How much will rest in Hammamet cost?


Planning the travel budget, I usually do long before the trip. To do this, I have to study many sites and reviews of tourists. Understanding the total costs helps me to calculate the amount you need to take with you to feel confidently. In general, the recreation budget can be divided into the following components of the expenses.

1.) Cost of vouchers.

The price of the tour, as is known, depends on the level of the selected hotel and the type of power. In Tunisia, we drove for an active holiday, most of the time of which were carried out on excursions or independent travels. Therefore, to choose an expensive hotel in the system "All Inclusive" did not make absolutely no sense (overpayment was about $ 150 for two). Our goals quite fit a small hotel located on the second line, not far from the historic center of Hammamet, but having its own beach.

How much will rest in Hammamet cost? 10047_1

For a seven-day tour for two, we paid $ 975.

2.) The cost of excursions.

In my opinion, the most expensive article on vacation. Information about the prices for excursions Tourist operators lay out on their sites. I had the opportunity to compare prices and choose alternative options.

For example, a famous two-day excursion to sugar is very difficult to implement independently, and in our case it is unreal (since we do not have a driver's license). Therefore, we bought it from a hotel guide for $ 148 per person. In addition, I found a lot of positive feedback about it on the Internet. Another excursion - to the capital Tunisia (Carthage - Sidi-bu-Said), is quite realized on its own, only with the difference that there will be no qualified guide with you, but the missing information can be found again in the same Internet. At the tour operator it costs $ 112 for two, we independently laid on $ 17. Therefore, decide for yourself. Just in case, here is a detailed instruction.

3.) Power.

In our hotel you could only have breakfast and dinner. But fortunately, prices in Hammamet restaurants do not bite. On average, the cost of the check for one lunch, we went out $ 12 for two. The restaurant, by the way, also found thanks to the stories of tourists on the forums.

4.) Transport costs.

You can move around Hammamet on public transport and taxi. The cost of bus tickets is not high (about one dinar, if you drive from the old medina to Yasmin), but the schedule of traffic can not coincide with your plans, which is not entirely convenient.

We found a way out to ride a taxi inexpensive. In our hotel, there were necessarily people who, for example, need to go to Yasmin for shopping. We agreed with them and took a taxi together. Yellow cars are constantly running around the city and in your signal slow down. On four, the trip was published 6 dinars, or 1.5 dinars per person (0.9 dollars).

How much will rest in Hammamet cost? 10047_2

5.) Products.

We bought out products, mostly water (650 Millim), French baguettes (350 millime) and watermelons (about 2 dinars). In the area of ​​Medina there is a MG store, where products are even cheaper. In total, on this article we spent no more than 10 dollars.

6.) Shopping and souvenirs.

Here, of course, it all depends on your appetites. Some people specially flew with us in Tunisia only for purchases, they did not need any excursions and travels. "Fucking" in Hammamet can be really inexpensive. We also did not resist and looked into the market in Medina. Costs amounted to just over 50 dollars.

How much will rest in Hammamet cost? 10047_3

7.) Entertainment and Improvement

Expenditures on this article largely depend on your capabilities and fantasies. Tunisia is famous for its thalassotherapy and spa centers, a lot of factors affect the cost of services. Cheap treatments are from 20 dinars, full-fledged courses of treatment - about $ 600. Here everyone is solved by himself what he needs.

From entertainment, we did not resist before riding on quad bikes in Sahara (50 dinars for two) and camels walking (25 dinars / person).

Summarizing all of the above, I will say that from the planned budget of $ 600 (excluding a ticket), we spent $ 530, while the main part of the funds was spent on excursions. I hope this information was useful for you.

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