See Pattail and go!


Radiating in hot rolling to the cherished Walking Street and constantly getting different "tempting" suggestions from street vendors I was thinking all the time, why Thailand, and not full emirates or not affordable Europe.

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But slowly plunging into the whirlpool show, excursions and entertainment, taking every evening the sentences go to the "Massezh, Mary" and using the delicious local brandy, I had more and more understood those who go here for Asian charm and charm every year.

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Those who collecting the last penny are ready to sleep on the beach and there is a cheap and tasty street food.

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Himself combat fragrances has risen more than once from the wheels, contrary to the strictest prohibitions and statements of turzhids. But when a hot gas bastard and an aroma of pancakes with an egg and a banana pierces the night to a motorcycle or improvised table with an egg and a banana, a whole queue of the Faraghods is built next to this simple chef, that is us with you. Tarakanov and grasshoppers, I have not become, because the freshest shrimp and other seafood are sitting in our aroma, inviting them to taste them under the foam moss. "Tiger" or "Sigkha" - anyway, the beer here is also excellent, and what else does it happen on the heat, cool and fresher? The cheapness of food, rags and a taxi calls for a move somewhere closer to major shopping centers and buy there produced here in Thailand Puma, Ecco, Timberland. Excursions to Cambodia or the Kwai River are the most impressions that will not leave you with long winter evenings.

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Swimming in a vest on the fastest flow by the river to the hotel located on the hotel's water stroit, then a relaxing massage from specially delivered Taintes and a midnight disco, supported by not dairy cocktails.

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And on the morning a delicious hot breakfast and continued excursion to the raft or on long boats through the channels that you saw only in the movies.

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This inclusion of Pattaya delays everyone who at least a little bit indifferent to this life and finally wake up only on the plane back, you will start planning the following journey to this amazing motley and silent paradise.

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