Ke eng e lokelang ho sheba Nessebar?


Sebaka se seholo sa ho etela Nessebar ke toropo ea khale. Tsela e bonolo ho ea fofa bese, tsela kapa tekesi e tloaelehileng. Ha e le hantle ke tsela ea maoto ka maoto, hammoho le sekoti se moqotetsane nakong ea leloala la khale khahlanong le setulo sa bay of the bay of they of they of they of they of they of they of they of they of they of they of they of they of they of they of they of they of the haven Ka ho le letona, kay ea Bay ea Nesesear, le sefika ho basesisi ba bafu ba mofu ba shoeleng, haeba u lehlohonolo, u ka kopana le likhaba tsa borena.

Litumelo tse ngata tseo Bakreste ba Bakreste ba Bakreste ba mehleng ea khale ba Bakreste ba khale ba neng ba phela ba boholo ba Nessebar, ba tlatsitsoe ke lithako tsa qubu ea qhobosheane, ba ipata ka maoto ka maoto. Ka lintlha tse phahameng tsa motse, maikutlo a matle a leoatle a bulehile. Leha ho le joalo, likereke ke pono ea mantlha ea Nessebar ea khale. Na hoa khoneha ho hloloheloa khale - Metropolissan (v lekholong la lilemo), kapa e ntle ka ho fetisisa - kereke ea Kreste Trantokracher? Tsohle li boloka likereke tse mashome a tsoelang pele.

Etsa bonnete ba hore u etela musiamo oa baepolli oa lintho tsa khale qalong ea toropo ea khale, haufi le moqomo. Bopaki bo ruileng, haholo libakeng tsa mabenyane a khauta.

Ke eng e lokelang ho sheba Nessebar? 2409_1

Ke eng e lokelang ho sheba Nessebar? 2409_2

Ke eng e lokelang ho sheba Nessebar? 2409_3

Bala Haholoanyane