Features of rest in Pamukkale


Pammukal in Turkey is not considered a resort area. This area is in sufficient distance from the Antalya coast in the province of Denizli, but it does not prevent her from being popular. Popularity is related to the fact that in Pammukal, and the second name "cotton castle", there are thermal sources with healing water containing in its composition calcium oxide. There are only 17 of them and the water temperature is within 35 - 100 degrees. About the healing properties of water is known for a long time. Even during the period of ownership of the Romans, an ancient city was located near Pammukal, and the Roman architects were built by the grandiose Bani's grand architects. They even organized a very thoughtful drainage system, sewage. There is also a pool of the Egyptian queen Cleopatra. The water in it is mineral, the temperature corresponds to the temperature of the body - 36.6 degrees. To be in such water for a long time it is impossible to become bad otherwise. In Him, the Queen took the healing baths. The water, however, was not only wellness, but also a rejuvenating effect. And today, many ladies come here for rejuvenation. It is not known how much you need to be in water until the optimal result is achieved. If you go on an excursion in Pammukal, please visit the pool. I did not like it in warm water and be covered with bubbles. You sit as if in the heated Borjomi.

Already the 4th century is known as the healthparriage zone of Pammukal. This comes to treat diseases of the joints, the musculoskeletal system, helps water and people with weak nerves and weak stomach. Water drink, lying in it. There is even a wellness center on the territory of Pammukal, in which mud, thermal baths can be passed. There are not only "new health", but also improved condition of their own skin. After thermal waters, it becomes smooth and tender.

The mountains of the cotton castle themselves are cascades. They are called travertine terraces. Trevertin is a limestone tuff. White tuff, it is well a grinding, apparently, due to the water flowing throughout several millennia, some terraces have very smooth edges. The area, which is occupied by limestone mountains huge and exceptionally snow-white. Apparently, therefore, there is a second name associated with cotton.

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When entering the terraces, you should remove shoes. In general, they are very fragile. For a visit, a separate zone is highlighted, and even that passing along the travertines will track down cautious. Very slippery, and narrow paths, a lot of tourists. If you fall, then you can get a serious injury, but it can still be said lucky. There were cases when after the fall, the person slid straight to the edge of the terrace. There are no special fences. You can fall from an impressive height. If you travel around a cotton castle with children, you need to watch them more than ever. It is actually very unsafe here.

In Pammukhale to visit. After all, such wonders that are created by nature itself, quite a bit. It is worth seeing such beauty.

A trip to Pammukal implies another visit to one place - amphitheater.

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Such a lot in Turkey, but here it is very impressive sizes and well preserved. You can see fragments of sculptures that decorated the arena-scene, sit on the row you like and imagine themselves as an ancient viewer, carefully follows theatrical actors or gladiator battles.

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The path in Pammukal from Antalya or Alanya, the areas of Side takes about 8 hours by bus. The cost of the trip is about $ 80. There are tours for one day, you will be at the hotel for late evening or for two days. Overnight at the category 3 Star Hotel.

Turks say what to be in Turkey and not see Pammukhal, it means not to see the country. Sign guarantee and incredible experience from the trip you are guaranteed. Such trips cannot leave indifferent. Children can also be taken, but then it is better to schedule a trip for two days.

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