Jordan's excursions: what to see?


Jordan is a very young and small state in the Middle East. But despite the fact that among all countries it occupies an AZh 110 place in the area, it can boast the presence of a large number of attractions. It was created in 1946, but despite this, the territory on which the present state is located has an ancient history and is the intersection of many states and peoples. At different times, Jordan's time was also an ancient Rome and was part of the Ottoman Empire. There were many wars on its territory, many structures that reached us were erected. In addition, in Jordan, there are irregular attractions that nature bestowed by nature.


Usually, the inspection of Jordan begins with the capital of the Jordanian kingdom of the city of Amman. In antiquity, this city was called Philadelphia and from the past epochs not its territory left heritage. One of the brightest sights of Amman is the Ancient Roman amphitheater. It was founded in the second century of our era and is located right in the middle of the city. There are cars around the cars, people walk, markets and cafes work, and this construction designed for 6,000 people calmly stands and looks at all this many centuries. The entrance is purely symbolic there and there is only one Jordanian dinar. This theater also has two interesting museums. This is the Museum of Folk Traditions and the folklore museum. They are also worth visiting lovers of history.

Also close to the theater is the sanctuary of the Nymph. It has preserved pretty not bad and the entrance is completely free.

Another very interesting attraction of Amman is located on one of the seven city hills. This is a Jebel al-Calaa citadel. Unfortunately, it is not very well preserved. There are many ruins and regular archaeological excavations are regularly. You can also watch the Church of the Byzantine period, the Temple of Hercules and the Archaeological Museum. Log in there is only two dinars.

Other Jordanian attractions are still allocated to the Royal Automobile Museum. It contains cars of the king of Jordan, the entrance is 3 dinar.

A military museum and very beautiful mosques are also quite interesting. For example, the mosque of the King Abdullah. This is a very big and beautiful mosque. At the same time, there may be namaz to 10,000 Muslims.

In order to inspect all these sights carefully and without a rush, you need to live for several days in the Jordanian capital. And the guide for this is not needed at all.


Many tourists of Jordan are necessarily associated with the famous city of Peter, which is considered one of the wonders of the world. From Amman to it can be reached by flying bus or taxi. So that it was more convenient to inspect this miracle of the world, I recommend to stay in a nearby hotel for a couple of days. For the inspection of Petra is extremely desirable to have comfortable shoes. Because even if you use the services of Bedouins and erupt some distance on a camel or horse, then in the city you still have to walk. And there are huge distances there. So it is best to buy a ticket for two days and two more days to be able to enjoy this beauty. But you do not need to hope to see all Peter. According to the archaeologist at the moment we can see no more than 15 percent of this secret city, the entrance to which many centuries were guarded and no one except Bedouins under the fear of death could not get into it. In addition to the city itself, a very interesting leading road to it. It narrows it, it expands. And throughout its length, the remains of the ancient water supply.

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Only Bedouins still live in this city and all souvenirs that are sold in Peter are also manufactured and selling only they. And there you can see only men. Bedouin women are hidden from strangers. This is the city that it just needs to see everyone.

Wadi Ram.

On the territory of Jordan is very beautiful and the signs of the Wadi Ram. With Arabic it translates as the Moon Valley. And indeed she resembles the surface of the moon.

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There is nothing but beautiful mountains and sand. There you can go just to ride and admire it. You can also stay for overnight stay with Bedouins and see their life. At night in the desert it is very cold and you need to take warm clothes with you. But the night spent is worth it. After all, early in the morning, Wadi Rama looks just magically.


About two hours from Peter is the only Jordan city on the shores of the Red Sea. Besides swimming at sea, there is also something to see. For example, the ancient fortresses of Mamluk and Saladdin. And from the banks of Aqaba is visible Israeli Eilat. In addition, the Flag of Jordan is located on the city's square, which came from behind his height of 136 meters in the Guinness Book of Records. In Aqaba, too, it is worth living a few days to relax and have time to inspect everything.

Dead Sea

Not far from Amman, there is another world famous landmark that goes to see many tourists. This is the famous Dead Sea. But in order to fully relax on its shore, it is best to settle in one of the hotels. There are well-equipped beach and you can pass cosmetic treatments from salt of this famous sea. The cost will fully depend on your preferences.

River Jordan

Also, near this place is at least the famous River Jordan, where Jesus was baptized by legend. Alone to make a trip there will not work. Because this place is protected by the proximity to the Israeli border. All tourists are transplanted to a special bus of their group all the time accompanies the police. You can even make the rite of baptism, and just swim in the river.


Another attraction is approximately an hour from Amman. This is another heritage of the ancient Romans - the city of Jerash.

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There, too, better shoes something comfortable. Because you have to walk a lot. In addition, you need to wear a headdress. There is open space and the sun is very baked. The entrance is inexpensive and Jerash must be seen.

Jordan is such an amazing country that in a small area every tourist will find what to taste.

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