Rest in Stockholm: What do you need to know?


Telephone communication and Internet access

Call to any country in the world can be done with orange Payphony . Cards are sold in tobacco kiosks and in the stalls "Pressbyran". Many machine guns are customized with credit cards and coins. On payphones there are instructions in English. At the station or in the shopping center you can see such an interesting thing as Info which works as a phone and fax; There is even access to the Internet there. In addition, in the Internet you can go in the "7/11" kiosk, and in the city center - in the Internet cafe. There is free access to the network in most hotels class above three "stars".

Rest in Stockholm: What do you need to know? 20206_1

Travelhouses in Stockholm

The local government takes care that visitors feel more or less comfortable in an unfamiliar situation, so in the Swedish capital, the issue of tourists' information support is solved at the proper level. In the local information service Five tourist bureau works , and on the streets of the city installed Information booths "Stockholm Today" . You can find them on the name "I".

They are installed fifteen places in various parts of Stockholm. The information booth includes an interactive terminal, as well as - telephone and printer: information about important cultural events held in the city and about its attractions, with photos and explanations in different languages ​​- Swedish, German, English and French are available. If you need, you can immediately print useful information (you did not forget about the printer?), And on the phone there is also a room at the hotel.

Travel Bureau "House Sweden"

The largest tourist bureau is called "House of Sweden". It is located in Hamngatan, 27. . Here the services of several services are visited, which I will tell you in detail now.

In the excursion store trades tickets on excursions, in theaters, concerts and other interesting cultural events; In addition, the cottages, reservation in hotels and youth hostels are leased on the tour store.

In the tourist center Customers are provided with the necessary information, the sale of "Stockholm Card" and "SL Tourist Card", transport cards, cards and guidebooks is made. The tourist center operates in different months according to various graphs: in May and September - 09: 00-18: 00, on Saturdays and Sundays until 15:00; from June to August - 08: 00-18: 00, on weekends - until 17:00; From October to April - 09: 00-18: 00, on weekends - 10: 00-15: 00. Contact phone: "+46 (8) 789 24 95".

At the Bureau of Guides You can order a guide, taxi guide, transfer, maintenance of the tourist group. Phone: "+46 (8) 789 24 96".

In a Swedish store There is a sale of souvenirs, postcards and products of local folk masters.

In the store Swedish books And, as it is not difficult to guess, traded books about Sweden and Swedish literature in translations into different languages ​​of the world. This store is located on the second floor of the Sweden House.

In addition to the above-described services, in the Sweden's house Works Currency Exchange.

Tourist Bureau "HotellCentralen"

At the Stockholm railway station, CentralStationen is located the tourist bureau "HotellCentralen". There you can reserve a room in the hotel. This service is free if you pre-order by email. mail, telephone or fax, or paid - if the number is ordered in the presence of the client. In addition to the order of hotels, "HotellCentralen" provide tourist information, sell tickets for excursions, subscriptions, transport cards, etc.

Contact phone: "+46 (8) 789 24 25". This tourist office works on the following schedule: in May and September - from 8 am to 19:00; From June to August - from 7 am to 21:00, from October to April - from 9 am to 18:00. Email address: [email protected].

Travel Bureau "Kaknas"

The Kaknas travel bureau is located in the Kaknastornet television bureau. The range of services, in principle, is the same as in those institutions that I have already written - the provision of the necessary information, the order of excursions, the sale of souvenirs ... To all of the time, here you can still eat at a local restaurant or in a cafe.

Rest in Stockholm: What do you need to know? 20206_2

Contact this turbule you can by phone "+46 (8) 789 24 35". It works as follows: from May to August - from 9 am to 10 in the evening, and from September to April - from 10 o'clock in the morning until 21:00. You can also get the necessary data on the work schedule or by other questions by email: the address "[email protected]". Get to the tourist bureau "Kaknas" on the 69th bus.

City Hall in the Town Hall

In the travel bureau "City Hall" provide the same set of services as in other tourist offices, with the exception of one item - there is no telephone service.

This institution is located at: Hantverkargatan, 1. works in this way: from May to October from 9 am to 17:00, and from November to April - until 15:00. In January, the City Hall tourist office does not work.

Info Stop Stockholm.

This tourist office is located at the SCandic Hotel. Here you can book a room in a hotel or hostel, as well as provide the necessary tourist information and data on local campsites. The telephone service here, as in the City Hall, is not provided. It works from nine in the morning to six in the evening, only from June to August.

About security in Stockholm

Although Sweden is one of the safest countries of Europe, this does not mean that it is worth ignoring the simplest precautions. Probably the main danger that may threaten the tourist in Sweden, are the tricks of pockets. Such "specialists" will wait for their victims in places of cluster of people, in the halls of hotels and buffets.

Before traveling to Sweden, it is worth worrying about the design of a medstrashki, and immediately specify the question of how you "in the case of what" will ensure payment of treatment - the payment will go to the doctor, the hospital or will be refunded to you personally upon returning home.

A nice and safe journey or a fluff!

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