What to take with you on the summer alloy on the bottom of the day?


Yes, not every tourist finds not the fact that the kayak is even a sleeping bag. But this is not scary - recently, travel agencies that offer their customers alloys and rafting in Ukraine began to be increasingly popular (good, there is where to melted). Of course, rafting is not pleasure for everyone, since it fits into the close frame (April-May, when water comes from the Carpathian mountains, forcing the local rivers to run faster), and it is cold even in the late spring for wet villas. But you can go on alloy in summer. Although, of course, this rest has its own nuances. I want to tell about them so that all subsequent kayakers go to the campaign of all ... and did not repeat my mistakes.

What to take with you on the summer alloy on the bottom of the day? 19256_1

Footwear. Often in travel agencies are advised to shove on the alloy in sneakers or sneakers. But remember: I'll have to sit in the kayak, moving to your knees. So, having shutting up in sneakers, row it is necessary or in wet shoes, or barefoot, while driving your sneakers, which is uncomfortable. But rubber slippers are not the best option on the alloy, they can easily slip off their legs and "escape" for the flow. So the most convenient option is crocks or their bazaar fake "brothers", as well as aquasuis. The only drawback their disadvantage - in crocses inconveniently climbing the mountains (and in the Dniester Canyon and the mountains, and the panoramas will be enough). But take sneakers too - let them lie in a backpack. Freshing for the day, in the evening you will be very happy.

What to take with you on the summer alloy on the bottom of the day? 19256_2

Clothing. Love cotton? I advise you to change it for a while. The best alloy clothes are shorts from synthetic fiber. Hovering them when landing, you dry them right on the body in 15 minutes. Well, and the T-shirt can be cotton. Girls are best to wear bodies - a T-shirt or T-shirt, which are fastened in the groin. Such a thing will protect the back from the wind. Or even take a swimsuit at all if it's warm and does not blow. But the sports suit do not forget - suddenly grows, or mosquitoes will attack in the evening?

Gloves. You also row a few days, you can easily graze corners! It is not necessary to spend money on the expensive biker model - it can be found in the store of household goods knitted gloves with rubber "crap", they do not hide hands and protect against corns. And for insurance and corn plaster you can grab.

Headdress . Yes! Moreover, it should be a cap with a long visor, at the worst Panama with fields. Shoot, bandana and the like do not fit, as the main task of the head remove on the alloy is to protect your face from burning. Sun glasses are also needed.

Sunscreen. And this is generally Mast Heavy, even if you have a dark skin and you just returned from the sea. For the only day on the kayak you can seriously burn. In addition, hygienic lipstick will not hurt.

Waterproof package on the shoela . Many do not take a camera with them, they are afraid to drown - but I want to be photographed on the kayak, and you won't keep the phone in your pocket ... The waterproof package is very useful. In it, the phone (and maybe even a compact fotik) will be a day safe. By the way, you can hide in the same way and money with documents. If such a package seems to be exorbitantly expensive to you, buy a package for freezing products, take it, tie it up with a cord from the sneakers ... Ready.

What to take with you on the summer alloy on the bottom of the day? 19256_3

Means against mosquitoes . It is advisable to take, but not the fact that they need.

Plastic raincoat (You can cheapest). Even if the weather forecasters do not promise rain, it is better to take this thing - it is not enough ... Besides, such a raincoat in windy weather will serve the Sails service - only the wind was passing. Keep it in two hands, or stretch the oars in the sleeve. Thus, you can quickly turn your kayak in the yacht.

What to take with you on the summer alloy on the bottom of the day? 19256_4

Inflatable pillow - will help both on the road and in the tent, because the sleeping bags are not equipped with pillows, and after sleeping in them, the neck of many tourists resemble a chess horse neck. The inflatable cushion is a penny, there is nothing in the backpack, and the benefit is the car.

Warm sleeping bag. I'm serious. Even if the organizers of the trip provide sleeping bags, in the summer it is usually thin rags. Do you like warmth and at home you have a bag with an index -18 degree? Then he does not hurt! It is better to sleep, completely unpacked and opened than to freeze in rainy weather ...

What to take with you on the summer alloy on the bottom of the day? 19256_5

Thermos - not an excess thing. It will easily fall on the bottom of the kayak - and on top of the catamaran can be placed. And in general, water on the water is very necessary. Do not go without a bottle of mineral water!

Guitar? Why not! Especially - if your travel agency provides a bus that will take your fuck on the shore. In the afternoon, his hands will be occupied by the paddle, but in the evening, stronger on the joy of an honest company.

Anesthetic type Ibufen . If you overdo it with rowing, and in the evening your usual hand only to the office mouse will get out of fatigue, this wonderful tablet will help to take pain and sleep.

Special products - If you hold a certain diet. For example, you do not drink black tea and coffee - in advance ask the organizer about the future trip menu. If he does not plan to buy a bundle of green tea, you will need to take a favorite drink with you.

What to take with you on the summer alloy on the bottom of the day? 19256_6

Flag . For example, a cheerful Roger. Why not?

And elementary things : Dishes (spoon, plate and cup, the latter is better from plastic), spare warm things, toothpaste and brush, towel ... and some kind of elegant clothes, especially for girls. If, after alloy, you will visit some kind of city or a crowded landmark (for example, Jurovsky Waterfall), you will be inconvenient to be there in the things proceeded near the fire. And then take a flashlight if there is. And of course, saving, that is, toilet paper.

Do not take with you:

Vodka and other alcohol for drinking on the water is really fraught with (he herself saw how the jaw did not resist her legs and very seriously damaged his head about the stones). To drink something with new friends in the evening - it is possible, but not in the morning and not in the afternoon!

Cigarettes on kayaks. Smoking can only be smoking.

Little children. Rust all day, passing to the shore only during the dinner snack, they just get tired ...

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