What are the interesting places worth visiting in Mandala?


Most travelers hastily run through Mandalay within, let's say, a weekly tour of Myanmar. It is unfair and wrong - too much here is a lot of beautiful, in this city with a millionth population. Highlight the city in Myanmar at least two to three days, to get not only a history lesson, to absorb the atmosphere, and also make awesome beautiful photos that you can brag about friends endlessly before the arrival. Therefore, I present you the top of the best places where you can admire with beautiful species, and you have beautiful photos.

Bridge Ubien.

The picture of this wooden bridge often flashes on the Internet. And more popular photographers simply adore him to imprint. This is, by the way, the world's longest bridge from Tika (tree of such)! And he is old: he has been almost 120 years old. And he is guarded by the police, because anything happens, especially after the bridge has become such a popular attraction.

What are the interesting places worth visiting in Mandala? 19806_1

Walk through the bridge - the experience of exciting, especially when you go on the bridge is not alone, and the junks are lightly staggering. In some parts of the bridge (in many, in fact), there are no handrails, somewhere the boards are nailed, but do not worry: the main parts of the design are fixed by cement. The bridge connects the Amarapur (or Amayapua) with a small villa cross, crossing the lake of the tounding (the length of the bridge is about 1.2 km). Amayapuy is a city in the Mandalay area, in fact, its area is approximately 11 km from the city center. Why is this place so beautiful? Well, firstly, the very fact that the bridge is wooden and so long impressive. Secondly, every day the local residents of the suburban zone and the monks are quietly coming quietly, and they are very photogenic. It is better to come to this bridge two hours before the sunset: these minutes with the spilled golden light will bring an impressive game of light and shadow. The sunset itself is also, of course, beautifully, but it is precisely pre-ordered minutes - even more beautiful.To make the most beautiful photos, rent a boat (for example, for 6000-10,000 kyat, depending on the season, as well as the number of people on the boat). You can rent a boat at the entrance to the bridge or in its midpoint, which allows you to first like on the bridge, and then take the boat.

Ask the boatman to browse you by the most "photographic hot points" on each side of the bridge (but explain clearer). By the way, different times of the year are different levels of water in the lake. From January to June, there is little water in the lake, but the water is still enough water to hire a boat. Sometimes the lake can dry completely, which allows you to wander under the bridge, along the paths between small sowing of local farmers who do not lose the chance to use the richness of the soil of the lake bottom.

What are the interesting places worth visiting in Mandala? 19806_2

From July to December, water in the lake is high, it sometimes pulls out to the pedestrian part of the bridge, and sometimes even floods the whole bridge. At this time, romantic reflections of bridge pillars on the water are reduced, but the water type is right under his feet plus a reflection of water clouds and a large number of boats is also very beautiful. After sunset, you should not leave immediately: Stay to admire even deeper colors and silhouettes of people, bicycles and monks.

What are the interesting places worth visiting in Mandala? 19806_3

Mandalay Hill

You can admire panoramic views on Mandalay from the Mandalay Hill. Types of truth Ossfed: zigzags rivers, pagodas, city buildings - of course, this place has become one of the most popular among photographers. Unlike the bridge, the Ubeain, here, of course, also probably have to stand side by side with other photographers or simple admiring tourists, but at least they can although not to get into the frame.

What are the interesting places worth visiting in Mandala? 19806_4

At noon, the people on the hill are less, but more often, species are not so clear and clear due to foggy weather. It is better to come to Mandalay Hill in pre-orders. For example, starting your 30-45 minutes to reach the top at the time of sunset. It will take you can start walking to the hill of 40 minutes before sunset. And at the same time, it can be admired on the way, as the last rays of the sun play in the branches of trees, what long shadows are obtained from these trees - a real natural mosaic! In any case, the camera will have to pay (about 2000 kyat).

Market Ze Cho (or Market ZEGYO)

A large vegetable market to the west of the center Mandalay is another interesting place. People, fruits, vegetables, fish and spices - everything is mixed in one dance; Small market streets offer a variety of surprises, the alley sit down to look under the colorful canopies. Morning is the best time to go on the market, the midday sun brings heat and sharp contrasts, and in the evening a lot has already been bored, and it becomes not so interesting, but still colorful.

What are the interesting places worth visiting in Mandala? 19806_5

What are the interesting places worth visiting in Mandala? 19806_6

What are the interesting places worth visiting in Mandala? 19806_7

If the countryside is what you like, the ancient cities and villages that are surrounded by Mandalay may become interesting directions for daytime travel.

Ava (Inva)

Locals ride Ava mainly on horses harnessed carts. This is the main type of transport, besides, the most ancient. Two people can fit in the cart, and ride on this miracle costs about 5,000 kyat (for one and a half or two hours). Tourists are offered a standard tour that includes some insanely beautiful landscapes and local attractions, such as a tick-tree monastery with a narrow darling road leading to the door of the building. The monastery is in an amazingly beautiful surroundings of rice fields, flowers and seasonal crops, and the pagodas can be seen away. It is best to go to a similar mini-trip in the morning (in order to avoid unscrewing heat and other cart on the roads - you don't want to see the "other Mandalay"). However, at any time of the day there are cyclists on the roads - there is nothing to do anything, alas!

What are the interesting places worth visiting in Mandala? 19806_8

Sagin Hill

This "mini-baagan" from the oldest cities is located off the coast of the Iruvadi River, which takes place next to the mandala. By the way, Mandalay is located in a nest of a nest between a number of hills, destroyed by small temples, well, and from the tops of these small mountains, decent views of the city and the surroundings are opened. If you explore the beauty of the country within the bus tour, then most likely the guides will take you to this hill, more precisely, to his foot, and then you have to go up the stairs. On a special request, you can go to the cave monastery, which is hidden between the base of the stairs and the top of the hill. There you can see a slim long series of Buddha's figures - interesting and unusual. If you are traveling on a boat to a barbell or traveling for a private boat in the vicinity of the hill, then select as soon as possible and prepare the camera: Immediately after sunrise, an ideal time comes to be scary and successfully taking pictures of the shores and a hill.

What are the interesting places worth visiting in Mandala? 19806_9

Pagoda Kuthodo

Another interesting landmark of the city (and country): the world's largest "book" is located in Mandalay in Podgoda Kuthodo. This book consists of 729 stone "pages" with the text from the Holy Book, each of which is located in its own snow-white stage, known as KYAUKSA GU - in the size of the stupa more meters in the width and almost two meters in height.

What are the interesting places worth visiting in Mandala? 19806_10

Only the most rare monks can read this book, because it has been written in ancient language. The place is definitely impressive! Someone compares the complex with the cemetery - the same peaceful and calm atmosphere reigns there. Doors (by the way, no less beautiful, cut from teak) are open daily from 06:00 to 17:00.

What are the interesting places worth visiting in Mandala? 19806_11

Pagoda Sandamuni

Sandamuni Pagoda, a less large complex of a pagoda on the same street as Kutthodo - the place is much less popular, despite the greater number of sacred pages contained there on stone plates (in Sandamuni 1774 marble plates). Monk Ukhan Ti, who spent most of his life, removing religious structures on Mandalay Hill, participated in the construction of this pagoda in 1913.

What are the interesting places worth visiting in Mandala? 19806_12

Sandamuni Stupa stand is much closer to each other, creating a feeling of overcrowding, cramped, and impressions are even brighter than even from visiting the famous Kuthodo. If you have time to visit the Pagoda Sandamuni, do not undertake it, however, if the time in the edge, and you need to choose between these two religious complexes, then, of course, go for a walk in Kutthodo.

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