What entertainment is in Leipzig?


What I always conquered German cities, so it is some kind of special arrangements, the opportunity to truly enjoy your holidays. And Leipzig in this regard is no exception. The choice of entertainment here is truly impressive, so it is unlikely to have to miss. Moreover, not only fans of noisy parties and active entertainment, but also fans of nature. After all, there are many beautiful parks in Leipzig, in which you can easily spend a couple of hours, walking along neat alleys and enjoying the picturesque nature. So, one of the most attractive green zones, in my opinion, is Wildpark Leipzig Park In which you can not only make an unhurried promenade in the shade of trees, but also to arrange a picnic in a specially equipped area, as well as play with children on adapted under family fun.

An excellent option for a family holiday can also be a visit. Leipzig Zoo (Pfaffendorfer-Strasse 29) is one of the largest in Europe.

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Conditions for animals There are just excellent - most of the animals are not just sitting in the cells, but walking along a rather impressive and specially equipped area (fenced, of course), and among the four-legged inhabitants there are a lot of celebrities. So, earlier in the zoo, I lived (or lived, because it was a girl) Opossym Heidi, who guess the laureates of Oscar in 2011 and starred in the series. In addition, the rest of the animals deserve no less attention, the tourists are especially attracted by the Tourists Department of Primates, which are proud of its grand sizes and the number of species presented. Although no less delight will be given to a visit to the local aquarium, as well as the amazing tropical garden Gondwanalond, in which the conditions of the legendary continuity of Gondwan have been recreated the conditions of the legendary Millennium.

As for more traditional entertainment, the majority of young people are accustomed to, namely cinema, bowling and the like, then you can look at one of the major entertainment centers of Leipzig. One of the most popular is Kinobar Prager Fruehling , attracting its numerous visitors not only by a variety of entertainment zones (from the children's playground and attractions to the cinema), but also quite good cafes and restaurants.

But for extreme entertainment it is better to call Park Belantis..

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In its territory, along with the most ordinary, you can find so interesting and unusual attractions, which simply captures the spirit. True, most of them are still not for the faint of heart. Although even with children here you can spend a whole day, as the attractions are so thought out that they can satisfy even the most capricious child or an adult. From the most memorized I can note the flight on the waterfield of the pyramid, breathtaking and lowering the heart into the heels of the American slides and cute river boats.

If we talk about nightlife of the city, they are also enough. One of the most visited and fashionable is perhaps Club ilses eri ka - One of the oldest and respected in Leipzig. And although there are mainly regular visitors there, the beginners there will be glad there too. In addition, you can note a good Nachtcafé Club , attracting its guests a good musical selection and fairly delicious cocktails.

In addition, a certainly memorable event will also be visited by one of the most famous Leipzig festivals, annually collecting thousands of guests from different cities in Germany and other countries. Among the most famous events held in the city can be noted Bakhakh festival (German Das Bachfest). It is held in Leipzig every summer since 1999 (and in general appeared in 1904) and turns the city into one big concert platform, with the scenes of which the immortal music of the Grand Composer sounds.

No less guests collects and legendary (I do not beat this word) Leipzig International Fair Leipziger Messe.

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True, it is not necessary to confuse a complex of events related to the fair and the exhibition complex itself. After all, the Leipzig Fair is, in fact, a specially created and equipped area, which gathered exhibition centers and open areas on its land, intended for inpatient and temporary presentations. The most significant events occurring in the territory of the Leipzig Fair are "Book Fair" (held every year in March), "AUTO Mobil International" - the second largest in Germany after Frankfurt, a car exhibition, an exhibition of computer games "Games Convention" (runs in August ), as well as very fascinating "Modell-Hobby-Spiel" - an exhibition of a wide variety of models and toys and (this is me, as a representative of a weak floor, is interested in the most) Fair for home and garden "Haus-Garten-Freizeit". But this, of course, is not the entire list of what can be visited here if you are lucky.

In addition, a very significant and popular festival conducted in Leipzig is and Gothic festival "Wave-Gotik-Treffen" . It is held in the city since 1992, turning this German center for four days to the world of gothic music and culture. In general, the spectacle is quite interesting and even perhaps fascinating. After all, during his holding, it is possible not only to get to one of the concerts carried out on different platforms, but also to plunge into the atmosphere of the holiday with its unchanging attributes - fairs, exhibitions, stages, and so on.

By the way, speaking of concerts, I would like to note that you are worthy of attention and Leipzig opera especially if you know German. It is considered one of the oldest and respected in Europe and regularly takes leading theatrical teams with original productions.

And of course I can not get around the wonderful side museums A visit to one of which can also be a very entertaining adventure. First of all, it is worth paying attention to the Museum of the Arab Coffee Tree, where you can find out the most interesting and mysterious of the story about the occurrence of a coffee drink and get acquainted with the most strange coffee devices, as well as the German Museum of Books and Prints, acquainted with the history of typography.

Although it is not necessary to bypass the traditional museum centers, such as, for example, the Museum of the City History, located in the Town Hall Building and telling about the various stages of the development of this major Saxon Center, the Museum of Grassi, in whose territory a very interesting museum of applied art can be visited, ethnographic museum and Museum of musical instruments. I especially want to highlight the last, because among its exhibits - the most valuable musical instruments of the work of great masters of various eras (from the Middle Ages to modern times). Also, you should not forget about the Museum of Antiquities of the University of Leipzig, in which you can find antique finds (coins, sculptures and other), the collection of stones are precious and so on, as well as an art museum that provides the opportunity to enjoy the works of famous German and European painting masters and Sculptures.

Thus, in Leipzig, it is possible to really find yourself entertainment - from noisy concerts to calm walks in the park, from the guys in the amusement park before exploring the history of the region in one of the museums.

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