Phnom Penh: Useful information for tourists


Walk through Phnom Penh.

No driver knock Knock Do not want to listen: "I'll go on foot, thank you." Often the most reasonable thing is to really sit in his wagon: and let him worry about how to having in this crazy flow of people and cars. And, by the way, it is very easy to get lost in Phnompene.

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Pedestrian walkways in the city - not just for walking . They are still for food traders, those who wash the plates, is. All that can happen, takes place on Cambodian sidewalk. Including, if you're lucky, here you can go. To walk, ribbing the coconut racks, parked off-road or the like - in short, it is easier to walk on the road.

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So many do, only please remember that much safer to walk one . In the sense, it is possible and with the company, but a chain - it will be more mobile than overlapping the street, holding a couple of friends under the location of a couple of friends. Crossing intersection is very difficult , especially novice - the movement is crazy and messy. 50 meters down the road will be much easier to go much easier than to somehow align the four roads at once. In Cambodia, drivers adhere to the side of the road that it seems more convenient - what the rules are there. You need to expect traffic from all possible destinations and options.

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Road signs and traffic lights In Phnom Penh, of course, there is. But it is quite amazing if some kind of car really stops specifically to skip you at the transition. In the place put for transition. Well, it is necessary to move the road with confidence. It is pointless to wait for the moment when the road will be cleared, so you can sleep all day. When you see the beginning of the "gap", which is great enough to have time to run on the road, start going slowly and confidently. No need to abide over halfway and still try to establish visual contact with drivers of cars and motorcycles. If you see you, you will go. With cars and SUVs more difficult than with motorcyclists, especially if you can not see the driver's eyes through the darkened windows. They can, for example, finish writing an example and not even notice you.

Feel free to apply for help to local residents, if you are afraid to move the road. Also feel free to ask the way if you are lost. Maps are not always useful, since even Tuk-Tuk drivers, as a rule, do not use them, and will not be able to figure out what and where is.

Theft in Phnom Penh.

The time that expata in Cambodia is called "Robbery Season" comes annually in a few weeks to the Khmer New Year. At this time, the level of petty crime in Phnom Penh is really rising: apparently, some need to return to their provinces to their relatives for holidays with money - no disgrace. To reduce the risk of getting into such an unpleasant situation, follow these rules:

- Do not dig in the phone on the go - after all, at this time you do not pay attention to what is happening, and become a very attractive object for potential robbers.

- Girls should not walk at night alone. Phnom Penh, as a rule, is a completely safe city, but still do not stand for trouble. If you went to the streets at night, do not take a bag with you.

- If you go home on Tuk Tuk, ask the driver to spend you to the door. The best way to encourage him to do it is not to pay him until he delivers you to the entrance to the hotel.

If you have already robbed Try to keep calm. It is unpleasant, of course, but you were warned, especially since no bodily harm is, as a rule. With the exception of those who are trying to resist. If you insured the property before the trip, then for reimbursement you will need a police report. In Cambodia will have to pay a small bribe to get a police report. Offer to start $ 5. If you are calm and collected, then above $ 20 do not have to pay, although some tourists start so worrying that they give the police large amounts of money. Most policemen in Cambodia do not speak English, so it's easier to return to the guest house or a hotel and ask someone to accompany you to the police station as a translator.

Hospitals in Phnom Penh

Visiting the hospital in someone else's country - not always a pleasant experience. Medical care in Cambodia, as a rule, is terrible - a little better in the phnompene, but still, everything is not at the highest level. Most often, travelers may need medical assistance in Cambodia after an accident as well as due to the fever of dengue, as well as alas, due to the troubles transmitted by the sexual paths.

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Local medicine is not the most expensive, but most doctors do not have such medical training, like most Western doctors. Consider such a case: In 2008, the attorney's doctors went to the streets with a protest, because Phnom Pennene's Medical University refused to receive incoming who passed the test worse than 50% of the highest possible point. Under pressure, the university eventually accepted all students who scored more than 25% - not very encouraging, right? The medical education system in the country is so rooted that you can never be sure that this or other doctor did not receive his diploma in Blat or by bribing. So, it is not surprising that many more wealthy locals prefer to be treated in Bangkok. Ideally, of course, visit either a foreigner doctor or a local doctor with a diploma of a foreign university.

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Cambodia medicines sold without recipe And many locals put diagnoses themselves that is not good. Two main and most authoritative pharmacies in the city - U-Care and Pharmacie de la Gare on monivong blvd. Prices in other pharmacies may be lower, but there are doubts about the quality of drugs.

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If self-diagnosis failed, you can go to Dr. Gavin Scottu , British doctor who works in the clinic Traveler's Medical Clinic (at 88, St. 108, District Wat PhNO). Dr. Scott specializes in tropical diseases and STDs. Consultation from the doctor is worth $ 50, laboratory tests. Also recommend the clinic "SOS" On the street 51 (161 houses), an internationally accredited clinic that offers 24-hour medical care. A visit to a foreign doctor in "SOS" costs $ 80, which is quite expensive. Local doctors work in SOS, on which foreign tourists sometimes complain, so be careful.

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Visit the gynecologist Dr. Galina "Naga Clinic" (at # 11 Street 254) for $ 30 per visit.

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You can also pass tests in Pasteur Institute. On Monivong, which is considered the only reliable independent laboratory in the city.

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