Shopping in Vienna: Where and what to buy?


Shopping in the capital of Austria is quite engaged, the local themselves love such a pastime, and already visitors and is suppressed - they just adore him. The reason for this is a huge variety of trading establishments and in a very wide range of quality products. In Vienna, many shopping centers and supermarkets, specialized points of sale, in which you can buy clothes, shoes, accessories, souvenirs, jewelry, literature, antiques, as well as original food.

Schedule of the city shopping centers: Monday-Friday - 09: 00-18: 30, Saturday - 09: 00-18: 00. Shops for the most part work on Thursdays and Fridays until 21:00. On Sundays, trade facilities do not work, with the exception of tourist sites and small shopping objects, stations and airport sales points - there you can always stock souvenirs, sweets and other things.

There are many shopping streets everywhere everywhere, but the most attractive of them are small, which are located inside Ringstrasse. Here you can walk along with a wonderful design, exquisite shopping gallery.

Shopping lovers can also walk and on other streets of Vienna, where trade is going on - they will be discussed.

Kerntherstratsse . On this very far, luxurious street, which is located from the Vienna Opera to St. Stephan's Cathedral, are small boutiques, as well as the seven-story structure of the Shtefl department store. It sells goods from the most fashionable brands of the world. Two others are departed from Kardnierstraße - Rurban and Roturgassa, not inferior in their elegance and luxury.

Mariahilferstrasse . This street is the location of more democratic shops, as well as the Gernzross supermarket, the largest store of shoe store "Humanic" and other trading establishments representing the products of famous brands - C & A, Peek, H & M. You can get here either from Ringstrasse Street, or - On the other hand, from the Western Station and the Technical Museum, using the Metropolitan. The most suitable street segment for shopping is from Westbahnhof to Ringstrasse.

Shopping centers

As for the Molls located in Vienna, we mention about the two - the largest.

SCS (Shopping City Süd)

SCS is the second largest Moll in Europe, it is located at a distance of ten kilometers from the capital of Austria.

You can get here either on your transport, running south of the city, or the IKEA bus - it stops next to the Vienna Opera. We spend about twenty minutes for about twenty minutes - maybe a little more. Another option is on the train Badner Bahn, in which only two cars (it looks like a tram). It also stops opposite the opera. In addition to these types of transport, which can be reached by SCS, there is also a suburban electric train.

The area occupied by this trading institution of territories is approximately 230 thousand square meters. meters. It contains more than three hundred shops, there is parking for ten thousand places.

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SCN - is the second largest Moll in the Austrian capital. Founded it in 1989. Very popular among local residents and tourists.

As for how to get here, that is, a free bus that is sent daily from Schnellbahnhof Floridsdorf train station 14: 00-20: 00, the movement interval is 30 minutes. More information about shops located here can be found on the website of the shopping center.


Picturesque Viennese markets are a separate description.

One of the most famous is Vienna NashTarkak. . Here you can stock fresh fruit and vegetables, meat, as well as traditional Austrian products.

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On the Flea market Loves to go young people, as well as connoisseurs of antiques and vintage things. Here will be curious to look at the coming person. Work schedule: 06: 30-18: 00, this market is open on Saturdays. You can go here on the metro, this is the line U4, the KettenBruckeNGASSE station.

The true metropolitan attraction can be called Christmas bazaars, here you will be mig than in a beautiful fairy tale ...

ChristkindLmarkt market ("Charm of Christmas") is one of the best. The coordinates of this festive shopping complex - Ringstrasse, between the Town Hall and the Burgteater Theater.

On Square, Friaung is located small Bazaar Alther where you can detect remarkable souvenir products, as well as handmade gifts.

In the urban suburb - Spittelberg - Located famous christmas market where you can purchase excellent products made by folk craftsmen.


In this city, a variety of such products is very large - from the symbol of the Austrian capital - the Cathedral of St. Stephan, the Ferris Wheels and beautiful white horses - to the VAZ made by hand figures, excellent textiles, antique items and traditional Austrian clothes.

Vienna also offers an unusual shopping - "Palace". The fact is that in numerous palace in the city - former noble residences - are located, in addition to ministries, museums, consulates and other organizations - also trading points.

Most often, the palaces come across Vienna in the area number 1 is a quarter surrounding the Square Friaring. In "Ferstel Palace" Located in the central part, you can wander through antique and jewelry stores, and in addition - to look at the chocolate store "Xocolat".

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Nearby is "Palace Harrah" It is located stores where interior items are sold, as well as art gallery.

You can see the palaces in the pedestrian trading areas of Graben, Colmarct and Kardnierstraße. In majestic "Palace of Justice" (Crossing Graben and Kernttenshtraße) These days there are trading areas for the sale of porcelain products from Manufactory "Augarten".

"Dorotheum Palace" He is a building where there is a world-famous auction house with the same name.

And a few hundred meters from it is located "Dietrixtein Palace" where Doblinger's music house is located, which is the largest European Publisher of Notes.

In the capital of Austria, you can buy a wonderful dishes decorated with floral motifs - the production of the same carfactory "Augarten", which was discussed above.

And, of course, the same Viennese sweets ... please at the return home of your native candied flowers - they are sold in Confectionery "Demel" and "Blühendes Konfekt".

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