Rest in Sandakan: The cost of the flight, travel time, transfer.


By plane

Sandakana Airport Sandakan Airport, SDK) is 15 kilometers from the city center. Nowadays the airport takes about 900,000 passengers and more than 12.5 thousand flights per year. Compared with the indicators of a decade ago, the numbers have grown one and a half times, which is not surprising, because the popularity of these picturesque edges is growing among tourists every year.

At this airport landed Aircraft from Kuala Lumpur, Kota Kinabalu, Cudat and Tavau . Airasia fly to Kuala Lumpur and Kota-Kinabalu, Malaysia Airlines - as well as in Kuala Lumpur and Kota Kinabalu and Maswings - in Kota-Kinabalu, Kudat and Tavau.

Naturally, there is no direct flight from Moscow, so you have to fly with transfers. More often from Domodedovo, but there are two more frequent transfers - and most often first in Doha (Qatar), then in Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia). Thus, you will have to fly at least 30 hours in total, and more often almost 40. From St. Petersburg to fly even more expensive, transplants 2-3, more often in Europe (for example, in Amsterdam or in Frankfurt am Main), and Then in Kuala Lumpur. Sometimes the flight will be about 20-24 hours, but more often about 30-35. In any case, the flight is long, moreover, dear, but still it is easier and less problematic than in other ways.

Taxi - The most pleasant way to get from the airport to the city center. The passage costs about 26-28 ringgits to the city center and about 35 ringgitis if you need to go to seclocks. You can also get on the local bus for MR2. Buses complete ride in about 17: 00-19: 00. To find the bus, you just need to get out of the airport, go to the right to the big ring - after this ring there is a bus stop (walking only about 400 meters).

By bus

Sandakan bus station is located four kilometers north of the city center. Taxi from there to the hotel will cost 15 ringgitis, but in order to save, you can sit in a minivan for 1 ringgit, where, in addition to you, there will be other tourists. Minivans are departed from Gentingmas Mall.

Buses from Sandakan to Kota Kinabalu (Sida Express bus companies and Tung Ma Express) start regularly from 06:30 to 20:00 (a ticket costs about 40 ringgits, the trip lasts about 5 hours). Buses to Semopne Sends Dyana Express at 07:30 and 14:00 every day (a ticket costs about 40 ringgitis, on the way 5-6 hours).

Rest in Sandakan: The cost of the flight, travel time, transfer. 20151_1

City bus №14 to sepilok Gentingmas Mall departs from the terminal located near the embankment. Buses depart at 09:00, 10:30, 11:30, 13:00 and 14:00 (however, the schedule is worth citing). From sepilok to sandar Buses go to 10:30, 11:30, 12:30, 14:00 and 16:00. A ticket for this bus costs about 5 ringgits per person, the path takes about 45 minutes.

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On the boat

Boats companies "ALESON LINES" (Office on Ramai Ramai, Block G) provide moving between sandakneck and the city of Zamboanga (in the Philippines) every week. Cruise lasts about 22 hours, the ticket costs about 280MR (economy), more than 300mr (with air conditioning) and about 320mr (cabin). Weesam Lines boats were previously floated, but they suspended the work indefinitely.

By car

There are two highways leading to the city and from the city (i.e., unilateral, in each direction): from Kota Kinabalu . The road is good, smooth, with signs, but note that in some places a decent size of the fossa on the road, which were formed due to the destruction of the clay soil under the asphalt. If you decide to go from Kota-Kinabalu to Sandakan, then fuel the car in Ranaau, as this is the last gas station that you will meet on the way to Sandakan (that is, from Ranaau to Sandakan to go for another 240 km). The whole trip from Kota-Kinabalu takes about 6 hours, if all is well. Along this road, there are very few cafes or restaurants, where you could have a snack, so, grab the food with you.

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How to move on sandakan

Firstly, by taxi . It is so easiest to get to Sepiloka and to the Military Memorial. Although you have to negotiate the cost of the passage, as the meters - the phenomenon is not particularly common here. Taxis to sepilock with expectation and back can cost about 40 ringgitis. If you go to the Nosted Monkey Reserve, you will have to pay up to 180 ringgits. From the city center to the airport by taxi - about 30 ringgitis or even more.

Secondly, on buses . In all areas, sandakan travels and minibuses, which can also deliver you to the airport, sepille, Buli SIM SIM, etc.

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Thirdly, on foot . Nevertheless, sandakan is a small town, and it is easy to walk on foot, especially since the most interesting is located in the city center.

Fourthly on motorbike . Mototransport can be rented in Sea View Sandakan Budget & Backpackers (Harbor Square, 1st floor, Rank price for 1 day - about 35mr.

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