Useful information for those who are going to Miskolc


Miskolc is an excellent well-kept city located in a picturesque area, among hills, rivers and thermal sources, but not particularly rich in the usual tourist entertainment. It is somewhat different from classic tourist cities, where there is everything and for every taste.

Useful information for those who are going to Miskolc 20513_1

In Miskolc, the entire entertainment industry is concentrated around the city spa complex and a healthy lifestyle in general. Famous baths with radon sources and there is a center of the entire local resort life. Even park and walking areas are planned so as to create a romantic atmosphere of an elegant and well-kept fleet filled with exotic plants around the complex, filled with exotic plants and a literature.

Useful information for those who are going to Miskolc 20513_2

Of course, for everyone, there are also bars and restaurants and clubs in the surrounding area, and people can still go to Miskolc, after all the stormy nightlife.

The complex of the purchase on thermal sources is located almost in the city center, within walking distance from most urban hotels.

Working your complex starts from early morning, about eight hours local time. In the high season near the entrance gate, both organized groups of tourists are lined up and just many people who want to visit the swimsuit individually. In the middle and low seasons, the surveys of visitors slightly decreases, but at any time of the year you will never expect discoveries alone.

ATTENTION Guests at the entrance presents the rules for visiting the complex, rates and other necessary information in several languages, including English and, unfortunately, excluding Russian, but to figure out what is really real.

In the summer, warm season in the complex there are two large pool systems - closed, located in the facilities of artificial grottoes, and open, located on the outer court. As a rule, after September 15, the external platform is closed, and visitors can use only inland pools.

But do not think that this will be not enough. Even if you do not have the opportunity to ride on stunning water slides and splash in artificial geysers, there are numerous grottoes, rain bridges and even jacuzzi musical halls. Everyone can take advantage of the sauna or services of massage therapists for a fee.

The average cost of services of the complex is about 14 euros for one adult. Depending on the season and company policies, prices can fluctuate.

The entrance is paid in the box office through bank cards or cash. The visitor receives a ticket for which a bracelet for a wrench from a locker and a stroorint-deposited key, designed to activate the lock. The coin is left by the receiver of the selected cabinet, the key is taken with them, tapped on the bracelet. After leaving the bracelet, the bracelet is duty at the outlet. The staff of the complex is always polite and warned, many speak English and German, they understand Russian a little.

Healing radon sources, whose water has weak natural radioactivity, have an extremely beneficial effect on the nervous and musculoskeletal system of the human body, but it must be remembered that such centers are extremely not recommended to visit people with skin diseases, first of all - with molelanomami moles .

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