What is interesting to see Porec?


Porec is actually a small town located in a picturesque bay in the western part of the Istria Peninsula. However, despite its size, the resort is one of the major tourist centers of Croatia. Tourist infrastructure Porec is well developed very well. City hotels and hotels beyond good living conditions and worthy nutrition offer tourists all sorts of excursions and provide assistance in renting vehicles. However, all this is in other high-class resorts, but, nevertheless, Porec has its own highlight. It is that this city is one of the few who managed to preserve medieval buildings and the ancient Roman temples in good condition. Make sure all tourists who decided to devote their holidays to the trip to Porec.

First of all, all guests of the city are in a hurry to estimate the local coast, on which there are many secluded bays and lagoon. Only after that, tourists go to a closer acquaintance with Porere and his remarkable places.

Old city

The region of the Old Town itself is the attraction of Porec. Most of the buildings in the old town are erected on the foundation of the ancient Roman buildings. Walking on winding streets, tourists can notice that they all lead to the square located in the center of the Old Town. This unusual street system has been preserved in Porec, since the time of the Roman Empire. Also, the reflection of those times are the two main streets of the city: Dekumanus and Cardo Maximus. Both of them lead to the Moraphor Square, and are also located almost perpendicular to each other. At one time, Dekumanus Street served as an important urban highway, and now it is just a tourist object with houses in the Gothic style. Most popular with tourists Street Cardo Maximus and Dekumanus use the restaurants, souvenir shops and historical structures placed on them.

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At the very beginning of the decaman street (Dekumanus), tourists can get acquainted with the heritage of the ancient Romans in the form Pentagonal tower . It is believed that it was built under the leadership of the architect Werner de Zulgova for more than six centuries ago. The tower was built in the Gothic style, and her facade was decorated with Venetian lions. Until the XIX century, the tower was part of the city gate and on the opposite side of the street could admire his reflection in the image of the twin tower. However, at the moment, tourists can only see the lonely pentagonal tower and evaluate its beauty outside. Those who wish to see the attraction from the inside can visit the restaurant of traditional Croatian cuisine, located inside a pentagonal tower.

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As planned in ancient times, a walk along Dekumanus Street will lead to tourists to Square Morafor . This unusual square in the form of a square is not only the center of the Old Town, but also the center of all Porec. On it, travelers can stay in one of the cafe, and then make photos of stone colon and massive stone blocks that remain from the pagan temples of Mars and Neptune.

Municipality and Basilica

Yes, you should not stay on the square for a long time, as tourists still expect a close-looking majority of Porec - Euphrasieva Basilica (Eufrazijeva Bazilika). This place can not be bypass. Basilica is an exquisite construction with a rich inland decor. To be accurate, Efrazian Basilica is actually a temple consisting of three parts - oils. All parts of the complex are interconnected with a beautifully decorated column and arches with amazing frescoes. In the Capella Basilica, the relics of the saints are stored, and the marble kivorius is installed above the altar, painted by scenes from the Saints Scriptures.

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The inner decoration of the basilica is luxurious. The historical value represents mosaics with the image of the apostles, Jesus Christ, Lamb and 12 martyrs. While visiting the basilica, tourists may also have the opportunity to estimate the outdoor mosaic in the garden. She is already seventeen centuries, and she is still "alive." In addition, everyone can climb the bell tower with which an amazing panoramic view of Porec offers.

At the moment, the Basilica is the current Catholic temple and is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Thanks to unusual acoustics, there are often musical concerts in this place. On the territory of the Basilica is a workshop for the manufacture of souvenirs. Tourists you liked the thing you can buy for a symbolic fee.

During a walk through the old city, tourists should be collapsed on the street of the Holy Moravo, which is parallel to Dekumanus Street. Make this goes need to see House of two saints (Kuca Dva Sveca). The building in the romance style is decorated outside two figures, under the feet of which cat heads are depicted. Statues are established in such a way that all watching has the impression of the integrity of the house and figures. There is nothing interesting for travelers inside the building. The house only externally is of interest to lovers of unusual architecture.

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Surprise guest guests Istrian municipality (Istarska Sabornica) is a pure outside, but originally decorated inside. It is located in the very center of Parka at Matka Laginje, 2. In the assembly hall of the municipality, in addition to the meeting of the parliament, musical, artistic and theatrical events are held. The ceiling of the hall is decorated with wondrous painting and frescoes. Earlier in this building was the Franciscan temple. In a reminder of those times, only a mosaic floor remained. Tourists can visit the building only during exhibitions or other events.

In addition to vintage architectural buildings, Porec is famous for cozy green courtyards and small squares, in which the majestic age-old pines grow. Tourists can always just sit on shops under the pines and imagine that they were in the distant past among amazing houses in an extraordinary city. After that, you can continue walking around the city, and in confirmation of the surprise of the Porec make a lot of beautiful photos.

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