Ke eng e khahlisang ho bona Manchester?


Litoro tsa Senyesemane tsa Manchester tsa ho etela limilione tse tsamaeang lefatšeng, 'me ha se libapali tsa tsona tsa bolo ea maoto haholo "kapa" Manchester City ". Toropo e nkoa e le setsi sa setso sa Great Britain, kahoo ba tla khotsofatsoa ke ho thabela le ho ba le balateli ba Theatre (House ea pele ea Opera), le barati E-ba teng Mefuta eohle ea li-galleri le litšitiso tse ntle tsa bonono tse ntle ho Manchester ar Gallery (Art Galley of Manchester) kapa Museum of Manchester) kapa Muserum of Manchester. Hape, ho hlakile hore lits'oants'o tsa mehleng ea khale li tebile, li tla thabela ho bina ka meralo ea meaho ea khale, haholoholo kereke.

Kathedra ea Manchester / Manchester Cathedral

Ke eng e khahlisang ho bona Manchester? 7690_1

United Kingdom, Manchester, Catherass Cathedral Rd - Aterese ena ke e 'ngoe ea meaho ea bolumeli e telele haholo Manchester. Qalo ea kaho ea pote ea tempele e khutletse selemo sa 1215. Ka tlhaho, ka nako e telele hakana, tempele e ne e sa ka ea hahuoa bocha. Litsi li ile tsa fetile, mofuta oa feshene o ne o batla ho tsamaisana le linako, kahoo ponahalo ea tempele e ne e fetoloa khafetsa, boqapi bo ile ba tloha butle-butle mokhoa oa Gothic ho ea setaele sa neoclassical. E entse liphetoho tsa eona tsa bohlokoa le ntoa ea bobeli ea lefatše. Nakong ea bomo e mpefatsang, lifensetere tse ikhethang tsa li-vintage tsa terene li ne li lahlehile ka mokhoa o makatsang. E ne e se na ho phatloha ha bokhukhuni - ka 1996, ho phatloha ho ile ha beoa tlas'a kereke. Le hoja e ne e le moholo, tempele e ntse e sebetsa. Mafelo-beke, e le karolo ea leeto, u ka kena ka bolokolohi ba ho khahloa ke mangeloi a mangeloi a mangeloi a neng a le lihlooho. Ho kenella ho tloha ho 09,00 ho isa ho lihora tse 19,00.

Ntlo ea khomo Golcon / Gorton eastern

Ke eng e khahlisang ho bona Manchester? 7690_2

Moqapi oa Morithati oa Mochini oa Mojuda o tsejoa e le o mong oa baitlami oa borena e ntle haholo o ne a tšoere libui tse tloaelehileng, eseng lihahi tsa litsebi. Sebopeho sena se hlollang se ile sa hahuoa ka lilemo tse 5 feela, ho tloha ka 1863 ho fihlela 1867. E fumaneha ho: United Kingdom, Manchester, 89 Gorton Lane, Gorton. Lekholong la lilemo la lilemo tse fetileng, baitlami ba ile ba tloha mona, ka mohaho ka boeona o ile a nkuoa ke tšireletso ea Unikco mme ba phatlalatsa Lefa la Batho ba Botho. Hajoale, liketsahalo tse fapaneng tsa setso li tšoareloa khafetsa mona. U ka kena kahare ho baitlami mahala mahala, 'me haeba u batla ho mamela pale ea tataiso (ka mafelo-beke) u tla tlameha ho lefa liponto tse 5. Nako ea ho etela kaho ea baitlami ba pele: ho tloha ho 12,00 ho isa lihora tse 16.00.

Gallery ea Manchester Art Gallery / Manchester Art Gallery

Pokello ea lebitso lena le ikhethang le ikhethang, le butsoeng hole hoo e ka khonang feela meahong e meraro, Quay Street, Kicherman Square, Kichess Street, Mancherter M3 3jene, United States Mmuso. Mona u ka khahloa ke seile sa Senyesemane sohle se tsebahalang, 'me eseng lipereithara feela (linepe tse ngata tsa sekolo se matla). Ntle le litšoantšo tsa bosholu ba sejoale-joale, ho boetse ho na le li-colvises tsa vintation, tse qalang ho tsoa lekholong la XVIII. Ho e 'ngoe ea litlhomo tsa pontšo ho na le pokello ea lihlahisoa tse tsoang ho silimi ea khale. Se ke oa ikoahlaela nako ea hau ea mahala, tsoa lelapa lohle, haholo hobane monyako o lokolohile. E sebetsa Gallery matsatsi ohle ntle le Sontaha: ho tloha ho 10 hoseng ho isa ho 5 pm.

Manchester Museum / Manchester Museum

United Kingdom, Manchester, Road - Atereseng ena u tla fumana e 'ngoe ea limusiamo tse ntle ka ho fetisisa tsa Engelane, e leng thepa ea univesithi. Ntle ho pelaelo, ho khahloa ke pokello ea nalane ho nkuoa e le masapo a felletseng a Tirannosaururus e kholo, e leng lipampitšana tseo lilemo tse kae tse boleloang ke lilemo tse limilione tse 65. Ka mohahong ona oa mekato e mene, lipontšo tse ikhethang li bontšoa, e leng semelo se seholo sa saense. Setsi sa pokello ea nalane ke pontšo e kholo ka ho fetisisa ea ho pheha Egepeta, linako tsa Faro. Borithane ha ba nahane ka ho hlokahala hore ba fumane chelete ea bohlokoa litekanyetsong tsa naha, ka hona, monyako oa pokello ea nalane bakeng sa sehlopha kaofela ba baahi ba mahala. Lihora tsa ho qala: ho tloha ho 10,00 ho isa lihora tse 17.00.

Sealife / Likeife Manchester

Ke eng e khahlisang ho bona Manchester? 7690_3

Boikhohomoso bo bong ba batho ba moo ba leoatleng ke The Onals: Barton Square, Setsi sa Trafford, Manchester M17 87A, United Kingdocher. Mona, ntle le matsatsi, ho tloha ka matsatsi a sa reng letho hoseng le ho fihlela mantsiboea, o ka thabela liphoofolo tse likete tse hlano tsa metsing. Tlhaho ena eohle ea bophelo e tsamaisoa ka aquarium tse kholo. Ha ua lokela ho thathamisa lintho tsohle tsa thabo ea aquarium, hobane u tla ba le monyetla o ikhethang, hobane u tla ba le thepa e ikhethang, e leng lishaka tsa 'nete le lishaka tse kholo li tla phaphama. Thabo ena kaofela ha e theko e tlase-palo ea lik'hilomithara tse leshome le ho qoelisoa ka metsotso e leshome). Haeba u nka qeto ea ho lelera (ntle le ho qoelisa), ebe tekete ea ho kena e tla bitsa liponto tse 17 - bakeng sa bana ba hae ba ka tlase ho lilemo tse 3 - ha ho hlokahale hore ba lefe.

Bala Haholoanyane