the smallest. When choosing, consider the cost and availability of positive feedback.

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