What should you expect from holiday in Bintula?


Bintula is a coastal city in the central part of Sarawak, 610 kilometers to the northeast of the Kuching and 215 km north-east of the town of Sibu. About 115 thousand people live in a clean plot. Today, Bintula, which cozited on the coast of the South China Sea is The largest port in Sarawak.

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Why did the city named this? There are several interesting legends on this. For one of them, the indigenous inhabitants of this region - Ibana - practiced head hunt to support their social status in society. After ritual murder, they threw the heads into the Kemna River. Sailing heads in the river for a long time did not relieve, so, after insidious actions, the heads of the water were collected. So, the practice of collecting goals was called in the local language "Menta Ulau". Two Iban war named Bern and Jelab built a few houses along the river. Here they are their followers and engaged in catching heads for the river, because it was in that place of the water were wide and calm. Thus, a small stream of the river was in the end named "Manti Ulau", and people who came later in these edges, mistakenly pronounced the name of Mentulau's name. Something like that, the name turned first in Bentula and, finally, Bintula.

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According to the second legend, residents of these edges had very large or long heads, and in Melanau's language, this phenomenon was called Bat Ulau, which was subsequently transformed into Bindule.

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Apparently, the first Raja Sarawak, James Brooke from the White Rajay dynasty, decided that the name of the town should be left to the same, even after he ordered to build a fort (and it was still in the middle of the 19th century). However, Bintula and was an ordinary little fishing village until 1969, when the bay shelf was found Oil and gas field - Since then, the number of local residents has grown 23 times! Almost immediately, Bintula became the center of energy-intensive industries (and a large woodworking complex), which he is to this day.

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Bintula is quite simple to get : Not far from the city is the airport, and, in addition, with other cities of Bintula, they are associated with good roads. Local residents of Bintula are friendly and friendly (and no one has long cuts off his heads).

Indigenous peoples are today the largest share of the population of the city, more than 60%, and here there are many Chinese, Malaysians, and there are small Indian communities. Among the indigenous population is still Iban, and a little melanuans and representatives of other local tribes. According to government sources in the city and the surrounding area you can see about 230 Iban "Longhaus" , traditional dwellings of these tribes. Ibans arrived at a permanent residence in these edges to a greater extent in the mid-19th and early 20th century with government permission. But the Chinese lived here near the breakdown of the Brunese Empire, and later moved to Bintula to engage in forest.

However, in addition to these peoples, you can easily meet the Bintula on the streets Expatov From the UK, Australia, Netherlands, Germany, South Africa, New Zealand, Japan, China, USA and Indonesia. Language barrier in Bintula will not arise. Of course, the Malay language is official in Sarawak, but English In width. Despite the fact that Bintula is a relatively small city, here you will find a minimum 40 accommodation options , among which are a couple of four-star hotels, a dozen two-one-one-bed hotel, and about 15 guest houses. Moreover, some one-star hotels receive higher marks than hotels higher class- all relatively.

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And now the main question. Is the tourist in the city of Bintula? Well, definitely! And it will be more interesting to know more about the culture inhabiting these edges of the people - for these tourists are sent to Little fishing villages Next door, where they clearly show how to fish, weathelate the network, salt shrimps and prepare local dishes.

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There are several in the city Monuments , erected in honor of historical events, but they are not so impressive. And here Bintula Parks - it is beautiful! For new impressions you can go to Similjau National Park Located in thirty kilometers from the city, with its sandy beaches, rocky capes, jungle and impassable forests. Somewhere not far from the city zoo with tigers and crocodiles, somewhere flashes Garden with butterflies.

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Also Bindule may offer several Temples and mosques , and here is the annual International Festival of Aerial Snakes - Probably it is at this moment to visit this city.

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In the end, scarlet sunsets above the water stroke of the river is very romantic!

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Despite the small size of the city, it is possible and any Shopping . Of course, this is not a lot of metropolitan trading series, but still there is a couple of shopping centers quite modern and decent species and two very colorful indoor Market where it is also necessary to visit.

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And, finally, Nightlife in Bintula there is. Quite modest, but there is - and Thank you! Thus, the trip to Bintula can be truly an unforgettable adventure!

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