Shopping in Bahrain: Tips and recommendations


Bahrain is an interesting, but quite expensive country. Prices for some products here are higher than in the neighboring resorts of the region. And yet leave Bahrain without a couple of souvenirs or memorable baubles will not work. Since, as in any other Arab state, there are many traditional bazaars, the visit of which is an integral part of the cultural and excursion program of almost every tourist. As a result, travelers, one way or another, are in colorful markets, and the Bahrain Arabs merchants are taken on for the case. They possess the amazing ability of belief, imposing tourists sometimes completely unnecessary products. So, after a walk through the bazar, the baggage of travelers can be replenished not only by souvenir products, but also by a segment of eastern fabric, clay dishes and even a small carpet of handmade.

During the commissioning on the market, tourists should certainly be bargained. Since the sellers, initially assigning the cost of their goods, lay a discount on the future bargaining. They are waiting for tourists to start a kind of verbal vessel relative to the price reduction. And as a result, the most persistent and smiling buyers will receive a fitted goods at a price of two, or even three times lower than the initial one. True, tourists should be prepared for the fact that the bargaining process in the Bahrain bazaars will take place, to put it mildly, unusual. As soon as the potential buyer will be voiced by an acceptable price for him, the trader will plunge into the stopper for several minutes, and then with a smile on his face will give his answer. And so it will continue until the cost drops to a suitable tourist of the quantity or shopkeeper will stop smiling. This will mean that the trader that offered by the traveler cannot sell the goods and it's time to finish bargaining. Try to bring down the price Tourists can still in small private bears. But in Mollah and major shopping centers, bargaining will be inappropriate.

The most popular place for shopping and at the same time fascinating entertainment is the main capital market of Bab Al Bahrain. That's where tourists will be able to buy souvenirs, spices, jewelry and Arabic outfits. To get to the market travelers will be able through a large arch - the Gate of Bahrain, located on the customs area in Manama. The bazaar is a winding streets filled with souvenir shops and shops in which crafts from stone, fresh fruits, flowers, clothes, souvenirs and spices are sold. Moreover, the mixed aroma of spices and spices is felt only on the approach to Bab al-Bahrain.

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  • Tourists should be known that most of the local goods are manufactured in China. They are just cheaper. Therefore, if you want to take home a piece of Bahrain in the form of a memorable thing, you will have to spend money or go beyond the capital - to the city of Hamad to the pottery market Yatama or to the village of A'ali, where clay piggy banks, pots and other utensils made in ancient traditional technique are sold .

Trading at the Babaar Bab al-Bahrain boils every day. From Saturday to Thursday, the merchants open their shops at 9 am and work until o'clock. Then make a three-hour break, after which trade is renewed and lasts until nine in the evening. As for Friday, the market works only in the afternoon.

Tourists interested in acquiring jewelry should go to a large golden market (Gold Souq), located in the center of Manama. It presents a huge selection of gold products, other noble metals and pearls. If you wish, you can choose a ring, bracelet or any other decoration of local masters, as well as an exclusive product from the collections of world-famous jewelry companies. Schopaholiki with a small budget can look after inexpensive gold-plated products and decorations from India and the Persian Gulf countries. Shopping in this market will be not only pleasant, but also profitable. Every decoration you like is allowed to try. Moreover, most of the gold goods in Bahrain stands relatively inexpensively due to low duties. To all of the time, there are many pearls and products that combine gold and pearls on the gold market, which looks completely fabulous.

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In general, pearls in Bahrain can buy on farms and specialized auctions. If you are lucky, then for small money you can even get rare pearls of the wrong shape of milk, white and greenish color.

  • By the way, travelers may not be afraid about fakes. The sale of artificial pearls is prohibited in Bahrain. And also, during the purchase of pearls and jewels, it is necessary to issue special documents that allow the removal of purchases from the country. Such a procedure is carried out right in place and takes about 10 minutes. Otherwise, tourists may have problems at customs. It would be appropriate to say that according to the laws of Bahrain, travelers can take with them to the homeland of gifts and souvenirs in the amount not exceeding $ 600.

Tourists who do not want to engage in exhausting shopping on hot streets and Bahrain bazaar will give up the numerous resort shopping centers equipped with air conditioning. In modern shopping complexes of the country, along with the things of world-famous brands, traditional souvenirs and handmade products are sold, designer decorations. In the largest and most popular shopping center Bahrain City Center Mall, travelers will be able to be purchased in expensive boutiques, shops with reasonable prices and at the same time have a snack in a restaurant or cafe, as well as entertain in a huge water park. During the race for capital, Mail (Capital Mall), tourists will be able not only to purchase original handmade souvenirs, but also to watch the work of Bahrain artisans and craftsmen.

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Bahrain shopping and shopping centers are mainly working six days a week from 8:00 to 19:00 with a two-hour break, starting after noon. Some small outlets on Thursday arrange a short day and close at 16:00.

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