Magic Dakar.


In May 2014, I managed to travel the dreams of my whole life, and I did it! After going to Dakar, I did not even assume that the journey would be so rich and interesting. After all, many write that it is worthwhile to beware, keep the bag close to the body and do not look at people in your eyes. I will tell you honestly - all this is nonsense. Good nature, friendliness and hospitality - with what I encountered.

First of all, I would like to celebrate the beaches, they were very clean, at least in Dakar. I did not fundamentally resist on the beaches included in the hotel's territory and went to public. Tourists seem to me quite a lot - mostly travelers from the African continent and the French, but there were others.

On the very first day, I went to the local Popular Park Accrobaobab Adventure, it is possible to climb the baobabs there, descend from Tarzanka and have fun as you can. Apparently, we arrived at the season, which is why there was a large number of tourists, but nevertheless, the photos were excellent, for the surrounding visibility.

Of course, and visited the Gloomy Historical Museum of La Maison Des Esclaves, where in one time the invaders took the slaves for the future selling, a terrible place, but not to visit. It was also possible to see the majority of historical sights: museums, galleries, monuments.

Thanks to two tours (Andaando Travel Tours of Senegal and Nouvelles Frontieres Day Tours), which we followed, managed to see a lot. For example, to resemble in local markets and taste food in establishments. Visit the famous Pink Lake, and, of course, a trip ride on camels. I will say, honestly, it was a much steeper ride in the Egyptian deserts, first, people are smaller, secondly, more attention from the guide and flavor!

And we managed to play surfing, unfortunately, the weather was already too calm and steep waves were not waiting, but at least something! Take a board or aqualung for rent in Dakar without any problems. In Dakar, I did not encounter problems at all, so I advise all the active rest, and not listen to stereotypes.

Magic Dakar. 19802_1

Magic Dakar. 19802_2

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