Why should I go to Ulan Bator?


Mongolia, like its capital, is very attractive for tourism, and lovers of hunting and fishing will be delighted. Here in the national parks, Nature is absolutely untouched by man.

Usually, choosing the direction of your travels, we focus on Europe, because we know what is interesting, informative, but the opposite direction is considered little. I also probably would not have visited Mongolia if it were not for a business trip. A trip can not be called just a journey, but an adventure, because for five days of staying in the train "Moscow-Ulan-Bator" a lot managed to see, driving different cities of Russia, Lake Baikal, along the coast of which, the train was driving three hours. Yes, and the neighborhood of the train contributed to the emergence of new acquaintances from among foreign tourists from Germany, England and Holland, who, unlike our special impressions, go to Asia countries, including Mongolia. They do not go along the tourist ticket, and "savages". Specially fly to Moscow, transplanted to the train, then are in Mongolia for some time, preferring campsites with the yurts comfortable and comfortable hotels, then their path lies in China, and after the plane return home. A young man from Holland was filmed all the way. Landscapes and urban buildings on camera. It turned out that he collects material for the graduation work.

After five days, I arrived in Ulan Bator. Immediately I want to say that the city is built in contrasts. Here are old buildings, even yurts, coexist with giant modern structures, here young people are dressed in Western style, and the elderly walks in national costumes and in all this way. Getting around in this city old and new.

Why should I go to Ulan Bator? 10021_1

I think that come to Mongolia, Ulan-Bator is at least once. It is always interesting to know something new, I would say extraordinary. From the history of Russia, we all know about the Tatar-Mongols, Genghis Khan, so here is the opportunity to see with their own eyes a number of historical places, the people themselves, the ancestors of which more than 400 were held Russia under the yoke. A trip here is a kind of exotic, but a lot that I happened to see, reminded about the house. Staying for about a month in Ulan Bator, I never felt abroad. There are whole quarters who built Soviet builders. They still live people and very grateful, because before that, except Yurt there was nothing.

Many in the city of monuments leaders who fought for the freedom of Mongolia were headed by a revolutionary movement. The main square is named after the leader of the dry-bauators. The same as the prototype of Red Square in Moscow, his mausoleum, the building of Parliament. Nearby in the square you can see a monument to V.I. Lenin.

In Ulan-Bator, come well for relaxing and relaxing in nature. National Park is located near the city, the famous Dinosaur Valley, the remains of which were found in the next territories and are presented in the Anthropological Museum. Dinosaurs are recreated in the valley. Very large-scale giant facilities.

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Why should I go to Ulan Bator? 10021_3

There are also mountains here, externally resembling different animals, such as a turtle, and one mountain is named after Lenin. From afar it seems that Vladimir Ilyich for reading the book. Such associations at local. In the park there is still a remarkable place - this is a cave in which monks hid during the repressions. The campgrounds are immediately equipped, instead of the homes and wishing homes and wishing to live a lot in such houses. This is a kind of hotel with bungalow numbers in the form of Yurt. There is also your restaurant serving National Mongolian cuisine. Liked Buuza. These are large dumplings like a chinki cooked for a pair. Meat dishes and sausages are very tasty here, not a couple of things that they sell in our stores. All natural and without extra additives. We saw in the park a lot of tourists from Europe, which come here for fishing.

What else is remarkable in Ulan Bator. There are a large number of Buddhist temples in the city. The most famous temple of Gandan. He is famous for inside the statue of a five-storey house is a statue. Being inside, in fact everyone stands at her feet. You have to "blow up" head to see it entirely.

There is in the city and a monument to Russian soldiers. This is a whole memorial complex, located in the mountainous part of the Ulan Bator practically on its outskirts.

Stay itself in the city did not cause any negative emotions. It was possible to see the iconic monuments of architecture, visit a number of museums, to visit the concert of the Mongol Rock Group, go to the theater, see the temples, and visit the famous cashmere factory "Gobi".

I went on a business trip with colleague. I can not call the trip safe. Already being in Ulan-Bator, it was necessary to walk alone, together, but preferably and psychologically more comfortable was still when I was in a group of people familiar to people. Therefore, I do not advise the girls one. In general, good impressions remained from the trip. To come to Ulan Bator, if possible, stands.

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