Rest in Vienna: where to eat and how much does it cost?


Viennese cuisine is the only cuisine in the world called by the name of the city. In the fifteenth century, she was considered the best in Europe. To this day, thanks to its uniqueness, Viennese cuisine has many fans worldwide.

During history, the Austrian crown over the history was obeyed by various peoples, thanks to them, she quite significantly enriched its traditions - and gastronomic, of course, are also among others. Now, despite the fact that a lot of culinary customs came from outside, they have the status of truly Austrian - because they became famous thanks to this European capital.

The most famous dish is Wiener Schnitzel - Big calf chop in the batter. According to the experienced masters of culinary affairs, he is a "descendant" of Milan Escalop. This dish really likes to visit, who are willing to lay out for the Vienna Snitzel with Fry's potato or with a salad of fifteen euros and more.

Similar fate got and truly Hungarian Goulahu - Nowadays this dish, accompanied by a beer mug - a typical Vienna lunch. Viennese cooking is not very exquisite, but nourishing and tasty. Great importance is attached to meat dishes, most often the beef is used for their preparation. Guests of the Austrian capital are advised to taste stewed beef fillet "Taffetz".

It is also worth saying about Potato salads , liver chicken - Buckachun , and the Kaiser Omelet - Kaisersmarren . It is prepared like any other omelet, however, they start cinnamon and raisins. When it is served on the table, it sprinkled with sugar powder.

Viennese cuisine can also boast dishes that have popularity - for example, Shinnflectherl - Noodles with ham, egg protein, cheese and other components. Recipes for making this delight - more than a hundred.

As for the flour and sweet, in this regard, the Vienna Gastronomic Tradition is most likely the European leader. Take the desserts, cookies, puddings, diedlings, rolls with cottage cheese or nuts ... What is just not served on the table! The greatest popularity, of course, belongs Vienna Strudel - Apple pie. Prepare it is a very difficult thing, and the main secret is in creating a very thin dough. In Austria, brides until recently chose the way they knew how to prepare this cake. To make it, are required, except apples and flour, still raisins, cottage cheese, cinnamon, almonds, breadcrumbs. This apple pie was always served with coffee or to tea.

The country is proud of its wines that are produced in different corners. For example, Riesling - It is produced in Vahau Valley, Muller Turgau - north of Krems, Kamptal-Donulaland, "Shilhercher", "Morrilan", "Muskteller" - In Western Styria.

Any of these wines you can taste in the capital of Austria in specialized points of sale.

Next to Vienna there is a wine region - the town of Klosternoyburg, which was famous for the monastic wine nine hundred centuries ago. Local wine-making school consider one of the oldest in the European Region. The most famous is more Wine "Hoirger" - Young, for the manufacture of which the last harvest is used. He is drunk from the day of St. Martin - from November 11th. The word "Hyuriger" in the capital of Austria serves to designate a small tavern or restaurant in which you can taste this drink. Over the entrance to the wine cellar in establishments that serve the wine of their own crop can see a special sign - a green wreath.

Another local cultural phenomenon of the gastronomic tradition can be called Viennese cafes . These exquisite institutions are part of the life of any resident of Vienna, the features of the home furnishings and an elegant Great Slow charm are striking in them.

We will talk more about the most popular Vienna Coffee Shops.

Cafe Landtmann.

In this institution, daily newspapers are offered - both local and foreign. The cafe has a conference room and six halls guarded by the state - calculated on 280 people. In summer, you can relax on the terrace - it is designed for three hundred visitors. This institution remembers Sigmund Freud, Marlene Dietrich, Romi Schneider and other famous customers.

Rest in Vienna: where to eat and how much does it cost? 10050_1

Visitors here are offered many varieties of coffee, an abundance of species and excellent cuisine.

Cafe Prückel.

The cafe belongs to the number of few who were saved in Ringstrasse. Since it was founded - in 1903, and to this day, visitors here are offering everything that the soul - the press, local and foreign, the souls of the Vienna cooking, many varieties of coffee and fresh pastries. Visitors highly appreciate the variety of Coffee "Prückel-Creme".

Cafe Speerl

This institution was founded in the 1880th. Here you will always be offered a variety of presses, available billiard tables, bridge and chess. In the autumn period, literary events are organized in CAFE SPERL. Visitors offer delicious homemade baking, but the number of dishes in the menu is not great. The actors, musicians and officers always gathered here.

Cafe Central.

This coffee shop was founded in 1876. Here visitors can always count on fresh press. In a small garden, which opens in the summer, you can listen to piano. In the menu - a variety of dishes of local culinary tradition. And also, of course, domestic pastries and a wide variety of coffee varieties. Gastronomic establishments in Vienna have always been famous for the exquisite interior, and Cafe Central is not an exception in this regard - the design of the interior decoration corresponds to the Venetian tradition, in the center of the hall is the piano. This coffee shop has local businessmen, many young people and visitors.

Rest in Vienna: where to eat and how much does it cost? 10050_2

Cafe Hawelka.

Cafe Hawelka founded in the 1939 Leopold Wall, and this institution is very democratic, although it can boast a glorious history. Here you can see local schoolchildren and students - and, of course, tourists. At your service - the Austrian press and coffee in the morning hour, and buns with vanilla sausage will be served to coffee.

Rest in Vienna: where to eat and how much does it cost? 10050_3

Cafe Diglas.

The classic institution of the Austrian capital is located in its central part, next to the Cathedral of St. Stifana. It was opened in 1923. Here you will be offered your own baking, every day - three different menus, in the summer, a garden is opened at the institution.

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